Transformers Prime: Friendship is Magic (A Hub Crossover Special)

by thelastprime

Chapter 11

Today was the day. It was a day Twilight Sparkle had been looking forward to for several months now. Although, most of her friends would not be joining her this time around, she was determined to make it count this time around instead of the disaster that happened the last time she went. Yes, it was indeed, the time for the Grand Galloping Gala. And she would not be alone. Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, had agreed to accompany her to the event.

Unlike past years, this time the Gala would be held during the day time. Twilight was told the main reasoning for this was due to several dignitaries from other kingdoms would be in attendance. Princess Celestia had invited them in hopes to spread and promote peace across all of Equestria.

In Ponyville, Optimus Prime pulled up to Twilight's treehouse in vehicle form, he sees Spike standing outside, waiting for him.

"Hello, my young friend." Optimus addressed the dragon.

"Hi, Optimus. Twilight will be ready in just a few moments. Man, I can't believe it's time for the Gala again. Except, I'm not going this time. I'll be here, tending the books." Spike replied. "I didn't exactly have a good time the last I went, but Twilight's been giddy as a filly all day."

"This must be a very important event for her." Optimus said, "I certainly hope, she will enjoy herself."

"Yeah, She's been wanting to share all the lessons in friendship she's learned over this year with Princess Celestia, personally." Spike replied, "I'm sure she'll have a better time around, especially with you there with her."

Optimus would be smiling at Spike if he were in robot form. They then both hear the door to the library open. Twilight Sparkle had exited, and wearing a formal dress from her coronation several months back.

"OPTIMUS!" Twilight cheerfully called to the Autobot, "You're here! I'm so happy you can make it."

"Of course, my young friend. I look forward to this meeting, as I have hopes it will help promote peace and understanding to all races on your world." Optimus said to the Alicorn.

Twilight, hearing his words, renewed her great respect for the Prime.

"Thank you, for being so understanding." Twilight then continued, "So, umm..... How do I look?" She began to grow slightly nervous.

"You look, rather pleasing to the optics, young lady." Optimus complimented, as he opens his door. "Your chariot awaits."

"You, really think so?" Twilight asked, her cheeks burning red.

"Affirmative. I am sure you will perhaps, make the males of your species, as they say, turn their heads. You are a Princess, after all."

Twilight's face was now beet red. For a stern and nearly emotionless robot, Optimus knew how to compliment a girl.

Twilight then climbs inside of Optimus' open door, as he then closes it.

"We shall see you again soon, young Spike." Optimus said, as Twilight waved at him from the rolled down window.

"Stay out of trouble. I'll be back home tonight." Twilight called to the dragon, as Optimus began driving towards Canterlot.

As they got closer to the capital, they can see the giant force field encasing all of Canterlot. No doubt, Shining Armor taught the spell to other unicorn guards. Several unicorn guards recognized Optimus in his vehicle form. They gave clearance to the Autobot, and opened a small hole in the force field bubble to allow him access.

As Optimus drove in the streets of Canterlot, Twilight could see many ponies, from different races, from Pegasi, to Earth Ponies, to Unicorns, and even several Crystal Ponies from the Crystal Empire, lining up to enter the royal palace where the Gala was being held. She even saw some non-ponies, such as Horses from Saddle Arabia, Griffons, from the Griffon Kingdom, and Minotaurs, from the Minotaur Republic. All of them were dressed in formal attire.

"I'm so excited! This is something I've been looking forward to for the past few months. Too bad the girls couldn't make it, but I'm very happy you're here, Optimus." Twilight said to the Autobot, as they pull up to the castle.

Twilight exits him, as Optimus transforms into robot mode.

The duo began to approach the castle. This was it, The Grand Galloping Gala, Twilight was going to make sure this year's was THE BEST ONE EVER!

As Optimus walked behind Twilight, many of the guests began to stare in awe at his presence. They had heard about him, but some had never seen him in person, especially the foreigners like the Griffons, and Minotaurs.

