//------------------------------// // Hi guys I'm back // Story: My Harshwhinnial // by horizon //------------------------------// AN: Hai guyz im bak!! I hoep u njoyd my SPESHL SAPRISE for upd8ing fic wile I wuz goen… I jest gonna reed chaepr 12 && than can gert bak 2 riting OK? … Wow thsi is loooong Mnady usng losts of NERD words sry guys … Ummmm…………… Ok fic maek no cents but…… seen w/ith terrist missels is ok… LOL sHE mispels "coern" alot… Bla balh blah blarh moar nerd stuf Um… WHAT No NO!!!!! WAHT THE EFFINGG BUCK! sWEAT ALICRON sIHT MANDY!!!! oMBA HOW COD U KILL MEDDLE DEAD && IN NITMOR TOWN!?!? u R B&&D FROM MY FIC 4EVA!!!! aLSO BA&&ND FORM MY INTRNET!! aRHARGHHARGHH i HAT U HAT U HATU HART U oMBA oMBA oMBA OMBA oMBA i FIX TIHS ,GUY S………i PRAMISE