My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The last of the Dark Kingdom

by Shadowponyty

Chapter 2: A village filled with new friends

“Okay this has to be a dream” I said to myself trotting around in circles near the lake “I mean seriously who wakes up in a colourful land such as this and becomes a pony?”
I then looked at my reflection in the lake again to see a bright light blue horn on my forehead “And not just a pony a pony with a horn sticking out of his head!” I said to myself kicking the ground with my hoof but then falling flat on my face as soon as I did I needed to get use to walking here.
Maybe if I really was stuck in this strange place I would have to find a way back home as I walked I then stopped and remembered that Pete could also be here.
So I would have to find him before I left this place I looked ahead of me to see what looked to be a village.
I could see many other ponies in that village but if I was going to get anywhere I would have to be able to talk to them without freaking out.
I approached the village seeing a sign that said “Welcome to ponyville” it was brightly coloured it was almost something out of a TV show in fact it was beautiful and all the ponies here were bright and colourful.
Everything I could see was amazing this place was not like others I’ve seen before the world I came from was dull and depressing at times but this place I just felt like it brought me so much joy by just being here.
Right no more enjoying the scenery I have information to gather, I saw a pink pony approaching me her mane looked like cotton candy she looked friendly enough so I approached her.
I cleared my throat “Hi there um…!” I was about to say but the pink pony gasped loudly jumping into the air a pulling a weird face as she did.
“Are you okay?” I asked did this pony have something wrong with her.
“Of course I am I get to meet a new friend oh my gosh are you new in town my name’s Pinkie Pie what’s your name?” The pink pony asked me speaking excitedly also grabbing my hoof and shaking it.
“I’m Tynam” I said and when Pinkie pie let go my hoof was shaking on its own.
“Wow wee that’s a strange name” Pinkie pie said bouncing around me in circles excitedly I have to admit it was kind of cute.
“Yeah I get that a lot” I told her rolling my eye’s it was true when I was human everyone always said “That’s a strange name” when I introduced myself well not that I ever introduced myself too many people I did not really have many friends.
“So where are you from?” Pinkie pie asked bouncing in front of me.
“I’m from England” I told her I then realised I was getting nowhere.
“Oh my gosh I have never heard of that place before is it in Canterlot? Or maybe Manehattan? You have to tell me about it sometime okay bye bye now!” Pinkie pie said bouncing away from me excitedly.
“Well that got me absolutely nowhere” I said to myself but that pony seemed nice enough so if all the ponies are like her then it should be easy to gather some information about this place they called Ponyville.
I looked around the place and everywhere I looked it just made me want to stay more and more.
I approached a farm where I heard a “Yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaw!” as a rope attached to a wooden gate was then pulled shut I saw that it was a gate housing some cows I followed the rope to see where it was coming from.
It was in the mouth of an orange pony with a blonde mane the pony dropped the rope and looked to me.
“Well howdy there good sir have you come to visit our sweet Apple acres farm? Maybe you would like to try one of our apples?” The pony asked.
I did not want to be rude so “Well if you don’t mind I would love to try one” I told her as the pony passed an apple to me I caught it with my mouth because I was no good at using my hoofs yet I then took a bite and I will have to admit it was the best apple I have ever tasted.
“Well what do you think?” The pony asked expectantly.
“Mm it’s really good” I told the pony as I finished the apple.
“Well I’m glad you have good taste buds so what’s your name there stranger?” the pony asked.
“I’m Tynam” I said “And yours?” I asked smiling
“The name’s Apple Jack and I would like to welcome you too our wonderful town of ponyville” Apple Jack said holding out her hoof it looked like she wanted a bro fist or something well I did not want to let her down.
I lifted one hoof to bump hoofs with her but I fell flat on my face again.
“You okay there sugar cube?” Apple Jack asked me as I quickly got up.
“Yeah just a bit clumsy” I said to her rubbing the back of my neck with my hoof then felt like I should ask about Pete or a where I live “Um I don’t suppose you’ve seen a tall brown haired guy around this place have you?” I asked Apple Jack.