Finally, they reach the gate of the palace, where they could see both Princess Celestia, and Princess Cadance greeting the guests.

As Twilight passed by the check in, she gives her ticket to the guard. Optimus then follows suit.

"Umm....t....ticket, sir?" The guard nervously stammered, clearly intimidated by Optimus' sheer size.

"I have it right here." Optimus says as he kneels on one knee and in his massive palm, lay the golden ticket.

The unicorn guard then levitates it from his hand, and collects it.

"Yes.....p...pp....Please enjoy yourself." The guard, still nervous at Optimus' presence, waved him in.

"Well, that was rather awkward." Twilight said as she saw the entire event happen.

They are then met by Princess Celestia and Cadance.

"Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student, and Optimus Prime, our most honored guest. I'm so glad you can make it." Princess Celestia greeted the two.

"I'm glad to be here too, Princess Celestia," Twilight bowed, "I have so much to share with you."

"It is an honor to be invited to such an occasion." Optimus answered, as he kneeled on one knee.

"Your brother and I are always happy to see you." Cadance said as she and Twilight embrace.


"I see you're wearing the Dress from your coronation. It still looks absolutely beautiful on you." Cadence complimented.

"Thank you, Cadence. Now, let's get to the festivities." Twilight replied.

The four then make their way into the castle.

Little do they know, Soundwave was hovering in vehicle form over the city. He couldn't enter due to the force field erected, but he can still see and hear all that was happening.

The Nemesis was fully repaired, as it soared high in the skies of Equestria, making it's way toward Canterlot.

"Well, Knockout, It appears you finally did something right. Looks like I won't have to scrap you for spare parts." Megatron stated to the Decepticon medic.

"Yes, Lord Megatron." Knockout replied, with a tinge of fear in his voice. "But if I may ask..... Was it wise to let that Chrysalis creature and her minions to disembark on their own to the capital? I don't trust any of those organics."

"Rest assured, Knockout, Soundwave is monitoring all activities. He may not be able to enter the city, but he is still able to observe all events, as they happen. If there is any treachery from Chrysalis, We will know." Megatron answered.

"My forces are ready, Lord Megatron." Dreadwing saluted. "The armada is fully prepped."

"Excellent, Dreadwing. Once their force field has been brought down, the Seeker Armada, will attack. And have the Insecticons ready for backup." Megatron ordered.

"At once, my liege." Dreadwing bowed. He then exits the bridge.

"Lord Megatron." A Vehicon called to him, "We have some new information."

"Yes, what is it?" Megatron asked.

"While Soundwave is monitoring the capital city, Laserbeak is still spying on the small town where the Autobots were staying at. It looks like they're all seperated in different locations. Some aren't even in the town, but in the forest next to it." The Vehicon reported.

"Hmm, then perhaps it is time, to make our presence known to this world." Megatron stated. "Since the Autobots have separated themselves from another, this will give us a tactical advantage."

"Divide and Conquer!" Knockout boastfully said.

"Indeed." Megatron added. "Knockout, contact Soundwave, and have him return to the ship. Tell him to have Laserbeak take over his surveillance of the capital. I have a task for him, Dreadwing, AND you!."

"As you wish, Lord Megatron." Knockout bowed.

"Victory over the Autobots, and our return to Earth, will soon be at hand. Optimus Prime, and these Ponies, have no idea, what lies ahead for them."

As Twilight entered the crowded main palace ballroom, she had apparently lost track of the princesses, and Optimus.
She couldn't understand how that happened, especially with his sheer size. But she then sees Princess Luna, standing in the center of the room.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight called out to her.

"Ah, Young Twilight Sparkle. Good to see you again." Luna replied to the young princess.

"Likewise. I know you're slightly upset about the Gala happening during the day, but I'm glad you're still enjoying yourself."

"Yes, of course I am." Princess Luna responded, "I will, get over it. Besides, the fun is to be had."

Hearing this, Twilight smiled. She was happy to hear that the Princess of the Night was at least still enjoying herself.

