//------------------------------// // The Journal, or the life story of a human that became prince. // Story: My Little Transformation, or How I ended up as one of Equestria and Loved The Freindships. // by Sithmaneking //------------------------------// Day 1, or The Day of Changeing Alligencies. “Grarg….” That’s my morning start for nearly 10:00am. The first thing I noticed was the pain in my back. I figured I slept funny, but when I scratched my back as I headed to wash up, I noticed my shoulders were…bigger. They weren’t just bigger; there were wings on my back. “What-? EH?! What in Celestia’s name?!” Normally I speak Equestrian-isims; even in front of family and friends. It’s normal for me to use them, and I figured those that don’t are rotters. I figured that my eyes were not open enough to see, so I got into the shower, washed my hair, which was longer than last night, but I didn’t mind, longer hair is sexy. After the shower, I look at myself with refreshed eyes, and noticed the wings, the mane, and my entire body. I became, which was a dream come true, but a shock as well, a pegasi pony. “What the-, How the-, I need to lie down…” I go lie down and get the computer to fiddle with before I go to my usual classes, not because I wanted to, but I needed to. I log in and post a blog post. “OFBG! (“Oh My Bucking Gods”) I’m a My Little Pony! I need advice on how do live life as one IRL!” I post the message, and then I received a heap full of re-posts and replies. The first was from a crazy vampire kid. “Well, I need help too but you don’t see me complaining. GTG Mom’s yelling at me for hitting the dog in the face.” I looked at the mere absurdity of the vampire’s reply. It had nothing whatsoever to deal with my blessing…or was it a curse? I then had to have breakfast, and merely forgot the time to head to class; I then received a reply from the resident Metal Bending Pony in Ponyville. “How the hell did this happen, and are you going to reblog Wildlestia? I replied with some certainty regarding Wildlestia, and my predicament. “Wildlestia will be reblogged, if I can get to a reblogging capable computer. As for my interesting ailment, I consider it a blessing, not a curse.” I was now looking at the time, and realized that I was late, and headed out for my classes, but then again…I could always claim I came down with the sickness or something. I then, after hours of staying at home with a tired and post-surgery mother in bed, I received another reply from Sithmane’s wife, which was odd, because I noticed since waking up that I was Sithmane! “Stay inside and stay away from dogs. They are the devil!” Since I never liked dogs in the first place, or any other real furry pawed clawed creature that breathed, I decided to give her good thanks and heed her warnings. “Thanks for the tip, and I never really liked dogs, just reptiles and snakes.” Then another reply came awhile I was doing some rather engrossing ask RP’s with my followers on Sithlestia and Wildlestia. “((How can a pony type with hooves? Even if you had a headset, ponies are incapable of human speech, and thus a program like Dragon Naturally Speaking wouldn’t work, and that’s only IF you could manage to launch it. Just stay at home and eat out of the fruit bowl.))” Then another gryphon replied to Zephyr’s reply... “((Ponies CAN type with hooves, just one key at the time. (And that’s assuming we are not talking about unicorns). But other than that… I’d suggest dying, honestly. There is pretty much no way can you survive anyway, unless you’re willing to pretend to be regular pony.))” My reply to both of them was rather long-winded and a bore to most bloggers. "The only reason that I can type and talk is this: I am a pony like Rainbow Dash, a pegasi. Thus, human speech is easy and typing come naturally, since I got wings and can still clop to things while I type. Hold on…I didn’t mean to say…oh cock. Never mind that, but death is not what I had in mind, Vindicar. What I had in mind, however, was using my new personal body, to see if I can get some fillies to ride me good and…god that’ll sound like some-pony’s foal-fiddling confession.” With that In mind, I decided to look at Sithmane’s wife, and realized that her mod, was now dealing with this predicament of being a pony in the world of reality as well. “So…I’m not the only pony around here to become what I’ve been dreaming of, eh? Well…hope Luna, Celestia, or that damned Discord will turn up for real and make my life mean something more than just…I don’t really have a life, but If I did, it would be better with Twilight and the gang in it.” And with that, my first morning, and day as a pony, was just the start of this turn of events, which I deemed "The diary of Thomas "Sithmane" Robertson" Day 2, or The Insanity of a Human Hospital. Well, this ended rather...badly. My mother freaked out when she saw me in my new body, and I tried to calm her down, but as a non-brony, and a elderly human in her late 60's, she rushed me to a hospital to get me, as in my human self, back. The doctors say that my human form is gone, or it's being locked away by "an unknown power". Yeah right, it's being held by magic you dingbats! Humankind cannot, nor do they wish, to know of magic in the scientific world. To them, it is taboo, to even consider, a magical, or religious/spiritual reason behind my "condition". The docs keep me in the hospital, want to run tests, and all that unholy crap they do to lab-rats, but I say "Nay!", although as a pony, it