Mystery in Equestria

by EndlessKnight980

Chapter 4: Sick day. Fireball’s solo case

Fireball walk through ponyville. She took a deep breath. She was feeling good. She had just gotten over a week long cold. It was the worst cold she had ever had. But now that it was over. She could return home and to work. She smile. Kindle had her stay with Pinky Pie until she was better. Remembering his words.

“Your sickness is detracting. Can’t you go stay with some other pony?” she mock him. What was she suppose to do? She not immortal like him. As he had once told her.

“Nothing can hurt me.” she mock him again. Laughing out loud. She walk up to the office door.

“Hey. I’m all better. You here?” she call out. There was an odd moan.

“In here.” he cry out from his room. She walk over and open the door. She quickly grab her nose. It smell really back. Like a salty burn potato. Wrap in a poop.

“O my god. That really smells bad. What have you been doing?” she ask backing away. A few second later a very pale Kindle walk out wrap in a blanket. He floated bucket out.

“What wrong with you?” she ask.

“You did this to me.” he said.

“What?” she said.

“You got me. A CEW. Sick.” he said sneezing. she look at him and started to laugh.

“It’s not Funny.” he said with a stuff nose. Fireball laugh even harder. He sounded so funny.

“Wait. Wait. I just have to know.” she said rolling on the floor now.

“What?” he ask.

“How can you be sick? Your immortal.” she said laughing hard.

“Nothing can harm you.” she laugh quoting him. He sat there and waited for her to stop. His head was pounding like a drum. The last time he was sick was before Luna was banish to the moon. It was a simple little stomach bug. This however. Had to be the worst thing he had ever had. Fireball final stop laughing.

“I guess there is something that can hurt you.” she giggle.

“Finish. Because. We have a case.” he said trying to get up.

“You can’t go out like this.” she said pushing him down.

“But I can’t just let this case go. We’re after an art thief.” he said. He sneezed again. This time his horn lit up and sent a picture across the room.

“Ok. I know were to take you. I’m calling in a favor.” she said picking him up.

“But what about the art thief?” he ask.

“I’ll handle it.” she said carrying him to the door.

“You can’t. You need my help.” he said.

“I was a royal guard. I think I can handle it.” she said carrying out the door.

-------------( Pinky Pie house)---------------

“No. Not her. I can’t stand her.” Kindle yell as Fireball knock on the door.

“Don’t worry. Pinky will have you feeling better in no time.” she said as the door open.

“Hi pinky. I need your help.” she said.

“Really. What do you need? Another P I to help you fight bad pony’s. Or do you need me to go undercover? Or, or.” Fireball put a hove in her mouth.

“Pinky. I need you to take care of Kindle. He sick.” she said.

“Right.” she said running into her house. Returning in a nurse outfit.

“Enter Nurse Pinky.” she said. Kindle rolled his eyes.

“Where a hole. I’ll just crawl in there.” he said trying to get away. A few minute later they had him in a very pink room in a pink bed.

“O god. To much Pink.” he said. Rolling over.

“It not that bad.” Fireball told him.

“I’m going to get you so soup. I be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Pinky said leaving the room. Kindle moan.

“Ok. If your going to catch our Art thief then I have to tell you what I know.” he told her. A few minute later pinky return with a tray and soup.

“Alright Pinky. Keep him here and make shore he get better.” she told her.

“Right. I won’t let him go anywhere.” she said.

“If you need me. I’ll be at the Ponyville art Museum.” she said as she left Pinky and Kindle alone.

“Alright Kindle. Time to make you feel better.” she said with a wink.

“O god. This can possibly get any worst.” he said covering his head.

------------------(Ponyville Art Museum)----------

Fireball walk through the museum. She look at all the art on the walls. She was looking for one piece. It was a picture of Princess Luna. It was painted before she turn into Nightmare moon. Back when the dragon wars were still going on. She soon found it. It was amazing. There were two dragon flying in the back. The castle half built. Princess Luna was wearing a amulet and a tear running down her sad face.

“It call the Luna’s Dream.” she look to her left and saw a Purple unicorn in a black dress.

“It really is something. Don’t you think.” she said.

“It amazing. It like it looking into my soul.” Fireball said.

“Yes it has that effect on a lot of pony’s.” she said. Fireball look at the painting and wonder. How any pony could steal the huge painting. It was twice the size of her.

“It really is a great piece of art. If only I could take it home.” she said. Fireball look over to the pony in the dress as she walk away. An odd feeling fill her. She shook it off. She walk over to a large pillar and lead on it. Kindle had told her to keep an eye out for any pony acting oddly. The pretty unicorn in the dress continue to flash back in her mind. There was something about her. Something that made her fell funny. Like her odd colt friends used to make her fell. She put it out of her head.

