//------------------------------// // Chapter : 5 Killer House Party // Story: Mystery in Equestria // by EndlessKnight980 //------------------------------// “We’re Invited?” Kindle Ask confuse. The Massager pony was standing there. Just as confuse as Kindle. “Sir. I don’t know what going on. All I know is that your invited to the party at Solar manor.” he said. “But you don’t know anyone in Solar manor.” Fireball chime in. She stood there her in pajama. Tooth brush hanging from her mouth. Her mane a mess. “I don’t know sir. But I’m just the massager and I have more house to get to today.” he said walking off. He close the door and look at the invite. “What it say?” she ask. Her tooth brush hanging from her mouth. He look at the invite and read it out loud. “Dear Mr. Kindle Wood and Fireball. I would like to invite you two and a guest to attend a celebration in your honors at Solar manor on the 5th of June at 8 o clock at night. This is a black tie even. So please dress apply. There will be food and drinks for all. Then there insurgent on how to get there. And it sign. Your host. A p.s after it with Plus one.” he said. He finish. “That it?” she ask. “It on table card stock. From the desk of Solar Manor. But no name for our hosts. Odd.” he said. “Well. We better get ready. I’m going to the salon and then to rarity for a new dress.” she said final pulling the tooth brush out of her mouth. “Yes and I suppose I will have to get a proper suit. At lest I have the black tie cover.” he said. “Do you know were this place is? She ask walking into her room. “It a little way outside ponyville.” he said looking for his bow tie. “We’ll have to rent a cartage.” “That sound fun. You lucky tho. If we didn’t solve our last case we couldn’t afford to go.” she yell out. “Yes it seem we’re getting good at this. But were in equestria is my tie.” he said. Dumping the dirty cloth out. “I found it.” she said walking out of her room. She pass it to him. “Why was it in there?” he ask. Smelling it. It smell like flowers. Witch was very odd. “I don’t know. It was just on the floor.” She said her back to him. “That Plus one. Do you think they mean me or can we each bring a guest?” she ask. He look down at the invite. “I guess we both can bring a guess.” he said. “Then who are you bringing?” she ask. He stood there. He didn’t know who to bring. He didn’t have friends other then Fireball. The inspector may have a fun time. “I don’t know. The inspector may have fun.” he said. “The inspector. Do you want pony to think you gay.” she said. “What about zecora?” she said. He picture her coming into a party wearing next to nothing. “I’ll check with her and meet you back here at six. Don’t worry about the cartage. I’ll handle everything.” he said walking to the door. “Wait how are you bringing?” he ask in the doorway. ----------(Solar Manor)-------------- Kindle step out of the cartage. In a full black suit and tie. He fiddle with it. Rarity had given him a new tie. It was chocking him a bit. He didn’t like it. It was to new. “Stop messing with it.” Fireball said stepping out of the cartage. She was wearing a dark blue dress. Her hair was nice and nit. She look rather stoning. But the pony she was with even more stoning. A Purple Unicorn in a smocking hot dress. It fit her body in all the right ways. They walk past. He sigh and look to the cartage door. A Gray Pegasus in a junky brown suit step out. Zecora told him she was busy tonight. So the inspector was his only other option. Well not really. But her wasn’t going with Pinky Pie. She drove him crazy. “My word Kindle. This is Que the places. We’re not in ponyville anymore.” Gray said looking at the large manor. Kindle look up. He figure there hade to be at lest 100 rooms. If not more. But the inspector was right. They were far from ponyville. It had taken them over an hour to get here. The sky look dark over head. The clouds were moving in. “Come on Kindle. Let get going. There a lot of hot mares here.” he said. Kindle smile. The inspector was once again single. It seem the death of his daughter didn’t patch things up between him and his exwife. He sigh and follow the three eager pony’s. They reach the door. He reach out to knock but the door open before he could. A red earth pony stood there in a full black suit. He black mane matching it. “Welcome to Solar Manor. I’m Alfred the butler. The rest of the guest are here. Please follow me to the ballroom.” he said. The did as he said and follow. There was a lot of old things in the house. Very clean but still old. They stop in front of two large doors. “If I may have your invite sir.” he ask Kindle for the invite. He quickly pass it to him. He open the doors “Announcing Sir Kindle Wood and Lady Fireball of Ponyville.” he yell. They walk into a room with ten other pony’s. The butler walk over to the bar. There was a table with food and drinks at one end of the hall. Stage with mescal interments but no players. “Mr. Kindle. I been so long.” A Green earth pony walk up to him. He was confuse. He didn’t know him. “Do I know you?” he ask. As the inspector went to the bar. “It me harden steel. I guarded you in the castle.” he said. “Sorry I don’t remember you.” he told him. “It ok. I only guarded you for a week.” he said laughing. “So how you’ve been since you got out?” he ask. “Good.” he said trying to