As the Sun Rises

by PurpleSparkle

Twilight to Celestia

June 1st

Dear Princess Celestia,

It has been a month now.

I haven't found anypony who sends those electric currents through my body as you described. Is love supposed to hurt? I've only stuck my hoof in one or two sockets (purely for science of course), and it wasn't a rather pleasing sensation. Though the way you describe it, "through touches, and talking, and whispers," it sounds as though you're referencing from literature yourself…

Ah that's it.

That's a little unfair don't you think? Using poetry agasint your student, when you know she has little background knowledge of the topic. Though I'm not familiar with the [poet you're referencing, it's too similar to not be?

Speaking of which did you want my report in blue ink or black?

Your (once) student,

Princess Twilight Sparkle


July 23rd

Dear Princess Celestia,

I understand you're very busy and all, but a reply would've been greatly appreciated.

I was curious if I may be allowed to venture to Canterlot now?

I've made little movement in Ponyville and was wondering if a change of scenery might help. Please respond as soon as you have a moment (which is hopefully right now).

Your (once) student,

Princess Twilight Sparkle


August 4th

Dearest Princess Celestia,

As I am also a Princess at this time, I feel I have the authority to come visit. I have been patiently awaiting your response for a total of three months, seven days, two hours, and thirty-six minutes. Oops, make that thirty-seven. And I haven't seen a reply. As my dear friend Rarity has acquaintances in Canterlot, I have been in touch about the recent activity over there. The strange thing is, there is none. It has been perfectly a-ok over in Canterlot since a number of weeks before and after I'd received your last letter.

What's going on Princess? Why would you lie to me?

Your concerned (once) student,

Princess Twilight Sparkle


August 8th


I'm coming down today. I am stepping on the train as Spike writes this (his handwriting is rather slow, so when you get this the train may have already been moving). Ow. Gentledragons don't slap mares, Spike. Don't you think Rarity would be horrified if he'd known you'd hit a lady? Are you writing this down? Don't write that down!
I'm sorry for disobeying you, Princess, but you must understand. There is nothing amiss in Canterlot, nor in Ponyville. I worry for your wellbeing, even if it may be personal demons. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do.

Twilight Sparkle