Operation: TopPony

by Scootalooloves2read

Chapter 1

I'd almost comitted suicide, on more than one occasion. I sat around all day in my lonely cloud home and reminisced about my days back at the Wonderbolt's Academy. I thought about my mistakes.

It's been two years.

I rememberred the reason why I'd been kicked out, and Dash's stinging words. The truth was, instead of bearing a grudge against the cyan pegasus, I started to realize how wrong I'd been. Sort of like a convict does while in jail.

There were times, when I'd walk over to the cloudy door of my home, and for an instant, have the courage to try and make amends for what I'd done. But every time I failed.

I mean, what would I say? What would happen if they didn't accept my apology?

I just couldn't live with the fact that I was hated by the very people I wanted to someday join.

The truth was, I couldn't live with the fact that the pony I loved hated me.


I'd only wanted to impress her. That was all I'd really wanted, was to be accepted by her, and by the rest of the team. I didn't mean for anypony to get hurt.

I wasn't going to hide from my mistakes anymore.

I threw on a simple blue hoodie, and for some reason, grabbed my flight goggles. I just felt naked without them, even though they kind of made me look like a dork. I looked at the door dubiously, not only a physical barrier to overcome, but also a mental one. All of my nightmares could be on the other side of that door, nightmares in real life.

It was either do or die.

I reached forward, my hoof trembling and sweaty.

Come on Lightning Dust, you can do this...

The door was open, and I took off, not even glancing back. The goggles went on, and I was gone.

* * *

My wings carried me by memory to the Academy, but when I reached the entrance, I was met by two armed gaurds. The place had also tripled in size, and there was a strange network of fencing around the cloud platform.

"Halt!" Commanded the first gaurd, a black stallion with a cropped brown mane. I landed on the cloud, puzzled at the sight of the officers.

"I-Is there something wrong?" I stammered, noticing a pistol strapped to his foreleg.

"No one is allowed inside the facility." He grunted, and I felt my heart sink.

"What? Why?!" I demanded, anger slowly taking hold.

"My orders are to keep anypony and everypony out. Do we have a problem here?" He reached for his radio, and I knew this would be my only chance. If he wasn't going to let me in, I was going to force my way in.

Before he could react, I'd launched forward, tucking in for a roll and connecting my hindhooves with his jaw as I uncurled. Blood and teeth flew, and so did the stunned gaurd.
He lay sprawled out against the cloud edge, out cold.

Panting with effort, I turned to the second gaurd, and snorted angrily.

"J-Just go in!" She wined, curling up into a ball for protection. I trotted past her triumphantly.

Now, to find Spitfire.

The layout of the Academy was the same as it had been two years ago, so I easily found my way through the hallways to her office.

I stared idly at the door, preparing myself for what was to come. I'd beat up a gaurd pony just to get here, so no turning back now. I knocked on the door, and heard a faint,"Come in."

This was it.

I pushed the door open, and the farmiliar flame-maned mare sat at her desk. Her face wasn't even a bit surprised to see me. This wasn't good.


"Lightning Dust. It's been a while."

I stood akwardly in the doorway. "Is it okay if I come in?"

She nodded, and I sat down in front of her.

"I saw what you did to that gaurd Lightning Dust,"

Oh shit.

"And quite frankly, I'm impressed."

Wah? Say what now?

I scratched nervously behind my mane. "I thought you'd be at least a little mad at me. How'd you find out?"

She pointed over to a monitor on the wall, where my little 'incident' replayed over and over again. "Are you kidding me? If he got his ass kicked that badly, what am I paying him for, right?"

She eased back in her office chair. "So, it's been two years since you've showed your face around here, I'm guessing you want to beg for your spot back?"

I poked nervously at the edge of the chair. "Actually, I want to apologize."

Spitfire's eyes went wide. "Really now..."

I nodded. "Yes, I do. I understand that I let my pride and cockiness get in the way of what's really important; keeping the team safe, and not endangering others. I've thought long and hard about what I did, and you don't have to give me the spot back, this is just something I need to get off my chest."

The yellow pegasus mare smiled. "You know, it takes alot of guts to admit that you're wrong sometimes, but in your case, that's almost impossible for somepony like you, Lightning Dust. You're a changed mare. And for that, I'm welcoming you back to the academy."

I could barely believe my turquoise ears.

"R-Really?" I squeaked. Spitfire nodded.

"Yep. But you know, this isn't the Wonderbolt Academy anymore."

My heart nearly stopped. "Then what IS it?"

