//------------------------------// // Fluttersnail // Story: Fluttersnail // by UTNerd24 //------------------------------// Our story begins in Ponyville. The Sun had just been risen thus it is time for all the ponies to play. They did the usual, Applejack was helping out ponies in need, Rarity was complaining about what to wear, Pinkie Pie was being...Pinkie Pie. But Fluttershy however was panicking. She normally panics allot but this time she was extra super duper panicky. "Oh. Excuse me...Please move" Fluttershy was trotting through the crowd seemingly in a hurry, she was heading for Twilight's house. Fluttershy burst into the room, catching her breath. "Twilight! I'm glad I found you." "Oh? What seems to be the problem?" Twilight was quick to reply. "I need a spell for endurance." Fluttershy asked...before muttering the usual "If that's Okay with you..." "Sure! lemme just get my book." Twilight's horn started glowing a pinkish red as a book with the same glow floated over to her. She then asked "Do you need any spell in particular?" Fluttershy responded. "I...um...Need something that can make me look nicer towards animals, and maybe a diet..." Twilight seemed a bit puzzled for a second. Fluttershy does not normally eat much but she couldn't help but notice a tiny bulge under her stomach. "So...It's a morph spell you want?" Twilight wanted to make sure. Fluttershy murmured a quiet "Yes". Twilight started rapidly flipping pages and scanning them at insane speeds until she found a spell called... "Stick with me" "A spell that makes a selected target easy going. It also affects their appetite." Twilight read it out loud. She then made sure that Fluttershy was okay with this. She nods. Twilight then chanted the words "Achatina Fulica CADABRA FAZAM!" Her horn then glowed a brighter red than before. The magic moved in a spiral motion until it it Fluttershy. She gave a little squeak as the jolt of magic went through her body. "In order for the spell to work you'll need to have a good rest tonight." Twilight instructed. Fluttershy gave a smile, nodded and exited the house. The two ponies then continued there original activities. Around 3PM Fluttershy noticed some strange feelings. Her head started to hurt and she had a tummy ache. "Oh my...I don't think this is meant to happen..." Fluttershy decided to tuck her animal friends in early and went to bed. Twilight continued to scan through her book when she noticed something in the corner of her eye. It was some smudged writing. She scraped the blots to reveal the following message: Only compatible with bunnies. Misuse may result in accidental transformation. Twilight gasped in shock. She went to run to Fluttershy's house but she already knew it was too late. "It's OK. I probably didn't use THAT spell. She'll be fine." Twilight said under her panic. That night Fluttershy was woken up by a stabbing pain in her head. Then it happened... Fluttershy could only watch as her body changed in the most grotesque ways she had ever known. At first, her mouth foamed up, then her legs disappeared, she began to grow a little, her wings sank into her body, two thin columns on top of her head snaked their way upwards, her body seemed to melt, her view shifted, and a large pink lump slowly started to appear on her back. Fluttershy opened her eyes. "Oh my" The words came out much slower than they should have. Fluttershy twisted her head around to see a shiny pink shell on her back. "T-this m-must be some sort of bad dream" she stuttered, once again the words coming out slowly. Convinced that she WAS haven a bad dream she shut her eyes and went to sleep. The next day it was raining and Angel was waiting for breakfast. Loosing his patience he barged into the room, only to slip over. He got up to find himself in a slippery silver puddle. Then he looked up to see the giant shell towering in front of him. Angel, now even hungrier started to tap on the shell. He jumped as the shell shook and made a strange, deep gurgling noise. Angel decided to sprint to Twilight's house. He burst into the room and started making frantic movements before Twilight could open her mouth. First he did a waving motion, then he slipped over, tapped the air and then started moving around on his stomach with his fist behind him. Twilight hesitated "I think I know what this is about..." The twosome rushed to Fluttershy's house. But it was empty...apart from a large slimy trail. It zigzagged out of her house and seemed to stretch towards Applejack's orchards. Angel decided to stay put as Twilight alone followed the slime. Out of nowhere (as usual) Pinkie Pie also decided to join the chase. "Hiya Twilight! I couldn't help but noticed this wired track. I wonder what could have made it? Maybe it's glue? Frosting?" Twilight pretended to understand what Pinkie was saying and decided to let her join. When the two reached the orchard they were shocked to see that something had eaten a clean hole through the lettuce garden. "Thanks Celestia your'e here!" Applejack said. "I thought I would have a little nap, but when I woke up this massive shell doohikey appeared!" Pinkie Pie insisted that they try to find out what it is. She bounced over to the shell that was just lying there in a puddle. "Hello? Anypony here? Whoever you are I suggest you come out now!" Pinkie tapped the shell and it shook a bit. She stepped back as it shook again. Then...two eye stalks peeped out and with a long and noisy squelching sound a giant, yellow bodied snail slowly appeared from the shell. The three ponies cringed as they saw it's glistening body dripping with slime. "Hello?" The trio jumped again as the snail spoke. "Ewww! Not only is it a snail but it talks as well! Almost Like Fluttershy!" Twilight's ears perked up as she realized something about Pinkie Pie's statement... The snail had pink hair, A yellow body, and had the same soft voice as Fluttershy. "That's because...It IS Fluttershy!" AJ and Pinkie gasped in horror. "I'm afraid it's true." Fluttershy said, her voice a little lower and slower than normal. "I wanted to go on a diet and be even kinder to my pets...but it seems to have gone wrong..." She gave a small squeak. Pinkie Pie, like her usual self had a sudden mood swing and decided to try and cheer Fluttershy up with a hug. Pinkie didn't mind her soft squishy body, in fact she seemed to like it. However Fluttershy