Pinkie Pie the Octopus

by BronyHeretic

Chapter 2

Rainbow Dash had a quizzical expression on her face, "Twilight, are you okay?"
Twilight began shoving Rainbow Dash toward Sugarcube Corner in hopes of Pinkie Pie still being there. To her relief, she was, but Rarity was still unconscious. Rainbow Dash stood at the doorway, mouth agape at the spectacle before her. There were confetti and balloons littering the ground and Rarity was passed out in the middle of the room with a pink octopus on her stomach, flailing its tentacles about. The slapping of tentacles on Rarity's chest and belly sent the now large puddle of black goo splashing onto the floor.
Rarity began to flutter her eyelids open, but her vision began to become slurred by something, only when she realized it was one of the many tentacles did she began to panic. Twilight carefully lifted Pinkie off of her and back on the bed so Rarity could get up and clean herself. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Twilight pondered exactly what the flying Baby Space-Jesus was going on.
"Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash began to prod her, but with no real progress other than the slapping of tentacles.
"Twilight, are you sure this is Pinkie Pie? I mean, she has the cutie mark and the eyes, but she hasn't done anything other than... that."
"I'm as sure as we can we be, right now. We need to figure out what's going on, though. I'm still not sure how this happened, or what to do."
"I don't don't know what we can do. Is there anything in your books that could help us?"
The conversation was cut short by Rarity's cries, as she had gotten sprayed in the eyes by more of Pinkie's ink.
"Wait, did Pinkie Pie do that? That's so... awesome!"
Rainbow Dash picked Pinkie-pus off of the bed and began to squeeze her like a balloon, making a squee sound each time, she began shooting streams of the black liquid around the room with disgusting precision, then faced Twilight and looked her dead in the eyes.
"Let's keep her like this."
"Rainbow, we need to make her normal again!"
"Yeah, we could do that, but that's not as fun."
"Rainbow Dash, look Pinkie in the eyes and say that you'd rather go around and be a rabble-rouser than let her be her self."
Rainbow Dash looked at the Pinkie-dingy, expecting a sorrowful face, but instead saw her eyes shining brightly and happily. Just as happily as you would see a child in a candy store, or Bill Cosby eating pudding.
"She looks fine to me, Twi."
"Whatever. We need someone who can help us."
Suddenly, Twilight's face lit up with sudden realization, "Rainbow, you go get Fluttershy, I'll look around my library for any spell books that could reverse... this."
Twilight nodded toward Pinkie, who was rolling around on the ground in the confetti.
"Rarity," Twilight looked at the white unicorn in the corner, who was now frustratingly muttering to herself about her complexion and ink, "You just stay here and try not to get blinded."