//------------------------------// // Return // Story: Different Dimensions // by MidnightInk97 //------------------------------// “What do you mean ‘gone’?” Twilight quickly spun of her hooves. “We never disturbed the remnants of Nightmare after you defeated her. There have been ways to resurrect ponies that have been found but they are known to equestrian rulers.” Luna said to Twilight. “We were afraid that something might happen. So we just left them alone.” She finished as she began to pace. “Do you think…” Twilight trailed off. “No! That is not possible!” Luna snapped at Twilight who shrunk away from the angered princess. Just as Luna was about to speak again, Celestia hushed her, perking her ears. “What…” Luna asked only to get a white hoof in her face to silence her. “Do you hear that?” Celestia dropped her voice down to a whisper. My ears swiveled to the direction from which a sort of buzzing sound came from. “I hear it.” I stated. “Yeah, me too. It almost sound like a bug flying around.” Fire spoke up. The noise got louder and before long it sounded like it was in the same room. We all looked up at the dark ceiling to find a pair of glowing, slitted green eyes staring down at us. Silver and Fire screamed and we all split up, going to different sides of the room. The thing dropped down and landed with a CRACK as the floor fractured under its hooves. (I had no idea what it was but I wasn't too interested in finding out at the moment.) I tried not to look but it was hard not to. The pony had long, black legs with holes in them (No, really holes you could actually see through.), a splintered horn, sickly green mane and tail and buzzing insect wings. “Well look who we have here.” The weird hybrid pony said with a devilish smirk. “Celestia, Luna and the newest princess, Twilight Sparkle. Good, all of you being here together will just make it easier for us to destroy you.” She finished. “Chrysalis. I thought Princess Cadence and Shining Armor destroyed you.” Celestia stated. “Oh how wrong you are Celestia. She might have hurt me physically but she didn’t even put a dent in my magic. So once I had gathered my strength again I found this place, but this wasn’t to only thing I had stumbled upon.” She flashed us a wicked smile. Just then, a laugh came echoing through the wreckage that didn't belong to Chrysalis. By now I was shaking like a leaf, frantically looking around for the source of the voice. I glanced over at the princesses who had completely frozen at the spot. “This can’t be possible.” Twilight stuttered. A blue puff of smoke appeared and formed itself into a black Alicorn right before our eyes. “Oh but Twilight Sparkle, it is very possible.” The black mare spoke. She was as tall as Celestia, she had a magical mane like Luna but it was much darker and didn't flow as much, and she had blue metal armor on her head, hooves and chest. But the part that really confused me was that she was a full grown mare but had no cutie mark and she looked almost like she had the flu with her blood-shot eyes and wrinkling face. Winter started to back up slowly, pulling us along with her. We were almost to the stairs that had brought us to the old throne room when Fire tripped on stone that sent her tumbling backwards onto the floor. Both of the wicked mares ears perked up and they turned to us with snake-like eyes. “Well, well. Look who we have here.” Chrysalis sang. “A couple of new Alicorn fillies.” The black mare grinned. “Celestia? Did you not feel safe with three other powerful Alicorns protecting you? Afraid that we will knock off your stupid crown again?” The mare’s smile widened as she saw that she had hit a nerve when Celestia cringed. Celestia regained her composure quickly. “Don’t you dare hurt them. Your fight is with me.” Luna and Twilight stepped up next to Celestia. “Us as well.” Luna announced, lowering her horn a little as Twilight stamped at the ground in resentment. “Oh would you look at the time. Sorry to cut this little reunion short, but we have a prior engagement that we have to attend to.” Chrysalis said licking her vile lips greedily. And with that, the two mares vanished leaving us with dumbfounded looks on our faces. Twilight began pacing and mumbling something about “Elements of Harmony” and not scientifically possible. Luna was still glued to the spot with a baffled expression on her muzzle. Celestia was conjuring scrolls with her magic and quickly scanning them before vanishing. I stepped towards the princesses tired of not getting the answers I wanted. “What is going on here?” I demanded, stomping my hoof and startling everypony in the room. I suddenly came to the conclusion that I shouldn't have done that and hastily stuffed my hoof in my mouth. I seriously expected somepony to come up and slap me silly but it never came. I opened my mouth to beg for mercy but Celestia held up her hoof. “I got all of you wrapped in this mess and you deserve answers.” She sighed as she carefully sat on the ground, not even concerned with the fact that her pristine white coat was getting dirty. “Luna and I have collected a few enemies over the years of our rule that we have had to defeat again and again. Those two mares are just two of the ponies that have tried to take over Luna’s and my kingdom over many generations. Chrysalis, the insect looking mare, is the Changling Queen and she brainwashed Princess Cadence’s husband on their wedding day by impersonating Cadence.” Celestia paused when she saw our confused glances. “Changlings have the power to change themselves into any pony they see and look and talk exactly like them while feeding off their love. That’s how they gain their power.” “Ooohhhh.” We all said at once. “Continue princess.” Winter said. Celestia nodded. “The other black mare I can’t explain as easily.” She stated looking over at Luna who had her eyes on the ground. “Would you like me to tell them or would you rather do it.” Celestia asked Luna. “Yes, sister, I will.” Luna took a deep breath. “About a thousand years ago, I grew envious of my sister and turned to the dark side for comfort and it changed me and I became Nightmare Moon. Celestia did the only thing she could do to protect our kingdom from my corrupted self by imprisoning me in the moon for a thousand years until the stars aided in my escape.” She explained shamefully but she pressed forward. “When I returned I tried to shroud Equestria in eternal darkness before Twilight and her friends were summoned to use the Elements of Harmony to destroy my mental prison, leaving the shards of my past to lie here alone until now. That mare is and will always be a part of me that I will forever regret.” Luna finished with a soleum look on her face. "The only logical explanation that she is back is that somepony sacrificed herself so that Nightmare Moon's soul could regain power to transform herself and gain power." “It’s okay Luna. It is in the past now and we have far bigger problems at the moment.” Celestia stated as she stood up and gently dusted herself off. “Oh Celestiaaaa!!!!!” A male voice boomed. “Did you miss me?!” The voice cackled as Celestia’s eyes grew wide in panic. “Oh crap! Here we go again! I just want to go home.” I thought to myself as kept myself from doing a facehoof and hiding in a corner to ball my eyes out. But there was no time to do that before a huge lumbering figure appeared in the doorway with a mechivious grin plastered on it’s face.