Horn and Hammer

by Lancer

Chapter Fourteen- Confession

Chapter Fourteen


Canterlot, Equestria

A series of audible cracks were the only noise in the grand bedroom. Markus rolled his shoulders before twisting his waist, eliciting several more cracks and a grunt of satisfaction. The last two days had been spent by-and-large sat down in order to participate in one event or another and this had left the usually active priest stiff.

Markus searched around his room. The giant bed, easily large enough to accommodate several men was almost ludicrously lavish, especially to a man as robust as Markus; the bedside tables though did not hold his desired objective. On the bed’s left was an ornate wardrobe with a water basin beside it. Markus briefly marvelled at the ponies’ technological development. Their military may be as backwards as the savages of the North technologically, but domestically they far surpassed the Empire. Again however the object of his search was absent.

Realising his throat was really quite parched and that the cup appeared to be eluding him, he approached the water basin. Turning the tap and cupping his hands he waited for the water to pool. Once he had his fill he splashed his face, again marvelling at the cool, clear water on immediate demand. Equestria definitely had its benefits.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Come in”

The door opened and in walked Gerhart Manhelm, a serious expression on his face.

“Thank you father” he replied, standing to attention and waiting expectantly.

“Come now Gerhart, we have been over this time and again. There is no need to stand on ceremony especially in times like these.”

“All the same father, I feel better showing the due respect.”

Sighing in response to Gerhart’s expected reply, Markus dried his head with a towel and turned to face the Greatsworder. “Well then, what is the purpose of your visit so late in the day?”

“I wanted to speak to you in confidence father.” The gruff, courteous and yet tentative tone was by now familiar to Markus, it was one he heard often from the troubled soldier.

‘So, it is one of those talks’ the priest surmised. Gesturing to a rather lavishly decorated chair, all white and gold with several sun motifs, Markus then took a seat himself on the edge of his bed. The Count’s Champion sat in the corresponding chair, wringing his hands in thought. “So then, I assume this is concerning events in the Everfree Forest Gerhart?”

Gerhart simply nodded in response.

“What has changed then?” asked Markus.

“Well you know what I think about it. That I am . . . . cursed, but I thought that maybe, in a new world I could find some peace at last. In the Everfree, those two Chosen had me pinned Markus. I was saved by chance yet again. How does this keep happening to me? It is not fair!” Gerhart was becoming increasingly irate and emotive but a shared look between the two reeled in the Greatsworder.

“Have faith Gerhart, that is all I can ask of you. Sigmar has a plan for us all and Morr brings death to each mortal in time. You will be reunited with the ones you love.”

“Why though? Why would Sigmar take my family, my village, every soldier in my regiment and leave me broken and alone? Are their deaths really just a means to inspire one man? I do not believe that father; I cannot have faith in that.”

“Then if you do not fight out of faith, why do you fight?” This was a new development for Gerhart. Markus had consoled him and been confided in but the prospect of Gerhart losing his faith was a startling revelation.

“Loyalty. Loyalty to you, to the Empire and the memory of the men who have died beside me. I cannot simply give up, to do so would be to betray everything they gave me, even if I welcome death’s embrace and yearn to join my family.”

Markus decided to remain silent, a short nod of acknowledgement placated Gerhart for the moment while the priest thought.

Knock knock.

‘Another visitor?’

Getting to his feet Markus went to the door. Opening it, he was confronted with a confusing sight. Stood before him were Rover and Gaillard, they were watching him intently.

“May we come in?” asked Gaillard, gesturing to the room with a talon.

Turning to look at Gerhart, he received the confirmation which Markus knew would come. It was hardly likely Gerhart would actually say no but Markus felt the need to be courteous. Stepping back he allowed the two diplomats to enter the room. Taking his place on the edge of his bed Markus waited for the guests to speak first. He realised his demeanour was coming across as cold but after two days spent in diplomatic talks, which were very evidently not meant to go anywhere, the priest’s patience had begun to wear thin.

The griffon’s eyes rested wearily on Gerhart, Rover glanced sidelong at Gaillard but they both turned to address Markus.

‘So you wanted me alone?’ surmised Markus.

“Markus, we were hoping to speak to you alone” stated Gaillard plainly.

“Whatever you have to say can be said before the Count’s Champion, there is no more honourable man that I can claim to know.”

Releasing an exaggerated snort from his scarred beak, the griffon reluctantly consented.

“Well, we came here because we thought it necessary to talk to you outside of Celestia’s . . . . influence.”

Markus raised an eyebrow at the obvious insinuation but remained silent.