A few hour later she saw inspector Gray and his officers stop at the picture. He posted to two pony’s at it. He look over and saw her. He walk over to her.

“I’m surprise to see you here.” he said.

“I’m just enjoying the art.” she said nodding to the Luna Dream.

“Ah. I see. So you know some pony has announce he going to steal it.” he said.

“How did you know? Kindle said he had figure it out weeks ago.” she said.

“Our art thief dare use to stop him.” he said pulling out a note.

“Bold thief.” she said.

“Yes. Well. I like to see him steal it now. I’ve got officers posted all around the building. Down the hall and at the painting itself.” he said pointing around.

“It may work. I wish you luck.” she said.

“You think there a way in?” he ask.

“I’m still try to wrap my head around. How the thief is going to get the large painting out of here.” she laugh.

“Yes that what we are wondering. It won’t fit out the door as it is.” he laugh. This had been the first time she hear him laugh since his daughter was kill. She smile.

“So. How have you been?” she ask. His face turn sour. He then fake a smile. She could tell.

“Well. Me and my exwife are back together. Were getting marry in the spring.” he said.

“How Kindle?” he quickly ask. Trying to change the subject.

“He sick.” she said with a smile.

“Really. I was wondering why he wasn’t here.” he said.

“I got my friend Pinky Pie taking care of him.” she laugh. Thinking about pinky pie going overboard.

“She a good kid. She'll have him back on his hooves in no time.” he said. He started to tell her about his old home remades. When the purple Unicorn in the black dress walk pass. The odd feeling return.

“I’ve got to check on something. Could you hold that thought.” she said walking after her. She walk out the main door. Fireball try to follow her. But a group of school students block her path. She quickly ran around them and head out the door. She was gone. There was something about her. Something that drove her to find her. Something primal. She turn back and headed inside.

---------(pinky Pie place)----------

Kindle look around. Pinky pie was gone. She had said something about getting him warmer blankets. Now was his chances to get away. He roll out of bed. A farting sound fill the air. Pinky had place whoopee cushions all over the floor. The door flew open. Pinky was carrying a huge stack of heavy blankets. He lay back in bed quickly.

“Here you go. Nurse pinky will have you feeling better in no time.” she said throwing the heavy blankets over him. He could hardly move. The weight of the Blankets held him down.

“Now. It time for an old family trick for colds.” she said pulling out ten different bottles. He look over as she mix the content into a large bowl. A empty bottle fell off the table. He read it. Hot sauce. She finish.

“Ok. Time to take your medicine.” she said pouring it into a glass. He close his mouth tight and shook his head no.

“come on. Open your mouth for the train.” she said treating him like a little colt. He shook his head no. Pinky raise and eyebrow an look like she was thinking. She ran off and headed out of the room. She soon return holding something behind her back.

“Ok. Let try this.” she said shoving a funnel in his mouth. He try to spit it out. But it was to late. She pour the bowl of slop into the funnel. He had little chose but to swallow.

“There you go.” she remove the funnel. He sat there a minute. He didn’t taste anything. Then it hit him. His mouth felt like lava. He jump from the bed and ran from the room. Pinky right behind. He look around and saw a kitchen with a sink full of water. Without think he leap across the table and dunk his head under the water. After drinking a few mouth fulls. He pull his head out.

“WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? KILL ME?” he yell forgetting he was immortal. He was breathing hard. His throat was feeling better and he could breath through his nose.

“Nope. Just trying to help.” She said walking to the sink.

“But next time. Don’t drink my dirty dish water.” she said as she drain the sink of green water.

----------(Night time at the art museum)-------

Fireball sat on a cloud and look down. She let out a small yawn. It was so boarding. She wish she could be back in her bed. Her mind flash back to that unicorn she met earlier. She smile as she continue to think about her. He face. The way she talk. Her lips. Her sweet flank. She sat up. Why am I thinking these things. I like colts. Not mares. She let out a sigh. I can’t spend my time thinking about this. I have to catch this art thief.

“Ok let see.” she said rolling over and looking down again. Kindle said the thief was likely to enter from the roof. But she had her doubts. The way the building was built it would be easier to enter from the vents. Then remove the picture from it frame. But that would destroy it. It was old after all. Then again. He had said something about magic. So it could be a unicorn. Any unicorn that study could just teleport in and out with the painting.

“Ug this is hurting my head.” she said rolling over and rubbing her mane.

“Ok. I give. I need your help Kindle.” she said acting like he was there.

“I just can’t see how a thief is going to steal that big picture. It not possible.” it then dawn on her. Who tell the police they going to steal something that can even fit out the front door. The thief wasn’t going to steal the painting. Then what? She roll of the cloud and flew down. Inspector Gray was Waiting at the front door.

