Spike the Knight

by vadram

Chapter 22 I am almost there

I am almost there

Spike woke up early that morning, well that was not exactly true. Because of the excitement of having a day for himself or out of fear of what he was thinking Zecora was going to put him through he didn’t sleep at all. The sun was shining through an opening in the curtains.

“Twilight?” Spike asked in a quiet tone not sure if she was asleep or not.

He looked around the room. Bright yellow curtains covered the window, beneath them stood a massive wooden bed covered by a blue blanket with crescent moons and yellow stars embroidered on it, a large fluffed pillow tucked inside white pillowcase was above it. Either the Twilight got up earlier and made her bed, which she rarely did anymore, or, most likely, hadn't slept in it a all, falling asleep at her desk or in any other place in the house.

After making sure that he was alone in the room Spike got out of the basket that served as his bed, he pulled the curtains from the windows letting in the light and made his bed before walking downstairs to look for Twilight and get some breakfast.

What he saw made him freeze in place.

There, at that hour, on that morning, he saw Twilight. Cleaning. He stood there, staring at the purple alicorn's back as she was busy sweeping the floor, putting books back to their places as well as levitating the mail from outside all while arranging some of the papers she would probably have to get done today. He stood there motionless for minutes until a familiar voice snapped him out of it.

“Good morning Spike.” She said still focusing on her work.

“Morning Twi.”

Spike walked down the remaining stairs and headed for the bathroom.

“Spike!” Twilight yelled. “I’m not done there yet!”

Before Spike could react he had already opened the door. Inside the bathroom the cleaning was more intense than the rest of the house. Several rags and sponges were busy cleaning all the tiles as well as the tub, a toilet brush was busy scrubbing a old toiled stain that was there before they came, and will probably still be there when time itself would end, and a mop was busy wiping the floor clean, all of them covered in a familiar purple aura.

“Right.” He said before closing the door and heading for the kitchen.

Things were no different there, in fact there were worse. Every plate, bowl, cup, fork, spoon, knife and any other thing you can think of were levitating in the air, as well as all the food.

“Twilight?” Spike asked eyes still fixed on the floating kitchenware. “What’s going on here?”

“I am just rearranging the kitchen. I found it difficult to make breakfast and deduced that it was because of the chaotic nature of the placing of ingredients and utensils.”

“So... what could you not find?”

“Umm... the salt.”

“The salt?”

No answer came.

“Have you checked next to the pepper?”

“Of course I checked.”

“Right...” Spike said as he walked towards the sink, grabbing a high stool.

Placing it in front of the sink he climbed it as one would a ladder before jumping on the counter.

“Spike what are you doing?”

He pulled out a few drawers and walked up them


After he was on top of the last drawer he jumped and grabbed the knob of the door that stood in front of him, and, while holding onto it using his feet to push it open. Now, hanging from it, he pulled himself up grabbing onto the top of the door.


He climbed onto the cabinet and walked onto the bar that holds the curtains in place onto the opposing cabinet. He sat down and pushed the cabinet door open with his legs, before turning around and letting his tail down.


Spiked wrapped his small tail around a glass flask with a perforated metal top and fine white crystals within, a saltshaker. After getting up and turning, he took a couple of steps back, got a running start and jumped.


He ran faster and covered more distance than he expected. During his descent he grabbed onto the handle of a still floating knife, courtesy of Twilight magic, then jumped again and grabbed another, then a spoon, landed on a plate, jumped, used a rolling pin as a bar and slid down landing on the tables edge, placed the saltshaker on it, took a step forward onto the top rail of a chair knocking it down with him still standing on it. He took another small step forward before the chair landed and caught it with his tail before it could fall and make a noise.

“We need more salt.”

Spike walked towards a corner of the kitchen where the gems were kept. Picked up a small with his foot and threw it in the air, swallowing it whole. He did the same with another, and another before letting out a burp of green flames. As the flames disappeared in the air he awaited for a letter to pop up but nothing came. He shrugged his shoulders letting out a “meh” before using his tail to pick up a larger ruby from the pile before turning and walking out the door.

“Bye, see you tomorrow.” He said as the door swung closed behind him.

“Bye, Spike.” Twilight said still looking at her papers.

Spike failed to see her face as he walked out.

Twilight's horn tip was now white while the rest was glowing from a bright yellow to a dark red, while her eyes were completely white with magical energies leaking from them. Apparently individual controlling almost a hundred objects while reading reports and mail was too much, even for Twilight. It took her a couple of minutes to completely process what Spike had done, but when she did she dropped everything and teleported after him.

“Spike...” Twilight said as she materialized next to him.

“What?” Spike asked as he jumped back, frightened of the pony that suddenly appeared with poof in front of him, dropping his ruby.

“What did you do?”

“It wasn't me... I didn’t do anything.”

“But all the jumping and the climbing and the... jumping.”

“Oh! You were looking for the salt and I remembered where you left it the last time you tried to cook and I got it for you.”

“But why all the acrobatics?”

“I don’t know... It just felt... natural.”

“Do you normally do that?”

“Hmm... No. I usually just balance three or four chairs one on top of another.”

“Oh, I see... Wait what! Why?”

“Cause I can’t reach the top shelves. I am little, remember?”

“Oh.. right. Right! Then why do you put thing up there?”

“I don’t. I usually let them on the table.”

“Then why was the salt up there?”

“You put it there.”

“I did?” She asked trying to remember if she actually did.

“Yeah, about a month before you got your wings. The last time you...”

“The last time I what?”

“Umm... the last time you made me... us dinner.”

“Oh... Oh, it’s been that long?” She said a little saddened.

“Yeah...” He replied with the same tone.

Before anymore words could be spoken between the two of them a loud cracking sound got their attention. They both turned towards the source of the sound, the Golden Oaks Library, or at least one of its window.

Pieces of glass were scattered in the street, a small sponge was wiping the remaining pieces of glass before its force pushed them outward.

Another loud sound made them focus shift a little to the left. A large telescope had fallen from the balcony nearly landing on a passing pony, in its place stood an enchanted broom busy swiping and a rag wiping clean the ledge. Two more windows gave in, shattering and making glass fly everywhere.

Spike turned towards Twilight. The ponies eyes were wide open and her mouth hangs open.

“Well?” He asked.

Twilight was still taking in what was happening with her house.

“Go and stop them.”

“Right.” She said briefly before teleporting again, presumably into the house.

Spike picked up his gem and ate it on his way to meet with Apple Bloom, before heading over to Zecora.

“You really had to do that didn’t you?”

“What can I say, you know I love assuming direct control from time to time.”

“You can be such a child from time to time.”

“Hey, you don’t reach my age without having some fun.”

“You... Fun? You? Fun?”

“Yeah, fun. Say, can he hear us?”


“Then why are we talking as his voices?”

“Because... I don’t know. The channel was open from last time and I just redialed you as I usually do.”

“Well the conversation would be odd if he could hear us, so next time try to contact me directly would you?”


“You are getting lazy Shaman, either that or old.”

“I... I am not old.”

“So you are lazy... What a shame.”

“I am not lazy, I am...”


“Bye Sage.”

“Bye Shaman.”