“Nope sorry can’t say that I have is it a friend of yours?” Apple Jack said.
“Yeah we just got separated that’s all” I said.
“Oh… well I hope you find them soon” Apple Jack said patting my back.
“Oh do you know anything about how to get to a place called England?” I asked.
“Nope” Apple Jack said “It sounds like a place out of a legend or something”
I sighed disappointed looking down in sorrow was I ever going to get home or was I even going to be able to find Pete? Was he even here? And was he a Pony like me?
“Hey don’t get so down there partner you’ll find’em in no time flat” Apple Jack told me.
“Thanks Apple Jack” I nodded appreciating her concern as I left the farm not empty handed at least my stomach was full.
I carried on my way through ponyville looking for a pony that looked like Pete well I doubt I would even recognise him but still it’s better than asking some random ponies about him and drawing too much attention.
I felt my hoof hit something on the ground I looked down to see that it was a book with a pony with a hat on it.
“Daring doo and the search for the…” I then heard a yell.
“Daring doo!” Someone shouted at the top of their lungs before I could even turn something crashed into me hard I was seeing rainbows when I crashed to the ground hitting my head.
My vision started to recover from landing on my head and the rainbows were not a delusion I could see a light blue Pony with a rainbow coloured mane but also… wings? The pony was in front of me as I stood up I still had the book in my hoof.
“Okay buddy just give me the book and no pony gets hurt” The rainbow pony said.
“Whoa okay I don’t want any trouble” I said quickly handing the pony the book in my hoofs “Sorry I didn’t know it was yours” I told the pony.
The rainbow pony gave me a strange look “Are you new here?” the pony asked me.
“Yeah I guess I am my names Tynam” I told the pony.
“I’m Rainbow Dash the most awesome Pegasus in Equestria” The rainbow pony introduce herself.
“Okay that’s nice” I said to Rainbow Dash not really thinking much of her.
“Oh you don’t believe me? Then watch this!” Rainbow dash then jumped from the ground and flapped her wings as she took off with amazing speed I felt as wind rushed past my mane.
I watched as Rainbow Dash flew from cloud to cloud eliminating them from existence in a poof I swear I could see a rainbow wherever this pony flew and her speed was amazing I could not believe what I was seeing.
Before I could even blink she was done she had eliminated all of the clouds in the sky surrounding us allowing the sun to shine brightly in the sky.
Rainbow Dash landed in front of me “How was that?” She asked me.
I did not know what to say to be honest I was so overwhelmed by how awesome and fast that was and how someone can even control the weather like that.
“Speechless” Rainbow Dash chuckled as she flew away looking proud of herself.
“Hey wai…” But it was too late she was already gone with a rainbow trail trailing behind her.
And yet again absolutely nowhere I trotted around on my hoofs for a while and came across what appeared to be a dress shop.
I did not even know that ponies could even wear dresses let alone make them with their hooves.
I had to admit I was quite curious about this shop so I guess curiosity got the better of me as I opened the door to the shop.
At first I saw a pretty well put together place dresses on pony mannequin’s well fashioned curtain and well fashioned designs on the dresses but to be honest the whole shop was amazing.
There was one thing strange about it though a white pony with a purple main and white horn was running all over the shop in a hurry with what appeared to be ribbons and other fabrics floating in thin air following her.
“Oh no that will not do” The pony said as she kept pacing around the room with a worried look on her face.
“Umm excuse me” I said
“Not right now darling I’m busy with the preparations for the party this evening” The pony said she then started tying ribbons and other things together.
“If I could just talk for just a second it would be really helpful” I said.
“No time to talk I must have this done by tonight ugh! It’s all on such short notice I won’t even have a new dress to wear for the party” The pony carried on.
“Just one minute and I’ll be out of your hair I promise” I said and the pony turned and glared at me looking annoyed.
“What?” The pony said angrily but her faces expression then changed “Oh my you must be the new pony that my friend Pinkie Pie mentioned”
“Oh you know Pinkie pie” I asked the pony.
“What pony doesn’t know Pinkie pie with all her strange behaviour?” She said.
“You have a point there” I said.