“You see the issue is that the ponies have been lying to you. We are not the bad guys in all this, that’s just how Celestia wants it to appear.”

“That is how the evidence made it appear yes.”

“Yes well Celestia has had many centuries to forge such a claim but look at it from our perspective. That island lies just one hundred miles from our coast, whereas Equestria is literally an ocean away. When it comes down to it both sides can throw about statistics and numbers but really this is a problem because Equestria has a colony on griffon land in a strategically important position.”

“Geographical location does not mean a right to sovereignty Gaillard, you should remember that.”

The griffon narrowed his beady eyes in frustration. The dog beside him merely crossed his forelegs and shook his head in derision a few times.

“Look Markus, we represent two of the most powerful nations on Earth, do you really think it wise for you to make enemies of us?” asked Rover.

Gerhart immediately rose from his chair in response, squaring up to the dog and almost matching for height.

“You threaten the Arch Lector?” spat Gerhart, his hand hovering over the short sword at his waist.

Gaillard quickly interposed the two, a clawed limb resting on the barrel chest of the Khanine. The griffon glanced at his dog companion irritably. “I think we may have overstayed our welcome Rover. My apologies, I am sure my friend here meant no offence.”

An angry grunt from Gerhart was the only reply Gaillard received. The furious Greatsworder stared at the two diplomats until the door was closed behind them.

“I can see why you have been so irritated by these negations father.”

“Yes, the entire exercise is a joke, meaningless words to placate the masses at home. The only reason they are here is so the governments across the ocean can say they tried to negotiate with the ponies.”

“You must have the patience of a dwarf father” Gerhart joked.

“Princess Celestia has been entertaining these fools for a decade. If you want a true paragon of patience and diplomacy I doubt there are many in the Old World who can match her.”

“If I may father, one could argue that you were most taken with the princess, you sing her praises often enough.”

“She reminds me of the emperor, the same charisma, force of personality and intelligence, the perfect statesperson and with over a millennia of experience to call upon. One would be a fool not to respect her for what she is. I have spent enough time among her subjects Gerhart; I see the way they look at her, especially in the wake of the Canterbury massacre. Honestly I see the same faith in the ponies that I do in the most pious of Sigmarites. With the right actions she could become much more than just a princess. She could be a god.”

“A poignant statement father, perhaps I should readdress my impression of her.”

“Because you have not seen her prove herself in battle? I know how your mind thinks Gerhart, skill in battle does not denote worth, even then she has arranged some sparring practice with Willhelm. I look forward to the result, Willhelm’s power seems to be growing each day he spends here, a magical duel should be a true spectacle to treasure.”

“Then I shall trust in your judgement father.”

“Good, then get out of my room. I am becoming too old for all this and sleep beckons me”

Laughing jovially the Count’s Champion left the room.

Easing his aching bones, Markus undressed and got into his bed. After forty years he could feel the weight of his service pressing down on him. It seemed like so long ago that he had officially entered the Church at the young age of fifteen. His body may have been as tough as hardened oak but he could feel it beginning to crack and fail. Staring at the room’s ceiling he could not help but wonder.

‘Maybe I really am becoming too old for this?’

Ponyville, Equestria. (The following day)

Twilight flipped the page on the book she was reading. Her attention firmly set on the contents of the tome. Smiling to herself she got to her hooves and summoned a practice dummy. This dummy had the torso and head of a human, a comically large horned helm and rudimentary chainmail armour.

Setting the book aside she spread her hooves and concentrated. The spell she was working on was the very same one she had seen Willhelm using before, the Banishment spell. According to the book she could draw on the Winds of Magic and that of any wizards in the vicinity.

Charging her spell and tracing the spell matrix she could feel the spell reaching out, searching for other sources of Light magic, or the Wind of Hysh as the book referred to it. The nature of magic on Earth was very different to how it was described in the Old World. She could feel the spell drawing from the world’s natural magical pool not from a single section, but then that supported Willhelm’s view that the flow of magic here was as a single substance.

The mental lines she had drawn began to unravel, much to her despair.

‘Darn it, I just can’t seem to get the hang of casting a spell which draws from ambient magic rather than through me.’

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Spike, there’s somepony at the door!”

A vague shout of confirmation told Twilight that Spike was on it.

Concentrating once more the lavender unicorn’s horn began to glow. This time the lines of the spell matrix were much smoother as she saw them in her mind’s eye. The magic flowed through her, pouring in from both her and her surroundings.

‘I hope nopony nearby is using serious magic, a power surge to this spell could put a hole in my wall.’