comes out as a "Neigh!". So what does a stallion pegasi do in a "held against his will" sort of thing? He breaks out! So, I set a plan in motion to do that, an become a half-human/pony fugie in America, a fugitive from "Science", oh what a fun thing to be! The first thing was to tear the straps they placed on my hooves, and then break out via some mentally thought out as "Pony/Equestrian Ninjutsu". A doctor came in, asking me the same question of "How are you?" that I had to hear about 15 times before, and when I got his back turned, or when hewalked out, then my straps were torn, the cocky doctor gasped and yelled, and I shut him up with a quick kick in the guts. "Shit, buck, ponyfeathers...sorry mate, but no prodding me anymore for you and your band.", I spoke to the doctor sprawled on the floor. The next thing I knew, some stupid guards and nurses try to calm me down, the latter with words, the former with tazers. Tazers! "Screw all of you, and Luna damn you to hell!", said I, sending the lot screaming for cover as I charged, and even if the tazers hit me, I snorted them off and saw my mother, trying to stop me at the end of the hallways. "Stop, Therit, stop! Can't you see? These people are helping you!", she pleaded to me. "They are 'helping' me, by prodding me and useing me like a lab experiment" I snort, hearing the sounds of a chase behind me. "But son-" "Neigh, mother. No son am I, if my own kin decides that I am nothing but a money horse to you." It felt just heart-wrenching, to talk down like this to my own mother, but then again, she did sell me for science. "You are nothing but a greed-driven foal, who needs her son to do anything she asks, but not anymore." I decide that this was enough, I needed to find the portal, if there was one, to Equestria. The last thing I did to escape was kiss my mother farewell, and then wing chop her nerve endings in her neck, so she passed out, and then crashed through someone's window, and took off, still hopping from roof-to-roof, before I found the way to fly, heading east towards the city of nations, Washington D.C. After what felt like hours, avoiding major roads and locations, and other winged veicles or animals. I landed in a dark tunnel, but then flew out again when I see a train almost running me over. Then a jet flies over me, and I could've sworn the pilot was going like "Sonova-!". I then fly south, towards a harbor, and find a place to lie low. Great, Therit, just great. I think to myself. You are the most wanted stallion on earth, and you can't go back home, because you are a freak to your ow family! GARGH! What the buck is the matter with you?! With a guilt-ridden heart, I try to sleep in an old public house, which was weird that America would have one, and this was good, since this was a good place to lay low for awhile. Hours Later... As was expected, my sleep was disturbed by a noise outside, and when I looked out, the bucking military was all up and down the street where I hid within the old public house. I, was being tracked, and the scientists/doctors that had me somehow considered me a "Threat to science and the nation". Oh boy, are they wrong. The plan was not to fight, but flee from this, just like last time, but now, I see that the river Potomac is ungaurded, but for a reason: Ponies, mostly can't swim! But as a human-turned-pony, swimmig must be a cinch! So I look for a back door, and head for the river. No sooner had I exited, two humans with paintball guns (or where those real blank-shooters?), spotted me and fired. I avoided them and with a leap of faith, I jumped and dove into the blistering cold water. Nearly an hour later, I found myself on the shore, wanting to rest. Day 3, or The Road to Equestria Opens. Wake up, my little pony. Eh, snort, whusszuh? It is time to come home. Who speaks? If I'm dreaming- You dream a good dream, Sithmane. And might I say, I feel quite flattered that you think of me that way. Luna? Is that you? Yes my dear Sithmane, it is I. What are doing in my dreams? I heard your fears, and have come to lead you home. Home? But I know my way home. Not your old human home, Sithmane, but your new home here. You mean, you want to guide me to Equestria? Yes. But, I am a human, that was changed into a pony! What good am I, in the world of my dreams? You will find your answer, when you find the portal. Where is it? Under the busy streets of Manehatten, lies the hole of rebuilding. There, you will find the portal. "Hole of rebuilding"? "Manehatten"? Wait...you mean New York! You humans call it that, yes. Then...what of my life here? Consider it dead, Sithmane. Untill you find your freindship, you cannot return. I doubt, my princess, that I won't ever come back to Earth. That is your choice. I await you, in Equestria. I wake with a start from this weird dream. "Wait! What abou-!" Realizing that I was still in the woods near Washington's Maryland side, I sighed and left, but now I had somewhere to go: New York/Manehatten. The problem now was, how to get there. Sure as a human, getting there was as easy as taking a train or plane, but now, what the buck could I do? The military will sure to be looking at cars, airports, and trains for a Black and Red Striped Pegasi, but there were other ways to get to Manhatten, the bus, or hitchhike on the wing of a plane or the side of trains. Since I was a pegasi, the world was practically my oyster! "Alright," I say proudly. "Time to fly!" I look around, and realize that I was near the major roadways of the