Twilight's eyes then catch another familiar figure. Her brother, Shining Armor.

"BBBFF!" she called to him.

"Twily! Great to see you again. Where's the rest of your friends?" he asked.

"Um, they couldn't make it. It just doesn't feel the same without them. But at least Optimus came with me. I lost sight of him however, and I don't know how I did." Twilight said, with a disappointed tone.

"Hey, don't worry about it. You'll run into him again. After all, he's hard to miss." Shining Armor joked, as Twilight smiled at him.

They then hear what sounded like trumpets going off. The lights dim, and the spotlights then point to the red curtained stage at the center of the room.

"You're just in time, Twily. The first show is about to start." Shining Armor said.

"Show? There's a show this year?" Twilight asked.

"Yep. Something to keep the dignitaries from the other kingdoms entertained." Shining Armor answered.

As the spotlights continued to point at the stage, a royal guard stepped up to the podium.

"And now, Fillies, and Gentlecolts, I bring you our first show of the day. Behold the stage magic, of THE GREAT AND POWEFUL TRIXIE!" The guard announced as the curtains rise, and a number of sparklers and small fireworks go off.

The curtains reveal, a silver maned, blue unicorn, with a purple wizard's hat and cape. A unicorn Twilight knew all too well.

"Trixie???" Twilight gasped in confusion. "What's she doing here?"

"You know her Twily?" Shining Armor asked. "Princess Celestia hired her to be our entertainer."

"She also has an ego the size of the moon. She also nearly became a dictator in Ponyville. But I guess I can't blame her for that one. She was under the corruption of the Alicorn Amulet. Trixie seemed to have learned from that incident. However, I still can't help but feel somewhat nervous around her." Twilight explained to her brother.

All of this flew over Shining Armor's head. He didn't know what was going on.

"Prepare, to be dazzled, by the magical show of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie called as more lights exploded around her.

Her horn lights up, and a bouquet of flowers materializes out of no where and hovers in front of her. The crowd gives an applause, while Twilight simply sighs.

"Well, hopefully she won't brag too much." Twilight said, as she tried to enjoy herself. "Still, where is Optimus?"

Trixie then levitates her hat in the air, turns it upside down, and flowers bloom from it. She then blows on the flowers, and they all turn into bubbles, as they fly into the crowd. There were more cheers and applauses, especially from the Griffons, Minotaurs, and Horses present.

"And now, the Great and Powerful Trixe, will need a volunteer." She said, as multiple hooves, hands, and claws rose.

"How about you? Ah, yes, the Prince of the Crystal Empire!" Trixie stated, pointing at Shining Armor.

"Me?" Shining Armor asked.

"Him?" Twilight also asked.

"Twilight Sparkle? Well, I suppose the Great and Powerful Trixe shouldn't be surprised to see you here. But, as you can see, I'm simply a traveling magician now, and a showmare. I promise, I'm not up to anything." She then took a closer look at her former rival.
"Umm, since when did you have wings?"

"Haven't you heard?" Twilight answered her, "I'm a princess now."

"WHAT??!!" Trixe shouted in astonishment "How, wha...when??"

"It was announced to the entire kingdom, I'm surprised you didn't hear about it." Twilight answered her.

Trixie was a little dumbfounded, and jealous that Twilight Sparkle had one-upped her again. But she decided to let it go. Her last attempt of trying to get even ended extremely badly. Trixie had learned her errors, the hard way. But she still couldn't help but feel her pride being wounded again.

"Now, as for my volunteer, this way, Prince of the Crystal Empire." She directed Shining Armor to the stage.

"Trixe, if anything happens to my brother..." Twilight began to say.

"Your brother? HE'S YOUR BROTHER?!" the showmare shouted.

Trixie then regains her composure after having another revelation drop on her, "Don't worry, he'll be safe, I assure you."

"Well, you better get going.... Prince." Twilight teased her brother.

"Here goes nothing." Shining Armor said, as he approched the stage.