Twilight quickly scolded herself for getting distracted, concentration shifting back to the task at hand. She could hear Spike merrily jog towards the door but paid him no heed. Feeling the moment of release come she opened her eyes to see her horn briefly wrapped in both her signature purple and a bright white overglow. With the spells casting complete and the white light coating her horn glowing fiercely, she took aim and fired it towards the mannequin.

A stream of pure white light shot towards her target. It impacted square in the dummy’s chest, blowing chunks of the target to pieces and disintegrating the torso with ease. Nothing but a smouldering heap was left of the target and Twilight marvelled at the power of such a spell.


Twilight levitated out her notepad, quill and ink. She began to scribble down her notes, making brief calculations on power ratios and the influence of several other mages versed in Light magic being in the vicinity of the spell matrix’s reach.

‘Wow indeed. Ten unicorns all casting the same spell could level a city wall, probably even a full grown dragon.’

“Hey Twilight!” called Spike from downstairs. “Angel’s here. Can you take care of him? I think he wants you but he just seems to be flailing his arms around a lot.”

“What?!” exclaimed Twilight in surprise.

“Angel, you know, Fluttershy’s pet monster. Hey don’t you look at me like that, I know exactly what you’re like bunny.”

‘Oh no, what could Angel want? Did Fluttershy send him? Is she ok? Oh sweet Celestia she sent the rabbit to kill me!’ She shook her head to get that last particular absurdity from it. Teleporting to the front door, Twilight surprised both the dragon and rabbit who had previously been engaged in a fierce staring competition.

The rabbit recovered immediately, scampering up to Twilight and leaping onto her back.

“Hey, just what do you think you’re doing?”

Angel ignored the pony’s protests in favour of continuing his climb. Perching on Twilight’s head, Angel gestured out of the door.

‘Well I may as well go along with this. Whatever Angel wants from me must be pretty important for him to be this forceful.’

Bidding a hasty farewell to the perplexed Spike she trotted off through the town, tiny rabbit legs pointing the way ahead to Fluttershy’s cottage.

By the time Twilight arrived at the house she could feel her heart hammering in her chest. Her mouth was dry and ears pinned back. Twilight may have stood her ground against the worst Equestria had to offer and while she had been scared at the time, this was something else. The usual menagerie of woodland critters lined the bushes, peering up at her in a mixture of fear and sadness.

Stopping before the door she rested her hoof on the wood tentatively. Twilight took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Angel bounded down her neck, scampered along her outstretched foreleg and leapt onto the doorknob.

With a creak of metal the mechanism turned and the door opened marginally. Scowling slightly, Angel gestured with one limb to open the door.

Encouraged by the little white rabbit Twilight pressed lightly on the door, wincing as it creaked open. She emerged into the cottage, scanning the darkness with barely concealed trepidation. The room was still shrouded in shadows, the light from the open door being virtually the only source in the cottage.

Suddenly before Twilight could even respond, a pink and yellow blur shot out from the darkness, pinning her to the ground. The pinned unicorn yelped in surprise only to find strands of pink mane catching in her mouth.

It took Twilight a few seconds to realise she was not under attack. In fact she was being hugged fiercely instead of the feared, forceful tackle. Tremors passed through Fluttershy to Twilight. A few soft sobs followed. Instinctively, Twilight wrapped her fore hooves around the crying pegasus.

“Shhh, shhhh, it’s ok Fluttershy.”

“I, I’m so sorry Twilight. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.”

Soft tears began to dampen Twilight’s lavender coat and before long she joined her friend.

“You don’t need to apologise Fluttershy, I understand. This past week has been hard on all of us. There’s no escaping what happened, the things we had to do. . . .”

Fluttershy only cried harder, burying her head in Twilight’s neck and maintaining her vicelike grip on the unicorn. They laid there for several more minutes on the cottage floor. Fluttershy continued to cry while Twilight held her in sympathy, her own tears drying up before long. With a little prompting Twilight got her friend onto her hooves and walked her over to the couch, making sure to shut the door with her telekinesis on the way.

With the door closed Twilight realised just how dark it was in the cottage. With a few burst of magic various candles around the house ignited, casting the room in a warm glow.

With the light, Twilight could make out her friends face properly now. Fluttershy’s eyes were ringed with red from tears. Her coat was matted and mane dishevelled, showing that she had gone some time without bathing. The rest of the cottage appeared to be in a similar state with various miscellaneous items strewn across it.

“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Twilight, raising Fluttershy’s head slowly with her hoof so that they made eye contact. A hesitant nod and a murmur came as confirmation. “Okay then shall I make us some tea?” Another more pronounced nod was all the consent she needed. With a soft smile Twilight set about making tea.

