//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: To Find a Past // by Surfusa //------------------------------// A white layer of snow lays in wait as two travelers walked through. A pony with indescribable features and a stallion of a shade of red remained silent as the covered path beckoned them to continue. There was no shrubby nor building with the exception of a large decaying tree in the distance. The pony in front took notice as the stallion ignored it. It did not surprise him nor peak his interest, but rather prove his point nothing could survive out in the flat lands of Equestia. The stallion took a moment to close his eyes, reminding himself of the treasures he was leaving behind him. The fond memories of ponies and adventures flooded his mind as a smile formed on his lips. He open his eyes as a searing pain erupted from his right side. They meet a long blade piecing his body originating from his pony companion. As the red droplets fell to the ground, the violent red stallion stumbled back against a hard dying tree. His head's collision with tree erupted a loud bump enhanced by the hollowness of the tree. The droplets turned into a rain which created a small stream on his right hind leg. The metal blade left only it's name as it retreated to the pony's holster. The sound of gasping gradually slowed to a long exhale as the snow took on its new guest's color. Finally, the pony of the blade spoke. "There is no difference between you and I. We both are..." The pony stopped to correct their self. To use the right words would be the only last kind act the pony could gift to the stallion. "We both were unmovable rocks. But I had to ask, what happens when one of the rocks collides with the other rock?" The dying stallion clenched his teeth as his senses began to succumb to the pain. A strong gush of air planted the words in the stallions ears. The freezing wind only caused greater pain to him. The pony continued with the one sided conversation. "The first rock demolishes the second rock to tinier fragments until either the first rock stops or the second rock turns to dust. If it was not for the possible redemption, I would allow the tide swallow us before my betrayal." With the last truth told, the stallions head lowered. The wind which had relayed the message had developed and began to bombard the stallion. The eyes which had been filled with fire finally burned out and were extinguished. The blood from the wound had slowed down to a sprinkle of frozen tiny emeralds as the world darkened around him. Slumping down besides the dead tree, the snow started to obey the current if the wind and surround its victim. There were no voiced objections as the stallion's story faded with the soul. The pony let the scene transpire in front of him before noticing the nip of frost at his ear. As if knowing their relationship, the weather took a turn for the worse. As its power began to show, a surge of emotions appeared in the pony's heart. Thoughts of anger, sorrow, and relief flooded the mind. A tear leaked from the faucet of the pony's eyes and travelled down the face. It land with a splat onto the wet white flooring. "Sadly though, each fragment you break into, leaves a crack on myself." The pony decided it was best not to use up any more time respecting the memory of the stallion. Raising the right hoof to turn, the pony heard a shout from the distance. The voice itself was rasp and hinted with a country accent. "Are you fellas alright?" The pony could not believe that somepony had made it all the way out here. A lantern light could be seen through the developing storm. It flickered right and left as the pony assumed its owner trotted towards the scene. The figure appeared as a small figurine and began to grow larger and larger as the pony assumed it approached. It was the size of any other adult pony, with its own source of illumination shining from its chest. If it were to discover the pony and the sword at the pony's side, there would be a panic most likely. The only action the pony could take was go use the thickness of the storm as a shroud. In a short moment, the pony had fled. "Hold on fella, I was only trying to..." The master of the light had arrived to the dead tree to find the body of the stallion. Although the light's master couldn't tell if the stallion was dead, he could clearly see the pool of thick red blood around the stallion. The imagination to create a scenario where a pony would kill another pony sicken him. "In Celestia's name..." The lantern had seen its fair amount of crime out in the flatland for almost four centuries. There were plenty of criminals which had escaped to the area to seek a new life or redemption from a feared higher fate, but that was not always the case. The lantern had found an Earth pony couple with the husband beat up at the bottom of hills with only a cart and a devastated wife left, a pegasus with multiple feathers plucked rendering her unable to fly ever again, and even a unicorn crying holding what remained of her horn after having snapped into two. But the lantern had never seen anypony killed. The master of light set his lantern in the snow as the storm howled at the new pony. It was not willing to give up its newest member. The master of the light struggled to drag the stallion with his teeth and hooves onto his back. The lantern's light fought with the forceful winds, until eventual it's master was able to pull the stallion onto his back. "I'm gonna need nothing less than a miracle to patch you up." Placing his lantern back into his mouth, he pushed himself back to his home nearby.