//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Pinkie Pie the Octopus // by BronyHeretic //------------------------------// Twilight, now physically exhausted, wandered into Sugarcube Corner after having finally cleaned the library. In Pinkie's room, she could smell ink, strangely similar to that of which she used to write letters to Princess Celestia. In the corner she saw Fluttershy, face in her hooves crying. "Fluttershy? Are you okay?" Twilight was worried about what could have been wrong. "Twi-Twilight... I th-think I broke h-her." Fluttershy pointed to the Pinkie Pie octopus. Pinkie Pie was sitting there, eyes closed but obviously breathing. "Fluttershy, how exactly did you break her?" "The... black s-stuff." Fluttershy was beginning to choke up. "That's just ink, it's the natural defense mechanism that all octopi have." Fluttershy then grew a grin wider than Twilight's anus. She then picked up Pinkie and hugged her as hard as she could, sending a stream of Pinkie's ink straight at Rarity's face, who had been taking a nap next to them. Without saying a word, she got up and left the room. Twilight was about to say something, but was met with a snappy glance. "OK, we lost Rarity, but that doesn't really matter. All she did was take ink in the face," Twilight reassured. In the closet inside of Pinkie's room, the ponies heard some shuffling and and crashing of boxes, followed by laughing. Laughing like a seal, a nasally HORK HORK HORK. Rainbow Dash jumped out of the closet, but in some sort of costume that resembled a penguin. It was like a jacket, it had a zipper, and the head and beak was the hoody. "Hey you guys! Look what I found!" Rainbow Dash flaunted her penguin suit around in a manner that only a pimp could match, and that pimp would have to have at least like, five black belts. The room grew eerily quiet as a knock on the door sucked the life out of the room, even octo-pie was holding her tentacles. Twilight told everypony to quiet down as she went to check on the door. Through the peephole, there was a sight more terrifying than Hitler and Stalin bathing in marinara sauce while George Bush sits on a toilet next to the tub looking at the fourth wall. Applejack was at the door. Twilight quickly dodged out of sight from the peephole and hid next to the door as Applejack called out to them. Twilight could only hope that she would leave them alone. "Hey. Ah haven't seen ya'll 'round these parts, lately... Ah just figured, y'know... ya might be here... or somethin'." Applejack's face grew solemn as she wiped away a tear from her face and turned back down the road. Twilight, now relieved, headed back up the stairs and alerted the ponies of Applejack's departure. With a sigh, they returned to what they were previously doing. "So, uh, yeah. I found this penguin suit... and, uh, thought it was kinda... neat." Suddenly, the door downstairs flew open and you could hear clopping on the steps. The horrified ponies hid as fast as they could in fear that Applejack had returned. Twilight hid under Pinkie's bed, Rainbow Dash folded into her jacket suit... sacket... and Fluttershy, decided to an hero and jump out of the window. The door to Pinkie's room opened and instead of Applejack there, instead was Rarity. The ponies all sighed and came out of their hiding spots, except for Fluttershy, as she had to be rushed to the hospital due to her left wing snapping and lodging one of the bones back into her torso, causing severe hemorrhaging. "Rarity? What are you doing back here?" Twilight inquired. "Well, as you may have noticed, I left rather abruptly earlier. I would only do so if I had a reason to, Twilight." "And that reason is?" "I, have a plan."