"Please, stand right there.... Perfect!" Trixie instructed as Shining stood in the middle of the stage.

"Now for my next Trick." Trixie then takes off her hat, and sticks her right hoof into it.

From the top of the stage, a giant blue hoof came down, and scooped up Shining Armor.

"WHAT THE??!!!" He shouted as it pulled him upwards.

The hoof, and the prince then disappear.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?!" Twilight angrily shouted.

"Don't worry, Like Trixie said, he's perfectly fine." Trixie answered.

She then pulls her hoof out of the hat, and holding what appears to be a miniature Shining Armor. She then places him on the ground. He looks up at the giant Trixie, confused.

"Now, ALAKAZAM!!!" Trixie shouted, as she shoots a pink beam from her horn at Shining Armor.
As the smoke cleared, Shining Armor was now back to his normal size.

The crowd gave a huge cheer as they clearly enjoyed the show.

"Thank you, thank you all. The Great and Powerful Trixie always enjoys putting on a great show to entertain others."

She then gives Twilight a smug look.

"Enjoy that?.... Princess?....."

Twilight merely rolled her eyes to the remark as Shining Armor walked back to her side.

"Well, that was weird." He said, still scratching his head, trying to figure out what kind of spell that was.

"Now then," The guard at the podium stated, "It is time for another special moment, Please give a warm welcome to Princess Celestia, and a great guest of honor she has personally invited."

All eyes were now at the main doors, as the spotlight shone on it. As it slowly opened, Princess Celestia stepped through, next to her, was none other, than the Autobot leader himself. Optimus Prime.

At first, there was silence, as the guests were awed by Optimus' presence, then they began to clap, and then cheer.

"Thank you all." Princess Celestia said. "This is indeed a great moment for our world."

"I am honored and humbled by your reception." Optimus addressed everyone, " My name, is Optimus Prime, And it is a great pleasure for me to be here. To help promote peace to all. I know that many of you are all different races, but to me, I see you all as equals. Be you Ponies, Griffons, Minotaurs, Horses, or even one such as myself, a Cybertronian, for to me, you are all magnificent in your own special way."

Hearing this, the crowd gave another applause. Twilight's admiration for Optimus never felt stronger.

"But, I thought I was the main attraction?" Trixie complained.

"What was that?" Twilight teased.

"N...Nothing!" Trixie gave a nervous smile.

"I have invited all of you from different kingdoms to help promote peace, equality, and friendship amongst all. Let us all make this, the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!" Princess Celestia addressed the guests.

As Smokescreen and Pinkie Pie walked down the streets of Ponyville, Pinkie was too busy saying "Hi" to literally everyone in town.

"You sure have a lot of friends Pinkie." Smokescreen said to the party pony.

"Of course!" Pinkie squealed, "I know everypony in Ponyville, and everypony is my friend!"

Smokescreen smiled, as they continued to walk.

"We'll have that party ready soon. Say, where's Optimus? I haven't seen him all day. He back in Canterlot?" Smokescreen asked.

"YUP! He's at the Gala with Twilight and Princess Celestia. Some formal ball. It's too boring for my taste." Pinkie answered.

"Optimus? At a Ball? Now I've heard everything. Still, it would be funny to see." Smokescreen laughed.

The two friends shared a fit of laughter and jokes, until Pinkie Pie heard something fly overhead.

"Hey, what's that roaring sound?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Huh?" Smokescreen was confused as he also heard the same noise. It sounded familiar to him.

He then looks up, and sees what appears to be a number of jets.

"What? No.... Seekers? Here? It can't be..... THEY CAN'T BE HERE!" Smokescreen yelled in terror. "How is this even possible?"

"Smokescreen, what's wrong?" Pinkie asked in concern.

"The Cons, THEY'RE HERE!" Smokescreen yelled, "If Megatron and the Decepticons are in Equestria, then you're in danger. We're ALL in danger!"

Smokescreen immediately transforms into vehicle mode, and opens his door.

"Get in, we gotta find the others. We have to warn them... NOW!"