Love is Un-Used

by Total Hound

Shut. Up.

Chrysalis awoke to the sound of screaming. What a great way to start your day off with.

"Silence! Please, I have a headache." She said, and then proceeded to bury herself even further under the covers. She feels something land on the bed and quickly hide beside her under the covers. Not mere seconds after this thing hides behind her another thing lands on top of her.

"Where is that annoying pest!?" Shell's frazzled voice rings clear through the thin bed sheets. Realizing who this "pest" is, Chrysalis pokes her head out of the covers, making sure to keep the hairless ape out of sight.

"Is there a problem Shell?"

Shell seemed to snap out of his fit when he heard the queen address him. "Oh. G-Good morning your Majesty." Shell bowed , forgetting that he essentially straddling the queen. "How was your night?"

Chrysalis blushed as she realized the position shell was in over her. "I'd be happy to tell you once you get off me."

Shell's eyes widened as he looked down, and realized what position he had taken over his queen. Quickly scrambling to the ground, he composed himself before repeating his question again, "how was you night your Majesty?"

Chrysalis merely giggled as her blush finally left her face, "Quite well Shell. And you don’t have to call me that when we're alone."

"Of course your-...Chrysalis."

"Shell, I had a wonderful thing happen to me last night. And I assure you it's fine. But you mustn't worry about it. Okay?"

Shell thought for a moment before responding, "Might you tell me at breakfast Chrysalis? I was chasing a pest this morning, it's still in the room."

Chrysalis gave a quick glance downwards as she felt something squishy pressing against her chest. "I think I can manage with a pest in the room." She then proceeded to try to get out of bed to stretch her back, only to slump back down into the bed. "It seems all that work last night tired me more than I thought. It seems I'll be in bed for a while, maybe you could fill in for me for a bit?" She asked him.

"Of course Chrysalis. We don't want our new queen to die from exhaustion, you're the last in the royal bloodline." Shell walked to the door, before turning back to Chrysalis with a smile, "Anything else you'd like your majesty?"

Chrysalis merely Giggled at the royal terms, "An extra blanket, and a big platter of assorted foods from each food group, including meat if we have it. And Shell, it's your day off, don't let me boss you around, you can bring me the food and go home to your family."

"I was born and raised in the palace Chrysalis. I have no family other than you....I'll get the food." Shell said, before backing out of the room and closing the door behind him.

She sighed sadly. Poor dear. She thought. Before looking under the covers again, seeing the hairless ape hugging her tightly with a frightened look in its eyes, which only grew more frightened when he saw what exactly he was clinging to, and began to feverishly bury himself deeper under the covers.

"Shhhhh, it's okay, it's okay. You're okay." Chrysalis then realized that her voice was starting to get the multiple sounds to it like her mothers did. It must be some kind of gauge. She thought. Right now it sounded as if two of her were talking, and it was so slight, that she doubted anyone would notice it unless they were looking for it.

The ape looked to her with a confused look, "How you speak?"

Now it was Chrysalis' turn to look confused, "How do you speak? I thought apes were unintelligent?"

The ape giggled, "I not ape silly. I human."

Chrysalis cocked her head to the side, "What on earth is a "human"?" Chrysalis then realized she sounded like she was interrogating the poor thing, "Oh, where are my manners. I'm-" Chrysalis stopped herself before she could say Queen, this thing did not need to fear her, so she simply said, "I'm Chrissy, what's your name?" She slid her hoof towards it on the covers so as not to frighten it any further, and stopped when it was just in front of it.

The little ape looked at her holey foot and wrapped of his front...things, around it, before shaking it gently and letting go again, "I Matthew."

It then smiled a cute little smile. One which Chrysalis gladly returned. This thing did not fear her, and it was a joyful thing, being in the royal family meant that most ponies were kind to her because of her status, and that was that.

"How are you Matthew?" She asked in a soft voice.

"I miss mommy." He said, looking a little downcast, "Could you get me back to mommy?"

Chrysalis sighed, "I'm afraid not Matthew, I don't even know how you got here. Let alone where you came from. Nopony has ever seen anything like you."

"Bu-...No. I want mommy! I want to hug mommy. I want my mommy!" the little thing was starting to cry, so she quickly put up a soundproof spell on the room. Then she hugged it tight.

"Shhhhh, calm down, calm down. " Chrysalis suddenly got an idea, albeit a crazy one. "I know I could never replace her, but I will try my best to be your mommy..." She realized what she just said, and wondered what she had just gotten herself into.

The thing stopped crying, and looked at her with red eyes, "You would be my mommy?"

She simply nodded, biting her lip. Matthew's face lit up with joy when she nodded. And latched onto her with as much force as it could muster, "Oh thank you!" It said, before snuggling up to her with a smile on its face.

Now with time to think to herself. Chrysalis thought something was off with the way he talked, the way he left out words, and how easily he stopped fearing her. "Matthew? How old are you?"