The yellow pegasus mare lowered her aviator shades.

"This is TopPony."


"T-TopPony?" I stammered. Spitfire nodded once again.

"You've been gone for two whole years Lightning dust, things have changed. We're under threat by the gryphons."

Yeah, I definitely hadn't heard of that. "What happened while I was gone?" I asked.

Spitfire rose from her chair, and turned to face the window behind her. She peered through the blinds, watching the poines outside training. "Yep, the gryphons. The princesses have suspected they've been up to something for quite a while now. When we lost contact from the Equestrian Embassy in the middle of Gryphon territory, that should've been hint number one. Then when we send in others to investigate, they never return. Hint number two. They've cut all contact with us, closed their ports, airways, all means of getting in or out of their country. Hint number three. Are you starting to get it?"

I nodded. "I guess. But why do they need us?"

"You're all gifted fliers. You're the only ones who can get in, and get out alive. Instead of running an entertainment business, we're training our operatives to kick gryphon ass. We've got some of the best in-flight-combat instructors in the world, and they'll teach you to the best of their ability. The question is, will you join, and figure it out for yourself?"

I knew this was my chance to prove myself to everypony. To Rainbow Dash, to myself.

"I'm in."

Spitfire grinned. "You know, if half the ponies here had guts like you, we might stand a chance against those hawk-eyes bastards."

I blushed. "Thanks. So, I guess I should meet up with the old crew again-"

"Dash is in the mess hall."

Wait, what? How did she... "What do you mean? I'm not just here to see her."

The flame-maned pegasus mare giggled. "Let me tell you why that's a lie. Oops, wait, I don't have to, because you and I know that's exactly why you're here. You want to prove yourself to Rainbow, more than anything. I can see it in your eyes."

I could feel my face burning. The way she could just... Get into your thoughts like that... It was damn creepy! "Ok, fine! I'll go see her. I was hungry anyway."

"Try not to screw it up too bad." She purred, as I fled the office in embarrassment.

* * *
I couldn't believe Spitfire, she was purposefully messing with me. But I didn't care, as long as I got to see Rainbow, everything was good. I'd spotted the rainbow-maned pegasus leafing through a sports magazine, an uneaten meal sitting next to her. I'd actually worked up somewhat of an appetite in all of the excitement, and got a tray full of food from the lunch line. Clandestinely, I snuck up to the adjacent spot on the table bench across from her, only disturbing her when I set my tray down.

From the look on Rainbow's face, I didn't know whether or not she would sock me, and I began to regret my decision.

She closed the magazine with a snort. "Lightning. Dust." She uttered the words individually with malice.

"Yes, it's me Rainbow. Look, I'm not here to start anything, I just want to talk."

She had originally poised for a strike, but sat back down. "Alright, go on."

I sat down timidly. "Ok, thanks. Look, Rainbow, I'm not the mare I used to be, I've changed."

She snorted, unimpressed. "Oh yeah? In what ways." Well... At least she wasn't going to kill me anymore... We were getting somewhere...

"I really have changed, I promise. I realize that I was arrogant, stupid, reckless, idiotic, careless, a horrible team leader..." By now, uncontrollable tears were rolling down my cheeks, and I launched myself across the table and buried my face in Rainbow's soft chest. All the feelings I'd kept inside were coming undone, and I cried for dear mercy.

"Oh sweet Celestia Rainbow, I'm so sorry," I wailed into her fur. "I'm so sorry for everything. Just please... Please..." I begged. Oddly, I felt her reassuring hoof stroke my mane.

The feeling of her warmth and the sound of her heart beating inside her chest made me start to relax.

"Lightning Dust...I...I don't know what to say. You really have changed, in my eyes,"

I looked up from her chest, and saw her smiling face. "I know it would be hard for you to admit that you're wrong, you're a prideful, stubborn pony, Lightning Dust. You're an amazing flier, you just really need a chance to shine."

I shook my head. "It was hard at first, but really, I just want to prove that I've changed, more than anything in the world. I don't want to ever screw up like that again."

"Well, I can see that you've gone through alot, and that you're genuinely sorry. You have my welcoming back."

She helped me up off the ground. We didn't care that everypony was looking at us. We were friends again, and nothing could change that.

"Come on, I'll show you around the place." She said, wiping food off of her jacket.

And for the first time, in nearly two years, I laughed. It was something alien to me now, but for some reason, I couldn't stop! We were both covered in cafeteria food, and laughing our asses off.

I guess you could call those good terms.