//------------------------------// // II - Sparkle in My Eyes // Story: The Chronicles of Vanguard: The Beginning // by Vanguard_JayJay_117 //------------------------------// "Hey Burp, look." I looked at the filly on the middle of the road. Is she reading while walking? Even I couldn't do that. "The purple pony with a baby dragon?" "Yeah, yeah. Her. I couldn't leave her like that. She might get an accident." "Tell hurrr!" "Alright, I'll do it. Just stop tugging me." I waited for her to approach. I am getting nervous about this. "Um, excuse me." The filly kept on walking like she didn't hear anything. She didn't even reacted. "Hello, uh. You might get—" AHHH!!! *thud* OOOWWW! "Oh my goodness, are you alright? Are you hurt? Can you get up?" She tried to pull me up, but I managed to do it myself. "Awww, I'm okay. D-don't mind the scratch." "I'm sorry, it must have been clumsy of me." "Well, *Ow* I was trying to tell you to be careful, but—" "Oh no, don't blame yourself!" She putted down the book and pulled out something in her bag. "Its a good thing I brought this." She pulled out a bandage. "Oh, no thanks. I can do that back home." "Then you'll probably walk to your house, which is bad and maybe far away. It is better to put it now." While she applies the bandage, I noticed her dragon. "WOW, it is so cute! What's its name?" "His name is Spike." "I've never seen a dragon before." "Well, I got him from the school. It was the test of my life but I was able to pass it. It was still an egg but I manage to—" "Wait! I don't want to interrupt but, is that the dragon that grew big in the school tower?" She was shock to hear what I've said. "You saw it? Well, it is... I... kind of messed up... a little..." "Don't worry about it. Ponies make mistakes sometimes. And besides, don't let that accident let you down. You've just succeeded, remember?" She thought about it, looking away for a while. "Your right. I shouldn't let it get in my way! Oh, uhhh, thanks anyway." She was about to pack up until she remembered something. "Oh yeah, We haven't properly introduced ourselves yet. I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike." "I'm Vanguard. Its very nice to meet you." "Vanguard. Hmmm. Are you going to be part of the Royal Guards? Because your name mean something like 'A front-line defense' " "What? No, not really, no. Oh yeah, and this is Burp." "Burp? *Pffft* Who's Burp?" Burp climbed up my head, showing himself. "Hi there. *Burrpp*" "Oh my gosh! Is that a phoenix I saw?" "Well at first, I thought it was a bird." "It's so beautiful! Where did you get him?" "I got him as a reward from Princess Celestia" "Wow, you're so lucky. I didn't know Princess Celestia had a baby phoenix." We walked our way through Canterlot as we chat. "By the way, how did you make Spike grow big?" "It's complicated..." ~~~ "... next week will be our first days in class. I am looking forward to see you there." "Hehehe, yeah. You too, Twi. Can I call you Twi?" "I don't really mind, yeah." "Burrrrp... Sorry, Van." "*sniff* did you smell something is burning?" "Hah! Vanguard, your mane!" "Wha?" m-my mane! "AAAAAAAHHHHHH! Water! Water! Water! Water!" I AM TRYING TO LOOK FOR THE NEAREST FOUNTAIN BUT I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND ONE! Twilight casted water on me, but it seems to cover her along. Then splash! We're wet, all wet. But we laughed instead of being disappointed. "Hmhmhmh, hahahaha! -Snort- Oops, Hahahahaha!" "Well I am going to fix this mane later. Hahahahaha." Two paths diverged ahead of us. The other path head straight to the castle, while the other to my house. "Well, this is where I am going, Vanguard." "Oh okay, see you when I see you, Twi!" We both walked into own paths, heading straight home. "So she liked reading Daring Do. I'll try to find those kind of books. She said it is full of action and adventure. Maybe tomorrow, I'll head to the library, if Canterlot has one." ~~~ "Happiness. What do we mean by happiness? Happiness is something like light. When there is light, there is life, joy, peace and hope. They say don't spend your sorrows on daylight. Speaking of sorrow, what if sorrow-ness consumed Equestria like the night. The darkness made everyone go to sleep, rest and hide away from the night. I hate it. I hate being ignored. I hate watching mere mortals enjoying the daylight as they don't during the night. But worry no more, I will eventually escape within a thousands of years and bring eternal darkness to the land! And maybe, you'll enjoy my night! Hahahahaha! "Guh! Uh... what a strange dream..."