"I four."

Now it made sense, "I see...Are you a stallion or a mare?"

It just gave her a confused look, "What?"

"A male or a female."

Another confused look was her answer. She sighed, "Do you have thingies between your legs?"

It nodded, "Yep."

Chrysalis decided it was time for an English lesson, "Then you're a Male, or Stallion, Matthew. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Chrissy."

"Good. Now how about we-" She was cut off as the doors to her bedroom was opened, revealing a Backwards facing Shell, pulling a large platter full of food. "Here's your food your Majesty." He said, before turning her way, Chrysalis quickly covered Matthew with the blanket before he managed to turn all the way around, "I also managed to get my hooves on some various meats. Oh, and by the way, the subjects all loved your gift."

Chrysalis smiled warmly at the comment, "I'm glad. I'm sorry to have to ask you this, but could you wait outside the room for a few minutes?"

"Of course your Majesty." he said, before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

Sighing, Chrysalis took the covers off her, "Matthew, could you get out of bed?"

"Sure." he said, before doing just that. He turned around to face her, with a smile when Chrysalis noticed a small problem, said problem made her sport a very red blush. Even though Changelings, and Ponies, and any of the other sapient species on Terra walked around naked all the time, seeing another's parts was extremely intimate for all cultures. "Oh my..." She quickly got out of bed, and made her way over to the door, "Stay." She told him, who just nodded.

Chrysalis opened the door a crack and sidled her way out, "Shell."

"Yes, your Majesty?" he asked.

"I might be a little longer than I anticipated, a slight problem has occurred. Could you bring me some scissors a sewing needle, some...I think black fabric will do, and some thread?"

He looked confused but still nodded, "Of course your Majesty. I actually have all that in my saddlebags, which are still in your room. Feel free to take what you need."

Chrysalis smiled a warm smile, "Thank you Shell, you've been so helpful since I've started." She then leaned in and whispered, "Maybe I WILL invite you into my room after visiting hours." She then slipped back into her room and closed the door, leaving a stunned, stammering, blushing Shell standing outside her door.


After making an outfit for cover Matthew. She then put it on him, and admired her handiwork.

The thing itself was two pieces, a top one and a bottom one. The bottom half went to what she assumed was his waist down, to about a half-inch above the floor, the fabric tight on his upper legs, loosening at the knee, and continuing to loosen until it was about a foot wide in diameter at the very bottom. Pants, he had called them. She was trying to make it so he could put them on without squeezing into them, when he suggested something called a belt. It wrapped around his waist over the pants, and was made of the same black fabric, with a few snap buttons with blue pearls on them that she found in Shell's saddle bags to keep it closed. One problem, the pants kept sliding out from under them. Chrysalis came up with the idea to put multiple loops around the top of the pants so the belt would stay there.

The top half covered his top half almost completely, why had she made a top half? He asked, he also asked for these things that he put on underneath his pants. Underwear he called it. When she asked why he wore it, he just shrugged. The top half started at his neck, and went down to just below his waist billowing out like the bottom of his pants. It also covered his whole arm, and had the same layout as the pants. Tight until the first joint, before gradually loosening out.

"You look very nice in that Matthew." Chrysalis said, still admiring her handiwork. Who could blame her? She just made a very nice ensemble for something that had never been seen before, without any sort of pattern.

Matthew blushed at the compliment, "You really think so Chrissy?"

Chrysalis nodded, "I do. I think you'll make a great first impression."

He smiled, "That's good. Can we go meet the others now Chrissy? I'm stuffed."

She was surprised how quickly his speech had improved over the day. He had eaten while Chrysalis had worked, and she was both surprised and thrilled that he was omnivorous. She would have loved to just Lock herself in her room and talk to him for a few more days, but unfortunately she had night court to deal with in a matter of minutes. When Matthew had asked if he could go with her, she gladly said , hoping that some company might help pass the time.

She smiled, "Yes Matthew we can go now." She sat down and folded her legs under her, "Climb on my back."

He struggled a little, but with a touch of magic he was on. Now one more thing she had to do before leaving, "Matthew, in public, would you please refer to me as either Queen Chrysalis, or Chrysalis?"

"Okay..." it took him a second to register the statement fully, and when he did he nearly fell off her again. "You're a Queen!?"

Chrysalis wished she didn't have to say this to him, but she had to uphold an image, "Yes Matthew. And since I'm your Mother now. You are a prince."

"...Am I a charming prince?" he asked with a grin.

Chrysalis couldn’t help but laugh, "Very Charming. Oh and one more thing. My subjects may call you mean things, but please know that they don't mean it. They've just never seen anything like you before, and they tend to overreact a bit."

Matthew shifted his position on her back, "I don't like the fact that they'll be mean to me. But you said they didn't mean it, so I guess I can try to ignore it." He smiled, albeit a bit nervously. "Let's go."