look for a reason to leave. “How are you?” he ask. “O I’m great. My aunt did and I inherit a fortune.” he said. “Then this is your home?” he ask. “No. I receive an invite here in my honor.” he said. He thought about it. “Odd. Mine said the same thing.” he told him. “This party for me.” a black Mare walk up. “And you are?” steel ask. “I am the madam Finn. Owner of Finn fishery.” she said. “That odd. My invite said that I was the guest of honor.” another pony said. Pretty soon the room had groups in an arguments. Kindle walk over to Fireball and her friend. Who name he had yet to get. “What do you make of all this?” he ask them. “It would seem that everyone got the same invite.” The Purple Unicorn said. “Yes. But why miss.” he said. “Rose. And I think we’re about to find out.” she said pointing to the door. A white Unicorn with a black mane stood in the door way. He was wearing a red suit with a blue tie. The butler ran over. “Announcing Lord and master of Solar Manor. Your host. Jarvis Solar” he said. Some pony’s gasp. Rose being one of them. “What the deal with him?” he ask her. “He a lord of the sun family. Said to be related to Celestia herself.” she said. This started to make him think. This had something to do with Celestia. If so. He plan to leave in a hurry. But then again this Jarvis Solar was an odd pony. He watch as Jarvis took a deep breath. “HELLO MY HONOR GUESTS. I WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME YOU TO MY HOME. TONIGHT WE CELEBRATE YOU ALL.” He said in the royal canterlot voice. Kindle cringe a little. He had always hated that. He watch as Steel and Miss Finn walk up to him. “I’m sorry to ask. But why have you invited us all here? He ask. “Yes and why are you celebrating us all.” she ask. Jarvis smile. “It very simple really. I pick your names out of random.” he smile. The room fill with Calder. Kindle rase an eye brow. There was more to it then that. He knew that if he was picking pony’s from random. Then he couldn’t very well be pick. There was something else but he couldn’t place his hove on it. “I’m not buying this.” he whisper to Fireball and rose. “Right. Your always suspicious of everything. Just kick back and enjoy the party.” Fireball told him. They walk away as a band enter the room and started to play. He saw the DJ pony in a delightful dress. He cocked his head at the sight of this. Then he saw her roommate sit down at the cello. He remember the violin. He rub his head. Fireball had knock him out. The DJ pony walk over to the bar and set down next to the inspector. He watch as the two started to have a drinking game. He rolled his eyes. That not going to end well. “Ah. Mr. Kindle Wood. Glad you could make it.” Jarvis said walking up to him. He had a rock in his gut. He didn’t care much for this pony. But her put on a smile. “Yes. It seem like a good way to get out of the house. It seem like it be fun.” he said. Jarvis laugh. He watch as the odd pony laugh for a few minute until he finally stop. “So then. I bet your wondering why you were invited.” he said. This pike his interest. “You mean my name wasn’t pick at random?” he ask. Celebrating in his head that he was right. “Come now. We don’t need to play these little games. I know you better then that.” he said. “Really now?” he said. “Yes. You see. I’ve been watching you since I read a story on you in one of the ponyville papers. The story told about your asset in catching those horrible slasher pony’s. ” he said. Kindle look at him. He seem to almost be enthraled with him. “You really are an odd one. But it wasn’t wearing a dress and using yourself as bait.” he continue. Throwing his legs in the air. “But what really interest me. Was how you survive the attack.” he said with a wink. Kindle stood there a little confuse. He wonder were he was going with this. “So I’ve been doing some reading lately. On you.” he said. “Me? I’m flatter.” he said. “Yes. You. I found a something odd. Did you know. A 1000 years ago there was a pony by your name working under Celestia herself.” he said getting closer to him. “Really. I had no idea.” he lie. “Yes. Mr. Kindle. After learning that. I try to follow your family tree. But it seem to just stop.” said with a wink. “That when I came across a little story. It told of a trader. That help Princess Luna escape imprisonment. Even if only for a short time. Then a he reappeared again. When Discord was attacking. It seem odd. Until I found out the name of that pony.” he said with a big smile. Kindle let him continue. Wondering how much he really know and what he wanted. “Now. We both know his name. Now don’t need any other pony’s knowing. But I do wonder. Are there any bad effects?” he ask. “Well that is a great story. But I’m Alfred your mistaken. I did enjoy learning about my family past. See as my family always name the first born after himself.” he said with hopes of making him think he was wrong. “Now. Now. You can’t fool me. I’ve check my facts.” he said with a smile. “Let say I am this pony your going on about. What would you want from me?” he ask. Jarvis smile. “The same gift Celestia gave you. To love forever.” he said. “I’m alfred your wrong. That doesn’t sound like a gift. More like a curse. Can you imagine watching your love ones growing old until they died.” he said a tear rolling down his face. “That sound wonderful. But