“Well you must be Tynam my name is Rarity I am in charge of this shop you see and right now I am very busy so if you would mind making this quick” Rarity said as she got back to work “So where are you from?”
“I’m from England I doubt you heard of it” I said.
“Hmm? No never heard of such a place it sounds like something you would find in a book” Rarity said.
“Dang it” I said kicking my hoof on the floor I had to admit the carpeting in this shop was really comfortable on my hooves better than the grass outside.
“Well have you at least seen a guy with short brown hair and who is really tall?” I asked
Rarity paused from her work for a second the shook her head “No”
I sighed “Well do you know anyone who could possibly help me get to England or who would know about it?”
“I do not think such a place even exists besides what kind of pony would live in a place with such a strange name?” Rarity chuckled to herself.
“Well humans for one I used to be one myself” I said spilling the beans.
“Oh darling you must have hit your head those human things are a myth but if you must find information on them or that place your from then go see my friend Twilight Sparkle at the library” Rarity said going over to a sewing machine as she got to work.
“Okay and where is that exactly?” I asked.
“Oh it’s in a tree in town you can’t miss it” Rarity said without turning away from the machine.
Well I at least had one lead that I could use I came out of the shop and looked around town for the library tree and after what seemed like forever I finally found it.
I did not even know that trees could even be made into libraries in fact I thought Rarity was joking but here it was.
I was about to enter when the door swung open hitting me in the face as I saw a little purple… is that a dragon? I thought to myself forgetting the pain my face was going through.
The dragon looked up at me seeing what he had done “Sorry about that you okay?” The dragon asked me.
“Your… a dragon?” I said finding this hard to believe.
“That’s right the names Spike nice to meet you” He said holding out a claw.
“Umm I’m Tynam” I said shaking his claw with my hoof this was strange usually ponies and dragons do not mix.
“You’re the new pony in town right? What are you doing here at the library?” Spike asked me.
“Just looking for some books isn’t that what libraries are for?” I joked then realised nearly every pony in this place knew that I was new here does news travel that fast?
“Right well help yourself but if you take any books out ask Twilight first” Spike told me.
“Well Twilight the one I’m about to see she might know something I need to know” I told Spike as I walked into the library.
The inside of the tree looked even better than the outside it was filled with books and lots of other things there was a telescope a globe of the world lots and lots of strange and unusual things this was more like a museum than a library.
“Hello? I’m here to talk to someone called Twilight Sparkle” I called.
“Someone? Do you mean some pony?” A purple pony with a purple coloured horn a mix of dark blue and pink in her mane said to me coming down the stairs.
“Twilight Sparkle I assume?” I said and the pony nodded.
“That’s right are you the new pony in town I heard about from Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked me.
I keep hearing that name does she go around telling everyone who she met today?
“Yeah that’s me” I said I kept having to say that over and over again today and it was getting repetitive but hopefully I would not have to keep saying it if I could get help from this pony.
“So Tynam your from England am I right?” Twilight said.
“Yes that’s right do you know anything about it and how to get there from here and possibly know how to change a pony back into a human?” I asked quickly excited to know how I could get back home.
“No I never heard of a place called England” Twilight chuckled and my heart sank “and what are you talking about you’re a unicorn like me you’re not human in fact they’re a mythical creature that no one really knows about”
I could not believe this where would I go? I don’t belong here where would I even stay if I lived here? And where is Pete?
“Are you alright you look a little sad” Twilight looked to me worried.
“It’s just-!” I was suddenly interrupted by the door slamming open and Pinkie Pie jumping into the room looking overjoyed about something.
“Twilight, Tynam you have to come and see this thing at the town hall it’s so amazing that you would not believe it was there” Pinkie Pie said excitedly as she pushed me and Twilight out of the Library.
I felt a bit uneasy by being dragged off by a random pink pony to somewhere I don’t even know.
Maybe they were planning to sacrifice me to their pony God what am I saying that’s just stupid.
When we got to the town hall Pinkie Pie then look like she realised something “Oh yeah put this on” She said putting a blindfold over my eyes blocking my vision.