beltway, and I-95, so why not fly there? Sure everyone will newscast about a flying pony, but who gives a happy about it? The next truck I see, I fly to catch, and land on it's roof. The surface is slick, but I stay on and wait to see if it went northwards. It kept on past the I-95 to Baltimore, amd I find a stagecoach to New York. perfect! I latch to that one and I notice another pony, or was it a...Changeling! The changeling hisses at me and shouts at me. "My bus, go away!" "But I only wish to travel to New York, not fight!" "Fine, then no bother me." With that I find the emergency exit and see that it was opened, and other changelings were inside it. This was a scavanging party, and they hissed, but never bothered me. Great. The only thing that I can ride with no problems, is a bus full of changeling migrants. Day 4: Part 1, or The Journey Home New York, or more known as "The Big Apple", Manehatten, or just the "City that Never Sleeps". Nevertheless, I was here. No...not Thomas the Human, but as Sithmane, the Equestrian. Manhatten- No, Manehatten, was now going to be, the new entryway to a new home, a new life, and no human doctor was going to stop me. Whoever did, would suffer, but not by blood, just bruises and little disorientations. A warren of fools and tricksters, full of greed and lust. Fools, Celestia and Luna, will cleanse this world! My thoughts, what crude, warlike thoughts. Then I realized, that was my cutie mark's meaning, to be some sort of war stallion, a general, but for whom? Was it my destiny to be Celestia's General, or Luna's? No matter, the portal had to be found, and urban places were, the best places to hide. The first place I looked, was the most obvious, the old WTC hole, the hole that every sodding human wept at because of war. Now, the hole was empty, save for me. I felt a voice call to me, an old, hated foe, as well as the voice of my goddess, Princess Luna. You are weak, and my little boy~ Sithmane, do not listien to to your past. You will be mine, always and forever. You foal, I am not the human you are thinking I am, father. I am Sithmane, lord of your nightmares and war. You are- Never again, yours! Sithmane, you have taken the first step to your new life. I knew my goal, but there was a human, that deserved my wrath. My own father, the hated destroyer of my childhood. He used me. And now, I will use him. "So, the fate of the world is not yours anymore. And now, my hated father, your time is over." My mission for the portal is delayed, but my quest for vengance, now was realized. Sithmane, don't follow that thought, it will lose you into your demon side. You are our next leader, and a demon now resides in you. Luna? What do you mean by a demon in me? Did it change me? No, but you mentally changed yourself. No longer are you the scared human, but now, you are a royal of Canterlot. Dreadwing is within you, just like Nightmare Moon is within me. So, if I go and seek vengence against my father, it..."Dreadwing", will consume my mind? Much like Nightmare did mine, Sithmane. My mind cleared, but knowing that a demon, something stellar, cosmic, was in me, but then again, my father hurt me, but then again, my new life should be pure. I decide to head for wherever the portal lied, and afterwards I found it, within the tubes under the Hudson River, and this portal, only opened during the night, just like Luna's own moon. "Well Earth, so long. And damn you to that "God" you humans worship". With a grin, I take my step through the portal to home. My new home, Ponyville. The portal felt like the very sort from Stargate, a sci-fi show from Earth, so in fairness, was I going from planet to planet, or was this dimentional? Day 4: Part 2, or The Entry to Equestria and the First Test "Urrrgh..." I felt sick, and then realized that it was the world that looked sick. Then, I noticed, I was so not in Kansas anymore. In fact, my wings were feeling wind along them...so I was falling, and quickly. And so, I expended my wings, and flew. Lighter? Is that what I feel like? Lighter? This new sensation, the weightlessness, is so wonderful, full of light and peace. Is this Equestria's gift to bronies? To me? Out in the sky, lay what I thought might be my new ticket to greatness, Cloudsdale; but then, Ponyville came to my view, and I saw smoke...smoke of war. "What in Luna's name?" I spoke aloud. Sithmane?", a voice called. "Is that you?" I turn and see Luna, the goddess that I love, was greeting me, here in the new, new world that I now live. "P-Princess Luna?" "Yes, Sithmane Bloodvold, I am she-" "Who brings the stars and the moon, and the love that bring us all together-" "And together, we will win this great war." Luna finished. "You are our next savior, Sithmane. Save us, or we all are doomed." I look perplexed, seeing the smoke, thinking what madness was this? Why is there smoke, war, and death? "What must I do"? "Help us, and save us, your nation, your new home, and become our savior.", Luna exclamed looking blessed, and yet, also wishful, looking at me with eyes wanting for a miracle. "To you, and my new home, I shall fight. For Equestria will become, a New Lunar Republic!" I follow Luna to her tower, and see what I am meant to do, to lead a army, for Luna. I get several swords, for as a human, I had the know-how on sword combat. And then, I took two guns, pistols by their feel, and grinned. "First things first, show me the next phase of attack." Read my first novel to read the original history to Sithmane and the War.