//------------------------------// // (23) Life: Reunion // Story: The nature of the beast. // by Kintra //------------------------------// We eventually made it to the room where Be and Thorn were staying; the girls all got comfortable around the room while I set Thorn into her bed. Listening to her mumble something about “Twenty bits a buck-ride.” I did not question it. After that I looked at the room a little more, one window one bed the door was opposite the bed and in the middle of the room was a single table (With chairs!) Which the girls were now all sitting around, it was pretty simple. But I supposed it wasn’t for long term stays. I went and sat across from Twilight who was currently staring at Be, who was hitting on rainbow dash. Who was blushing…Profusely. “Alright Be, knock it off. Dash is sensitive!” I laughed, I couldn’t help it. She laughed as well twilight looked lost, and Rainbow was trying to bury her head after being called something along the lines of “moist rainbow Sorbet.” And another innuendo about ice cream. No mention of spoons though, which to be honest made me blush a bit too. “Aw come on Eclipse, We haven’t seen each other in like what, A week? Two? Thorn and I traveled all the way out here just to see you and your gonna tell me to stop picking on your new friends? For shame!” We just laughed more. “Yes, yes I am, because if anyone is going to enjoy a rainbow flavored desert my good madam! It shall be me!” I stood striking a pose as rainbow tried burying herself under her wings. After the initial insults and tomfoolery. I stood and walked over to Be, I don’t care if her mare friends asleep I picked her butt up and hugged her, Thankfully It wasn’t one sided. “I missed you Eclipse, the castle felt real empty after you left.” I nodded. Was all I could do... “I know Be, I’m so sorry I didn’t say good bye... You and Thorn were…Comforting each other.” I felt the fluffy lady in my arms get really warm. “Yea… that’s right.” I set her back down and took my seat again. Twilight looked like she was almost in tears. “That’s so beautiful! My friends never loved me that way!” I laughed. “You also haven’t moved away from your friends Twi.” Suddenly she was sober. “Oh…Right. So dash? What do you think of miss, bulls eye? Was it?” Be nodded and smiled. “That’s right, Bulls-eye solidheart at your service. Number one archer in scout academy four years running and currently the only scout to retire.” Retire? “Retire?” Twilight voiced my thoughts. “Yes ma’am, my meeting Eclipse brought me to the realization of just how dangerous everything was. He was moved to Canterlot when he was injured and I followed him, mostly because I didn’t have many friends. When I got there I found thorn was waiting for his return, we ended up talking about nothing but Eclipse here for almost three days, then we started talking about each other” A voice came from the bed. “And we just fell in love.” She still sounded, tired. Almost ill. Big surprise. “Eclipse?” I stood and walked over to thorn. She just stared at me a moment before sitting up and kissing me on the cheek. “Hey...” I just smiled as she started to tear up... here I thought brew was the one who needed me… I scooted onto the bed and picked up Thorn I just hugged her till she fell asleep. The room was small so I could still hear the conversations. “Your just gonna let him hug up on your mare friend?” Dash trying to start stuff? “Hell yes I am. To be honest I don’t think she can handle not being around him, I missed the hell out of him too. Just something about Eclipse makes you feel….” She couldn’t think of the word, But Twilight and Dash both finished at the same time for her. “Safe...” I didn’t bother thinking about it. I just wanted to cuddle the maid. And so I did. “But you’re not worried she will try anything with him?” Be laughed at this. “Dash honey, If Thorn tried anything with Eclipse? I would be there helping.” Both dash and I blushed. Thankfully my face was hidden in thorns mane. She still smelled like grass. I missed that smell though…It was just…Sweeter. Next to question was twilight “You mean you feel for Eclipse in…That way?” That way, I understood. “Sure, don’t you? I’m pretty sure every mare that boy has met has wanted to try something.” Both the girls were blushing. This conversation could not get more awesome, I love you Be! “Well I mean he isn’t a pony. That’s just so…” She let it hang, and Be didn’t miss a beat. “So? I’ve met mares dating diamond dogs, griffons, hell one time I met a stallion who had a thing for a dragon.” I think we