A few minutes later both mares were sat together on the couch, teas in hooves. They spent the next hour together, trying to make sense of the past few days. More tears were shed and words exchanged but in the end they came to a conclusion.

Twilight got to her hooves; they felt stiff after so long spent sat down but the short walk to the door got the blood flowing again, easing the sensation.

“So do you think you can deal with this Fluttershy?”

The pegasus smiled meekly in response. “Yes, thank you Twilight. I need to get back out and see everypony else, it’ll be easier among friends. Are you sure everypony would be interested in meeting up tomorrow? I mean from what you say Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack have all been really busy.”

“They’ll make time, I’ll explain everything and hey maybe we could invite Pieter and Forlorn. Having two experienced soldiers could provide some valuable insight and context. Besides, they’re friends.”

“That sounds nice.” Fluttershy leant forward, providing Twilight with a short affectionate nuzzle before breaking off and offering her a parting smile.

“Goodbye Fluttershy.”

“Bye Twilight.”

The door closed softly and Twilight turned to face the world, emotionally exhausted. She let out a contented sigh of relief. ‘Well, everything went better than expected.’ Clearing things up with Fluttershy felt liberating. Their talk had helped ease both any lingering doubts of her own, and went a long way to aiding Fluttershy in coping as well. The rationale that it was the state of the target’s soul which was the determining factor in the outcome of their contact with the Elements eased her friend’s moral worries. Once more Twilight thanked Celestia that she could fall back on logic and reasoning.

Halfway back to Ponyville she came to the converged paths. One led to Ponyville, one back to Fluttershy’s cottage and the other to the human camp. Reasoning there was no time like the present and she had already covered most of the distance, Twilight decided to stop by the camp and ask Pieter and Forlorn if they were available tomorrow. She knew they were both operating in a command position. Forlorn still had control over the Trottingham Royal Guard units and Pieter was acting commander for all Empire troopers stationed at the camp. However if she could pass this off as a liaison with local representatives then she was sure she could guarantee their attendance.

Trotting along the path merrily she passed right by the two Crossbowmen on guard, but to say they were on guard was something of an exaggeration. Both men were laid on their backs, staring up at the clouds as the weather patrol was at work crafting them. Their helmets were set down beside their weapons and Twilight laughed at their indifferent attitude, although not loud enough to get their attention.

Taking the same path as she had on her previous visit, Twilight found herself outside Pieter’s tent which was situated opposite of Markus’.

“Hello? Pieter, it’s Twilight Sparkle, can I come in?”

“Come in by all means Twilight” a voice called from inside.

Lifting the flap with her telekinesis, Twilight entered to find Pieter sat cross legged on his rudimentary bedding. He held in his hand a quill, using it to write a message on a piece of parchment which rested on his backplate. He looked up briefly, fixing the pony before him with a brief but bright smile.

“So what can I do for you this fine day Twilight?”

“I wanted to come visit you actually, as a friend of course. I haven’t seen you in days Pieter so I was wondering if you and Forlorn would like to come to Ponyville for a little get together of sorts? I mean it’s more than that of course. Since we got back everypony has just felt off. I know this is because of the battle in the Everfree Forest and well . . . Canterbury, and I hoped that being with someone who we could talk to and knew how to approach such things would help.”

“Sounds reasonable, although I think Forlorn needs this just as much as you six in all honesty.”

“Really? He seemed eager enough.” Twilight blanched inwardly, remembering the sight of the pegasus captain slashing his way through the swarms of changelings with wild abandon.

“He lost a number of his guards Twilight. Losing soldiers under your command is a difficult thing for a leader to suffer through, especially for your kind.” Pieter left that final remark with an expectant pause, knowing what Twilight’s reply would be.

“What do you mean my kind?” asked Twilight defensively.

“I mean your kind is not used to such traumas. We though, we have been fighting throughout our entire history. War and death shape us. It is why three of the main gods we worship in the Empire are Sigmar, Ulric and Morr; a warrior god, god of war, winter and wolves, as well as the god of death respectively. War is our culture, yours is not. Nevertheless I do see merit in the suggestion. I lost nearly all forty of my men on my first command. I can sympathise with Forlorn.”

“Oh okay, well, thank you anyway. I was thinking about seven for the meet, at the library of course.” Twilight trotted forward to sit beside Pieter, catching a brief glimpse of the letter he was in the process of writing. It looked like a report to her, addressed to Markus Holstein in a formal tone judging by the first line. She noticed Pieter looking at her as she sneaked a peak, quickly averting her eyes as nonchalantly as possible. A gruff snort of laughter told her she was unsuccessful and she blushed furiously as a result.