I must know. Is there any ill effaces?” he ask. Kindle was done with these games. “Look. I’m am not this pony you believe me to be. My family has always name the first born Kindle Wood. It was done so that we may one day bring honor back to our family name. Now I’ve had enough of this.” he told him and walk over to Fireball. who was sitting down by the dance floor. She look tier. He whisper to her. A loud Bang fill the hall. He felt a great pain in his back. Turn and look behind him. A puff of smoke billow from a short metal tube. “Bar the doors and Window.” Jarvis order. Pony in red uniform enter the room and did as he said. The guest panic and scream. “Quiet I say. QUIET!” he yell. “Know then Mr. Wood. I try to be nice about this. But you’ve force my hove. You will tell me what I want to know. Or I will start to shoot my guest. One by one until I get what I want.” he said aiming the metal tube at him. “Your mad.” he said feeling the pain slip away. “No. I just want your gift for myself.” he laugh. “ Now tell me how she did it.” he said shoving the metal tube in his face. “I have a question for you. Before you shot anyone else.” he said blood pouring out on the floor. “What that?” he ask. “If I am this immortal pony you speak of. Then why I bleed? Why can I feel the pain? Tell me. Does that sound like something an immortal does?” he said in pain. “Your just trying to trick me.” he said. “Then put it to the test. Let everyone go. Then shot me in the head. If I survive then I will give you the answer you want.” he said. “Deal. Guards let the others go.” he order. They unlock the doors and every pony ran out. Save Fireball and rose. “Didn’t you hear me? I said go.” he told them. “We can’t he our friend.” Fireball said. “Find with me. You can wait and see him come back from the dead.” he said aiming the tube down. “Girls. Look away. Please.” Kindle said putting his forehead on the barrel. “Any last words?” he ask. “Just one. Inspector.” he cry out. “Inspector?” he said as a scream eco from behind him. As he turn to shot at him. Kindle quickly grab the tube and aim it up. It fire with a loud bang. He quickly got to his hooves. The inspector crash a full bottle of rum over Jarvis head. Knocking him out. The guard all charge at the group. “Take them out.” The inspector cry out in a drunken manor. Kindle quickly broke the metal tube over the head of on of the guards. He follow up with a twin kick from behind. He saw Fireball wrapping her legs around the neck of one guard and had another in a head lock. Rose seem to be holding her own. He could only guess that she had once been on the royal guard with Fireball. And the poor inspector was swing a broken bottle around. The guard not daring to get close. He look around the room. He saw what he could. He quickly flash his horn. “What happen?” Rose ask. “Everything frozen.” Fireball said as the inspector slip and knock himself out. “Yes. I use the punch bowl and flash freeze the place. It not an easy spell. So you’ll have to forgive me for this.” he said passing out over Fireball shoulder. -------------(hour later)------------ “There you go Mr. Wood. I pull the metal ball out.” The doctor said putting bandaging on his wounds. “Thank you. But could you do use a favor and give the Inspector a sedative.” he said as the drunken inspector gray was watering the flowers with his own water. The doctor nodded and head over with his bag. “Some party.” Fireball said walking over with Rose. “The night wasn’t all bad.” he said untying his tie. “I did learn a thing or two.” he said smiling. “Like what?” She ask. “Let Change the subject shell we rose.” he said with a wink. “You know?” she said in shock. “I figure it out in the fight. But I’ll let you tell her when you get back home. For now our cartage await.” he said walking them over. -------------(Fireball room)---------- “Fireball I need to tell you something. Something very important. I’m a....” Fireball put a hove over her mouth. “I don’t care. I just need to know one thing. Do you love me?” She ask remove her hove from roses mouth. “I do.” she said. “Then that all that matter.” she said kissing Rose. Rose stop her and took a step back. “What wrong?” she ask. “You need to know.” she said. Fireball wait as her mare friend turn into a red changeling. “I’m a changeling.” she said. “I know that.” Fireball said walking over to her. “What? How?” she ask. “When we were messing around you change your mane color. I know right then what you were.” she told her. “Then you don’t care if I’m...” she started but found another hove in her mouth. “All that matter is how I feel about you and how you feel about me.” she said. Rose ran over tackling Fireball onto the bed. She was crying and hugging her. “ I love you so much.” she said looking up at Fireball. “I love you to rose.” she said kissing her mare friend. ----------(Prison transport to main Canterlot)----------- Jarvis sit chain. He grumble on about failing and spending the rest of his days in jail. He look at the door and saw white smoke slowly filling the cabin. He held his breath. He watch as the guards fell one by one. The door open and the cloud flew out. “We both want the same thing. Let help each other.” a deep voice said. As a pair of yellow eyes glow from the darkness. “I think we can come to an agreement.” he said with a smile.