//------------------------------// // CHOLD Chapter 14.5 // Story: I've Got PONIES for ROOM MATES! // by Daaberlicious //------------------------------// Chapter 14.5 OW OW OW OUCH OW Thud! In case you didn't get my unusual narrative method, the first fall was another blunt trauma to my occipital bone against a protruding rock, causing a hairline crack in the bone (AGAIN WITH THE HEAD?! I'LL NEVER BE SANE!). Secondly, I caused a contusion on my right, medial Patellar region, additionally suffering a small laceration on my left, lateral Buccal region (OR BE ABLE TO WALK! MY KNEE HURTS MORE THAN IT SHOULD!). The third instance was certainly the worst, as it caused a comminuted fracture to my left tibia, breaking into five pieces instead of the much preferred two (AAAA! MY RIGHT LEG JUST EXPLODED! ...I THINK!). Upon the fourth, I experienced a compound fracture in my right, posterior floating rib upon landing on a prominent protrusion in the most unpleasant way possible. The injury made me unconscious. Finally landing on my dorsal region, 6 Thoracic vertebrae suffered minor fractures along their Spineous processes. Yes, the mother trucking son of a she-dog pushed me off a cliff, breaking a stinking ton of my bones and nearly killing me! An uncertain amount of time later, a severely broken Rainbow Dash hit the chasm bottom, screaming bloody murder upon impact. This pumped consciousness back into me better than any defibrillator could have, but the searing pain forced me to fight for it again, making me unable to help. "Louis! Get up!" Rainbow Dash yelled. I got a glance at her, noticing that both her wing and her hind right leg were bending unnaturally. "Uhhh!" I winced in reply. "Come on! This is killing me!" She shouted with increased fear. My good hand went for my knife, bumping the protruding rib, causing me to feel more sick than hurting. "HELP!" Tears of fright began forming in her eyes as I tried to work past the extreme nausea and burning in my leg. The knife popped free from it's scabbard, but I realized the flaw in my plan as soon as it did. There was no unicorn, so no magic could be coaxed out of it anyway. It fell out of my hand as I resigned myself to bleeding out or starving to death in this rotten crevice. "LOOOOUIS!!" Rainbow began shrieking. That made me grip the knife again. I had to do something, so I held it in both hands and thought at it desperately, hoping that by some miracle it would activate again. "HELP!!!" Something lurched in my head, and green fire shot into the knife and activated it. Not questioning it, I quickly thought of as many concepts for healing as I could possibly manage, pointing the tip at myself and willing the magic to come out and somehow fix me. Come oooon! "Surgery"! "Cast"! "First Aid"! "Antibiotics"! "Omniheal"! WHATEVER JUST WORK- Ever had growth pains? You wake up in the morning feeling sore because you're taller, right? How about healing pains? Probably not. Let me tell you: DON'T use healing magic without anesthetic on hand. Warm tingle, then searing pain for 5 seconds. And "searing" is an understatement, because when you're in this much pain, you can't talk or move either unless you're superhuman. I shot up on my renewed leg and ran over to Rainbow Dash, pushing the same healing magic out at her before I even stopped to sit by her. Her face became visibly red as the magic brutally fixed the broken limbs, but as soon as that was done, she had me in a death-grip hug before I even knew she was moving. I sat there panting and traumatized, sweat poring down my brow from the aftershock of adrenaline and panic. Rainbow, meanwhile, was deeply burrowed in my tattered jacket, shaking like a leaf and crying openly. Not sure what else to do, I stroked her mane and pet her softly. Some time passed, and I heard the other ponies calling down the chasm, their voices desperate and indistinct. "I hate you..." Rainbow dash muttered into the soft lining of my jacket, tightening her grip on me. "Why? I just saved your life." "You had to go and follow that dumb old pony instead of Twi. Twilight wouldn't have made us pick a direction and go like him... She wouldn't have stopped to laugh at the big red pony... She would have kept looking around for mad-ponies like... That THING, and you wouldn't have-" "Fallen off and nearly died, right? So you hate me because I nearly died?" RAINBOOOOOW! Pinkie Pie called into the chasm. I called back, but it came out hoarsely for some reason. "No, I just..." The pegasus only managed three words before giving up and crying some more. Completely satisfied that she didn't in fact hate me, I got up still holding her and called again. Louder this time, but still hoarsely. It was enough to have the rest of the group pinpoint us, and Twilight teleported in with everyone else shortly behind her. Of course, as soon as Rarity saw her brash friend being way less than brash, she took control of the situation before anyone could object. "I believe the 9 of us will be waiting here for a while. We have two who just survived falling down a canyon without injury, and I cannot imagine how traumatic it must have been." "Rarity... My leg was completely broken in at least 3 places, and I had one of my ribs sticking out of me. Rainbow Dash had also broken her back leg and her wing." "You have a massive bruise along your back too, Louis. I cannot in good conscience let you be up and about for at least a day." "Get out of my coat! I feel fine!" I said, shooing Twilight away. "Healing magic. It all fits together... How would you have been able to do it with my knife?"