“Here” said the human holding out the parchment for her to see.

Tentatively Twilight accepted the scroll, taking it in her telekinetic grip and beginning to read it.

“Basically” said Pieter, providing an overview as Twilight read the as yet unfinished report. “I was ambushed on a hunt. Two changelings attempted a very clumsy assassination.” A sharp intake of breath from Twilight interrupted him briefly but he carried on regardless. “Result was I got them to tell me what happened to Chrysalis, she teleported to the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Really? Wow that could be really important. Hey I could send the letter to Celestia through Spike it would be quicker than sending it by post.”

“No offence but I would rather send it to Father Holstein.”

“Well they’re both in Canterlot and traditionally any negotiations held in Canterlot begin at midday, so if we send it then, they’d receive it at the same time.”

“That is actually an excellent idea Sparkle, good thinking” complemented Pieter, handing over the completed report. “Remind me just when exactly is midday here? I am still getting used to time and dates on this world.”

“Oh about half an hour . . . . Celestia I better hurry. Hey could you do me a favour and tell Rainbow Dash and Captain Forlorn about the library tomorrow?” Twilight shouted farewell but she was already galloping through the tent flap and headed for Ponyville.

Canterlot, Equestria

Markus wrapped his knuckles on the table, leaning back in his chair and glancing across the room to Celestia. She met his gaze with her usual warm demeanour. The Saddle Arabian delegate, Fleethoof, however seemed markedly anxious. The time was approaching midday and convention dictated all parties be present at least ten minutes prior to the official start of proceedings, the Khanine and Griffonic representatives though were absent with only two minutes to go.

To Celestia’s surprise a scroll flashed into existence before her, floating down onto the table softly. She unfurled the piece of parchment, looking up at Markus as she read the first line.

“Markus, it would appear your captain has a message for us.”

“For both of us?” Markus questioned, not sure why Pieter would address a routine report to both him and Celestia.

“Well the main part of the script seems to be hand written, most likely by Pieter Von Grunberg and my name has been added by Twilight Sparkle, I can tell by her unique writing style. The two different writing styles suggest they both arranged to send the message through Spike, my student’s assistant. Do you mind if I read it? I can read it aloud if you wish?”

“Well if it is that important then go ahead. Can you paraphrase it though? Pieter has a tendency to make his reports longer than they need to be.”

Celestia scanned the paper, her eyes wide at the words she read. “Captain Von Grunberg was ambushed by changelings in the Everfree Forest. He killed them but learnt the whereabouts of Chrysalis before they died. She’s, she’s fled to griffon territory. But why? The griffons aren’t exactly friendly towards the changelings. They were one of the main reasons the changelings travelled to Equestria, to get away from the hostility and for better feeding grounds.”

Several sharp knocks on the door heralded the arrival of Shining Armour. He strode into the room, standing to attention before Celestia and snapping off a sharp salute. “Princess, the griffon and dog representatives have left the country. They appear to have left in the early hours of the morning without detection.”

“What is the meaning of this?” asked Fleethoof his previously anxious expression turning to confusion at the strange turn of events. His question however went unanswered.

“This cannot be a coincidence Markus.” Celestia immediately lost the warm aura she was known for, fixing the human with a stern expression laced with worry.

“I agree, but for what purpose?” questioned Markus, thoroughly confused by the turn of events.

The Princess of the Sun closed her eyes as she thought. Nobody spoke, settling instead to watch the pony princess with various expressions ranging from stoic to worried. Celestia’s eyes sprung open, her face the picture of horrifying clarity.

“Chrysalis is using the same tactic she used on Cadence and Shining Armor, usurp the throne and take control.”

The Saddle Arabian delegate laughed nervously, rubbing the nape of his neck with a trembling hoof. Seeking to compose himself, Fleethoof asked “Surely that is a farfetched conclusion? The changelings are only interested in feeding; such a move sounds incredibly volatile for them.”

“Chrysalis is alone, separated from her followers and seeking revenge. I don’t know what she will do; especially now she has given herself over to a foreign god of chaos. The griffons have never exited from negotiations before and never left Equestria in such a manner. The timings, the circumstances, the motivations, all too perfect.” Celestia was almost talking to herself, ignorant of the protests from Fleethoof.

“I agree Celestia” provided Markus. He rose from his chair as a gesture of support, resting his hands on the table though he carried on. “But obviously we cannot know this for sure.”

“Oh I think I could verify my suspicions Markus.” Under her breath, out of earshot of all but Captain Shining Armour who still stood beside her, she continued. “In a few days my agents will be able to confirm or disprove it beyond reasonable doubt, I pray that I am wrong.”