The Adventure's of Fire Team EQSC

by Firebrand22


AS the UNSC deployed the fire team EQSC onto the planet Requiem, the Spartans within the Pelican were preparing and readying themselves for the tough fight ahead.
They had been briefed on the mission moments ago, they knew their task. Assault the Covenants position and find Dr. Halsey.
On their journey to the landing zone they add started to enable their weapons. The fire team consisted of five Spartans all acquainted and knew each other very well, each Spartan went by a code name which was then shorted on their service tags. These Spartans were:
Spartan Discord - Well know throughout the fire teams as a trouble maker and very mischievous, he enjoys spreading chaos throughout the battle field and quite sarcastic from time to time.
Spartan Shining Armour – A Natural born leader, very intelligent and has the strength to go with it, but he’s still compassionate and caring for his troops regardless of his higher authority as the leader of the fire team.
Spartan Twilight – The younger sister of Shining Armour, equally intelligent if not more, great at doing the logical thing, A problem solver and enjoys reading.
Spartan Dash – A sporty, competitive women. She is always aiming to be the best she can be and hates losing. This can sometimes lead to some foolhardy attempts to prove herself to her colleagues and the higher ranks of the UNSC. Regardless of this she will always stay loyal to her friends.
Last but not least Spartan Fluttershy – As you can imagine she is quite shy speaks quietly and her true strength is brought out by her friends. She prefers to go by Spartan Tree as she has a love nature and animals.