were all caught a little of guard at the last one. “A Dragon!?” Oh dash, you’re so subtle. “Yup. He lived in her cave and every night would go home to be with her, I met her once as well, Pretty blue dragon with the name Azul. I was lucky enough that she didn’t eat me when I asked them about sex, they both agreed the sex wasn’t important, and they also agreed that if children were to be had, they would both seek out a proper dragon to give the gift of seed.” She is BLUNT. Twilight was looking at me now; I just lifted my head and smiled at her. She blushed and looked away, no good, this conversations gonna make my life awkward I know it. “So while sure It may be a little weird if you were to try something with Eclipse, at least you know he would never cheat, If there is one thing that boy is? It’s faithful. Did you know that while he was in a coma he kept asking if I was alright? He was in a freaking COMA and worried about me. To be honest, I’ve never felt much connection to males, but if I had? I would want it to be either a pony like Eclipse, or Eclipse himself.” Do they think I can’t hear them? “So…You like eclipse then?” be just laughed. “If that’s what this conversation is going to boil down to? Like or dislike? Then yes. I love eclipse. I don’t just like him.” URGHHH MANLY TEARS! The conversations watered down until eventually it came to the point where they were swapping stories about things I did (Or didn’t in a few cases) and I sorta tuned it out. I was holding a drunken mare who I could say I loved as a friend and feel no shame. For me, that was impressive. I still wasn’t sure about the whole human-pony relationships. I mean, there are plenty of fictions out there about them. And shit, I read most of them. I’ll admit I fancied the idea, these ponies weren’t humans, and they wouldn’t hurt you, or yell at you, they would be themselves. And if they didn’t like something? They would tell you. They were always honest… I could say with almost certainty that I loved these girls. Not in the way I think they wanted me too. But maybe someday that could change. For now though? I think thorn is putting me to sleep with body heat… Four hours later I was standing outside my home. I had awoke near midnight and everypony was asleep, I was able to shift thorn back onto the bed by Be and left. I immediately went to see my home, ended up walking to the mayor’s office and stealing a copy of the blueprints. “Let’s see. One, two, three, four, five, six bedrooms? Three toilets and showers, one bath tub, well. Let’s be honest. One swimming pool. Which was to be enchanted with a perma-clean. Which I guess is something like a water filter. But what is this up here? An observatory? Why is it so far off the path…? Huge kitchen, huge living room with two studies… Jesus…They building me a home or a hotel…” After a while I just sort of stared at it. This place was going to be huge. And empty unless I could convince Be and Thorn to stay… Maybe the main six would move in? No that’s stupid… Hmmmm. “You’re doing that thinking thing again. Stop it.” I turned to find a tired Be next to me. “Heh. What’s up be.” She smiled sat and started leaning against me. “You know. I’m positive you heard everything I said.” Shit...It’s too early for this... “Yea… I did.” She nodded. (I felt it.) “So?” Uh... “So what?” “What do you think? Would you like Thorn and myself? We discussed it at great length mind you.” Wow…Really? That’s almost….Hot. Damn me though... Gotta be honest… “Sorry Be. I don’t think I’m ready for that kind of relationship or any kind really. Though I would like you two to move in with me when the house is done.” Subject change! “Wait…I’m sorry, you don’t want to date but you want us living with you?” I laughed damn this girl was just like me. “Pretty much…You down?” I felt her hesitate. Mostly because she was still on my leg and she tensed up a bit for a minute. “You know what… Yea, I’m down.” Sweet. “What I said isn’t going to…Come between us is it Eclipse?” I laughed. “Not in a thousand years. I already love you Be. Just…Not in the way you want me too... Not yet, maybe not ever. But I will always be here for you anyway.” We sat there staring at the building until I laid in the grass staring at the sky. Be took the opportunity to lie at my side. Her head resting on my leechwood, I couldn’t feel her. Made me a bit sad. “You’re always so sad.” Hmm? “You say something Be?” I felt her chest rise and fall steadily. She was already asleep... huh. Hearing things? “Good night Be.” I shut my eyes and welcomed the restful slumber.