“Hey what the heck are you doing I can’t see” I said not knowing where to go.
“Tee hee hee that’s the point silly” I heard Pinkie Pies voice as I was guided through somewhere I’m guessing a door because I heard the creaking sound of it on my way in.
“Okay you can take off your blind fold… now!” Pinkie pie instructed and I removed my blindfold it was still pitch black but the light filled the room with also a big.
“SURPRISE!” I heard a huge group of ponies shout as I saw that he town hall was filled with decorations and food like cakes and sandwiches and all kinds of food that was almost as brightly coloured as the ponies.
“What the heck is this?” I asked confused
“It’s a party silly to welcome you too ponyville also I invited everyone here so you could meet them all and make lots and lots of friends” Pinkie Pie said to me dragging me to a small group of ponies that I recognised already.
“These are my friends Apple Jack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle” Pinkie Pie told me.
“I already know these guy’s” I said I recognised the pink haired yellow pony called Fluttershy she was the pony that I accidentally scared away after I got here in Ponyville.
“A pleasure to see you again” Rarity said to me adjusting her mane.
“Hey there” Apple Jack said putting a hoof over my shoulder “Be sure to help yourself to the food here it’s made from the apples at my farm”
“Wassup there pal were you impressed with my cloud work?” Rainbow Dash asked me of course I nodded.
“Umm hello” Fluttershy said shyly I think I scared her by freaking out earlier who could blame her?
“Hey sorry if I scared you earlier I had no idea where I was and panicked a little.
“Oh no that’s okay” Fluttershy said with a bright smile.
“When did that happen?” Pinkie Pie asked.
“It was when I got here” I answered.
“Well anyway welcome to Ponyville Tynam” Twilight said.
“I really appreciate the party and everything but I don’t think I will be staying here that long” I told them
“Why not are you just here on business or something?” Rainbow Dash looked curious.
“Or maybe he’s a spy to seek out the secret behind the apple family’s apple pie!” Pinkie Pie said.
“I bet this fake face comes right off!” Pinkie pie then tried pulling off my face it hurt a lot.
“Ow hey it’s not fake I’m not a spy either!” I yelled and Pinkie Pie got off of me.
“Oh sorry about that hee hee” Pinkie chuckled to herself and bounced off somewhere.
“Well enjoy your party be sure to socialise with everyone” Twilight told me as her and her friends walked off.
Well I could at least have fun while I’m here so I decided to socialise late into the night meeting many new ponies one of them even knew a little about humans she was called Lyra but to be honest she did not really have any useful.
I met a few nice ponies a strange one named Derpy hooves and even a group called the cutie mark crusaders whatever a cutie mark was anyway.
The party was about to reach its end as the Mayor of Ponyville approached the podium to speak I did not expect to get such a good reception here I thought they would be wary of strangers but they seem to be welcoming me with open arms.
“Your attention Everypony” The Mayor spoke into the microphone on the podium.
“Thank you all for coming to welcome our newest resident of Ponyvile Tynam the Unicorn” The Mayor said.
“I am also pleased to announce that Princess Celestia’s rising of the sun will b…!” The Mayor went silent as a pony suddenly teleported on stage next to her it was a light brown pony with dark brown hair but something felt off about it.
“How did that pony use magic?” Twilight said to herself.
“That’s right only unicorns can use the magic can’t they?” Rarity said
“Excuse me Mayor” The pony said the voice was familiar to me.
“Who are you?” The mayor asked but she was pushed out of the way by a strange dark energy and thrown away from the podium ponies gathered to see if the Mayor was alright.
The pony stood at the podium and said “I am the Dark families Alucard I am possessing this pathetic body with my gracious presence to deliver a message to the ponies of Equestria”
“Alucard? Dark family?” I was confused but I recognised the name it was the same pony who flung me through the portal.
Rage welled up inside me as I charged towards the pony “Send me and my friend back now!” I shouted ready to take him down.
“Oh Tynam I thought we were friends you wouldn’t want to hurt me now would you?” Alucard asked.
I stopped and realised who this Alucard was possessing as I said the name of my closest friend.