To Find a Past

by Surfusa

The First Memory

Pitch blackness covered the new scene. The empty void was desolate of any existence of anypony or anything until a loud pop emitted from the center. Starting with a small point of white, the void was overcome with a blinding light. From the flash, a red stallion appeared laying down. His deep slumber had not been interrupted by the noise or bright light. Slowly the new world took shape and the horizon turned into a light sky blue with the white surface refusing to follow in turn. Slowly, the environment became detailed with lines and textures as a golden fence phased in across of the stallion.

Awaking on top of a layer of clouds, the stallion froze with disbelieve. He had arrived in what he thought was to be paradise. Rising from his cozy patch, he stated at the gleaming gold archway. He stepped forward to the luminescence gate in front of him, meeting a white alicorn at a wooden podium.

"Welcome, do you wish to enter?"

The stallion stumbled back in disbelief. He had never seen a real living alicorn in person. But as he thought of it, he had never seen anypony before. Throwing out the bizzare though, the stallion stepped towards the podium until he arrived directly in front of the young mare. Her whole body was a pure white with no flaw in her build. Her wings extended up to the size of two strong rock farmers back to front. She had no cutie mark nor any clothing to define her. Her voice was sweet and sincere with no possibility of deception.

"Let us check for your name and we shall determine your right of passage."

She flipped through the leather book in front of her with no sign of stopping. As her eyes darted from page to page. Reaching the end I the book, her smile disappeared and a look of disbelieve took the place of what was once a compassionate face. She reversed direction and worked her way back to the front of the book, reading each and every name looking for an identifying feature. After reaching the cover of the book, she looked up confused.

"This is troubling, I have searched from start to end and cannot find your name. This book has the name of all the good and bad ponies of the world; but you do not seem to exist. Can you tell me your name?"

The stallion confidently nodded his head and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Instead he shut it and brought his hoof up to his chin. Why couldn't remember his name? He stumbled in his mind fighting the possibility, but eventual came to one conclusion. Puzzled, the stallion shook his head. He had forgotten his own name. Not only that, but he had lost his whole identity including information like when he was born or where he was from.

"Oh dear, you do not know?"

With a defeated frown, he nodded.

"Well, I am sorry. I would like to help you, but we wouldn't know what to do with you. I guess you would have to stay out here for the rest of time."

The stallion tried to raise an objection but before he could the mare vanished. Not just her, but the entire podium and gate. He was alone, stuck in the clouds. Slumping to the ground due to his lost chance at paradise, the stallion heard a little voice behind him. Without bothering to get up, he turned his head to see a midnight blue pony who looked fairly young. She looked oddly familiar and could place his hoof onto it until he saw the cutie mark. A white moon engulfed by a black cloud. He stumbled up to his feet, bowing to her majesty of the moon. She spoke softly, but her words echoed in his ears.

"There is no need to bow."

The stallion stood up straight to give his full respect to the new alicorn present in front of him. She chuckled at his over- exaggerated actions.

"No need for formalities. I assume you know that I am Luna, controller of the moon. I came because I felt an odd disturbance with your mental state. Did you suffer a head injury before you fell asleep?"

The stallion stopped to think, but knew it was to no use. He raised his shoulders in answer. Luna continued her questions.

"Can you talk?"

The stallion's lips pursed as he attempted to whistle, but no sound followed. He then tried his luck at saying the word yes, but continued to fail. Eventually his jaw dropped as far it could before the stallion yelled at the top of his lungs; however, it resulted in the same conclusion as the before. He finally shook his head. Luna began to become worried.

"Do you remember anything before falling asleep?"

Knowing the answer and most likely the outcome of his answer, the stallion shook his head and prepared for the worst. Luna turned her back on him, thinking of the possible outcomes.

"It's either that you may have come in contact with a moon worm which slowly turn the mind into dust and host into mush..."

Luna turn around, slapping the stallion with an extended wing. The power of it sent him flying five feet backwards. The majority of the force hit him in the forehead and the pain was unbearable, but quickly left him. He looked back up to see Luna giving a helping hoof. He took it and with her help lifted himself up onto his hooves.

"Sadly, it's not the worm. At least that one is curable. I'm afraid you have gone through a life threatening event, where somehow your head was damage. Although I'm sure your alive no thanks to a brilliant doctor and you'll get your vocal cords back, you have experience a serious case of amnesia. I cannot tell you if you'll ever recover."

The stallion could only imagine the possible life he had before hand. He didn't even know he had taken a hit to the head. Luna began to lift up into the air as the sun began to push its way through the clouds.

"I must leave you for now, but I will return with help from my sister. Please, stay safe and I will help you the next time you sleep."

The stallion watched as the alicorn floated away into the sky above her. As she left his sight, the stallion changed his view to the sun rising. It greeted him with a blinding orange flame as it feasted on the blue horizon.