a love of the sun

by heavensparkle

a quiet day

"Dinner is served" said an astoundingly short stallion.

"Ah looks like another delicacy, thank you Clefthoof" said Celestia with a smile to the stallion.

"Why thank you your highness" said Clefthoof bowing out of the hall.

"Um princess, what exactly is this?" asked a skeptical Twilight staring at the plate, on it was a mesh of what she could only assume is food.

Celestia stared at her student with a blank look on her face, then looked to Luna who was busy fiddling with her abacus.

"Oh my dear Twilight i'ts probarbly not what your accustomed to but i assure you it is, as one of your friends would put it, simply divine"

Twilight laughed at Celestia's bad impersonation of Rarity, and began trying to eat the food that was infront of her, it wasnt to sweet or to sour, it was an amasing mesh of herbs and spices.

"So i take it you like it?" Luna asked with a hoping look on her face, "it's one of my own recipes."

Staring at Luna Twilight nodded, Luna jumped from her seat and began to hug Twilight before hopping around the hall, both Celestia and Twilight laughed.

They had all finished there meals and were now walking around the statue gardens, they had come upon a rather peculiar statue of a eagle, dragon, lion thing, that Twilight had to study.

"That is the statue of discord an old enemy of mine and luna's, he is a draconequus, an ancient race that even i'm unfamiliar with."

Twilight stared at the statue as if it going to attack her the moment she looked away

"Come on my student stone can't hurt you, lets proceed with our walk"

Twilight carried on walking but quickly glanced back at the statue swearing it had moved since last time but put it to her imagination and carried on walking.


Back at ponyville Rarity was up to her head in orders for Sapphire Shores and had to accept help from Applejack to be able to finish them all before the deadline.

"I can't thank you enough, without your help i would never have been able to finish them all in time."

"aw shucks Rarity even though ya'll act persnickety you're still family to me, plus ah needed a break from applebucking."

Rarity stared at Applejack, in all the years of knowing eachother she had never expected to hear them words cross her lips.

"But i thought you loved it every year you always seem so ecstatic at applebuck season"

"Yeah ah sure love to buck apples but everypony needs a break from time to time, plus Fluttershy has been spending a lot of time with Big Mac recently so ah was hoping you knew something about that?"

"i'm sorry my dear but i don't, but enough about that is there any way i can repay you for your kindness."

Applejack shuck her head and looked around the boutique, she really admired how much work rarity Put into her dresses, every thread was perfectly woven in the fabric and showed the time and effort that went into each one.

"Nah i couldn't take anything from you, but thank you all the same."

Suddenly three very muddy fillies walked through the door much to rarity's dismay.

"Girls how many times have i told you, muddy little fillies belong outside."

"I'm sorry sis" a sincere Sweetie Belle said to the dismayed Rarity.

Rarity hurried to and fro with a towel, cleaning all the fillies thoroughly before sending them upstairs to take a proper bath, she then turned to see Applejack staring straight at her with a puzzled look on her face, Rarity simply shrugged this off and went to the nearest sewing machine and started sewing.

"Ah thought Applebloom and Sweetie were gonna be with Scootaloo's family today, what are they doing here?"

Rarity shrugged her shoulders and continued with her sewing, that was untill a light orange hoof wrapped it's way around her neck and forced her to stare into the deep emerald eyes of her friend, they continued to stare for what felt like hours as Rarity started to melt like a marshmallow in Applejack's hooves, the orage mare simply laughed at her friend as she went towards the door, to this Rarity jumped up and stood guarding the door.

"You can't leave like that, what was that about anyway's?"


On the other side of the town, a large red stallion was busy bucking trees watching the apples fall, the wind blowing through his mane, a tiny yellow pegasus was watching him from the distance.

"You know that your welcome here anytime right Shy?" Big Mac said without even looking away from the tree he was bucking.

The timid pegasus meekly squeaked and slowly started to approach the stallion.

"I'm so sorry Big McIntosh but i need your help again" Fluttershy said holding up a tiny little hedgehog wrapped up in a blanket, at first glance nothing was wrong but upon closer inspection there was a cut reaching around the critter's leg, "i found him like this in the forrest, i've tried everything but nothing seems to work and i've got enough with the bunnies."

There was an epidemic going around Ponyville this time of year affecting critters of all sizes but starngely preffering to affect small bunnies more then anything else.

Big Mac stared at the critter and wrapped his hoof around the bundle it was wrapped in.

"Thank you shy ill make sure he gets looked after, just remember not to tell AJ about this, she's beign getting rather suspicious of you visiting all the time, i think she's also been spying on me.

"Don't you think your overreacting just a bit?" Fluttershy said as she started to walk away from the farm leaving a worried stallion with a tiny hedgehog wrapped in his arms.


Author's notes: my sincerest apologies for the late update i have been both ill and busy over the past few weeks i haven't had a chance to update yet now that im better and free i will try and have a few more chapters up this week.

for anyone who is interested i will now be starting another story i will try and have the first chapter of that up later this week too so if this story isn't for you there will be something else for you.

thank you for your patience and i hope you continue to enjoy the story and any others i may write.