A Chirp in the Dark

by Permafrost

Prologue:Status Report 1

Dear General Carapace;

Chirp and I will be back shortly, we have the information you have desired on Twilight Sparkle's friends. I will personally discuss the matters with you, Antenna, and Swarm upon our return. The ponies seem to be lacking concern for us since our last attempt, saying changelings are not currently a matter to worry of. I feel that this misson was a complete success.

I do, however, express great concern for the rookie you sent with me, Chirp. She seems to underestimate the ponies, saying they seem like nice, kind beings, that we shouldn't bother them. I suggest you have a word with her when we return. And, although it sounds ridiculous, I think she may have developed a crush on one. I am unsure which one she has developed this crush on, as we split up the duties evenly, as was your orders, but I am certain it's on a pony Twilight Sparkle knows.

Chirp is busy sleeping and doesn't have much power as it is. I will make sure she gets power from our artificial emergency love before we leave tomorrow morning. We should be back to you withen two days, so please inform the farming divison we have bought more seeds for the gardens. I know Queen Chrysalis isn't fully approving of the farming divison, but could you remind the rookie farmers to water the gardens tomorrow? Thanks.

We'll be back soon,