“Inspector. I don’t think the thief going to strike here.” she said.

“What?” he ask in shock. She quickly told him her thought on the subject.

“It a sound thinking. But were would he strike. The only other thing in town to steal would be the golden statue of Celestia and Luna in the town square they set up today.” he said. The was an odd silence.

“O MY GOD! QUICKLY EVERYONE TO THE TOWN SQUARE.” he yell. The police left for the town Square. Fireball stood there as they ran pass. The area was soon empty. She was the only one standing there. She sigh.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check on the painting.” she said. Walking into the museum. It was dark. She walk over to the paint. The guards left lights shining on it. It really was a nice picture. Her mind flash back to the unicorn. She sigh.

“Why can’t I get her out of my head. I know I’m suppose to like colts that way.” she said to herself.

“I mean she was really Pretty and seem like a nice pony. But your suppose to like Colts Fireball. Come on. You were raise better.” she put her hove on her head.

“At lest you don’t judge. Your just a painting on the wall.” she said look at it.

“You know. You shouldn’t worry about what other pony think.” Fireball jump. She look around the voice seem to be coming from everywhere.

“Who there?” she cry out.

“You should embraces your feelings. There a lot of mare who like other mare.” she was shore it was another mare voice. But it was hard to make out who’s. she knew that voice tho.

“I can help you if your scare.” she said. A dark figure walk out. Fireball ran over to one of the light and turn it.

“You?” she said. It was the purple unicorn from this morning. She was wearing a black shin tight suit.

“You got me.” she said putting her front hoofs up.

“But what do you really want? She ask walking forward.

“Hey wait. Don’t move.” Fireball said.

“You know those things you said were very sweet.” she said getting closer to Fireball.

“I was just talking out loud.” she said blushing. embarrassed by any pony hearing her.

“But you were speaking the truth.” she walk closer. “And to tell the truth. I’m kind of fond of you.”

Fireball stood there in shock. She was kissing her. It was odd. But nice. It was a feeling she never felt before. But she like it. She close her eyes and enjoy it. An odd feeling fill her. She started to feel weak in her knees. Like she was being drain of her energy. She open her eyes and look into the eyes of the Purple unicorn. She had lime green eyes. She wonder how far she would go. At this point she didn’t care. She was having trouble standing. She soon found herself on the ground breathing hard.

“I’m sorry my dear. But I need to get to work. It really is a beautiful painting.” she said turning to the painting.

“Wait!” Fireball cry out. The Purple Unicorn stop.

“Can’t we do some more?” she ask crawling to the purple pony.

“I’m afraid we can’t. I have to be gone before the police get back. Thank you for that.” she said.

“What your name. I must know.” she ask crawling. The purple unicorn smile.

“I’m the Crimson Rose. Greatest thief in all of Equestria.” she said. “CLICK.”

“Got ya.” Fireball said closing a cuff to her own leg and Rose’s leg. She pass out. The Rose smile at her.

“I love it when they play hard ball.” she pull a pin from her hair and started to work on the cuff lock.

------------(hours later)---------

“FIREBALL WATCH UP! FIREBALL WATCH UP!” Kindle cry out. She roll over a big smile on her face.

“Pinky the wake up juice.” he said to Pinky Pie. She pass him the drink from earlier. Fireball roll over on her back. Her mouth open as she let out a snore. He smile as he pour the drink in her mouth.

“5. 4. 3. 2. 1.” he counted off. Fireball face turn red. She jump up and ran around. Pinky held out a jug of water. She grab it and down it quickly.


“Here.” Kindle held an envelope out.

“What this?” she ask taking the note.

“It was tape to your flank. It seal with a kiss.” he said. she quickly look at the painting. It was still there.

“Who it from?” pinky ask. She look at both of them. Then the note. She stuff it under her wing. Blushing red in the face.

“It private.” she said running away.

----------(back in Fireball room)---------

Fireball push a chair against the door and pull all the window shades down. she open the note.

Dear Fireball.

I have to thank you for scareing off the guards. If not for that. I would have never met you. I don’t understand how they knew I would be there. I would however like to see more of you again. You got one sweet flank. Your not the only one in equestria that like mares. Sadly tho. I had to leave my mare friend. That little trick you did with the hove cuffs was fun and it did slow me down. The police are returning. So I hope we can try it again some time. Like your room. If you keep your window unlock. Maybe you will have a midnight visiter. Just something to think about. If you really want to have some fun. Take a red rag and hang it from your window.

With love
The Crimson Rose

There was a kiss mark under it. Fireball read the letter a few more times. She smile and went to her dresser. She open the drew and pull a red stocking out. She open her window and close it on the stocking. She jump onto her bed. Smiling and hugging the letter.

“I’ll see you again really soon my love.” she whisper. Fill with joy.