accidently slid forward a little bit, smothering Pinkie Pie and covering her in slime. Pinkie Pie was at a loss for words. The Three ponies and the snail decided to head back to Ponyville to try and find a cure...However Fluttershy had become very slow moving so it took them nearly an hour to get their. When the four got to Ponyville it had stopped raining and most of the ponies were staring and keeping their distance. Then Derpy appeared. "That banana looks yummy!" Mistaking Fluttershy for a banana Derpy took a bite out of her, she squealed as a large volume of slime gushed out of her and onto poor Derpy. Seconds after the gap was filled almost as if she was never bitten. Ponies were rambling as they slipped over or got stuck in Fluttershy's trail as she oozed along and at the same time she was apologizing for every single misfortune. Twilight was in panic as she searched high and low for books that contained a cure but to no avail. While this was happening Fluttershy was simply sitting in the corner blowing green bubbles, Pinkie Pie couldn't help but to pop them as she blew. "This is unbelievable! There must be a cure!" Twilight panicked. Then Fluttershy saw something in the corner of her stalks. "Um...Twilight?" Fluttershy spoke up. "I couldn't help but notice a book in the corner over here..." Twilight looked around then saw a book stuck between two walls. Twilight sighed. "How will somepony be able to fit into there?" Fluttershy butted in. "Maybe not somepony...but some-snail!" Fluttershy then slid forward and faced the gap. "Here goes..." She tucked in her antennae and with a deep breath she moved towards it. Her body started to make unsettling sloshing noises as she squeezed into the gap as if she was made of jelly. She then moved back out and her stalks slowly reappeared on her head. When they rose they were holding a book. "Wow...Thanks" Twilight was shocked. "Here you go..." Fluttershy slid backwards to give Twilight enough room to read. "Accidental Transformation Reversal" The book read. Twilight scanned the pages until she reached a chapter labelled "Snail" "This transformation is rare to occur but due to this there is no known cure" Twilight read aloud. Hearing this Fluttershy squeaked and squeezed into her shell. Applejack could hear Fluttershy sobbing inside. "I only wanted charm but instead... I've become one of the most unsightly things ever!" Tears started to flow out of the shell. "It's okay sugarcube. I'm sure there is another way. Besides...I'd still love you no matter how ugly you could be" The crying stopped. Fluttershy peeped her glistening body out of her shell and looked at Applejack. "Thank you Applejack. I never thought you'd say such a nice thing." She slid forward to hug Applejack but she stepped back for the sake of staying clean. "As much as i'd love to...I don't think now is the best time for hugs." "Oh..." Fluttershy squeaked. Then she started to drool. "Twilight...I think I'm a bit hungry..." Pinkie Pie interrupted the large mollusc. "Then why didn't you say earlier! Let's get your sad shell over to Sugarcube Corner!" She then bounced out of the house and trotted of to Sugarcube Corner. Fluttershy decided to follow. Before she exited she twisted her head around and said "Um...Twilight" "Please forgive me for the mess." And with that she began her slow journey towards Sugarcube Corner. Twilight looked around to see that her house was covered in thick grey slime. She sighed and began cleaning up. Pinkie Pie had been waiting half an hour for Fluttershy to arrive. "C'mon Fluttershy! you can make it!" Despite her impatience Pinkie couldn't help but to cheer her on. Fluttershy crawled up the steps and finally squeezed inside. "Hello there Pinkie Pie! What can I get you today?" Mrs Cake was quick to ask. "Do you think you could make something beneficial for Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie asked. Mrs Cake was about to reply when she saw the giant snail that Fluttershy had become. "Oh my!" She screamed and ran outside...only to slip. "I've lost count of how many ponies I've hurt today..." Fluttershy whimpered. Pinkie Pie tapped Fluttershy's shell. "Don't worry! I've seen her get in much worse accidents." "So...What will it be?" Fluttershy thought for a second. "Do you have any lettuce?" Pinkie Pie gave a puzzled look. "Lettuce?" "No...But would you like a cupcake?" Fluttershy gladly accepted. She couldn't wait to eat it. She opened her gaping, slime filled mouth wide and ate the cupcake in a single bite. "That was...Very good...Not that I want to be a critic..." Fluttershy can sometimes be a bit picky with food but she was able to give a nice comment on Pinkie's cupcake. But then something started to happen... Fluttershy's body began to bubble, her mouth foamed up and she started to shriek in pain. "Wha-What's happening to me?" By the time she finished saying this her whole body had been cloaked in foam. She was melting. Pinkie Pie panicked and didn't know what to do. Having no idea what she was doing she threw a bucket of water at Fluttershy. The water washed all the foam away but the bucket got stuck in her. Pinkie Pie slowly pulled the bucket out and watched as the gap in Fluttershy's body was filled just like before. "Are you okay?" Pinkie Pie was worried about the snail. "I'm sorry...I didn't know that was going to happen..." "I guess I'll just go outside and eat some grass..." With that hear antennae drooped, she turned around and began sliding outside. Pinkie felt sorry for her. She thought she had did something wrong with her cupcakes. After lunch, Fluttershy continued to slowly ooze around Ponyville until she reached Cherilee's School. "Goodness...It can't possibly get worse than this for me..." But it did. The bell rang for playtime and all the fillies came rushing out. One was busy running when she tripped over Fluttershy's trail. Expecting all the fillies to be grossed out by the sight of a giant snail she withdrew her stalks. But to her surprise... "I've got a great idea!" A filly said. "Let's use the slime as a slide!" All the fillies cheered as they began to slide down the slime. For once, Fluttershy had something to smile about being a snail. She blew a couple of green bubbles which other fillies chased. The remaining fillies jumped on Fluttershy's slippery shell and slid down. When the bell went all the fillies were disappointed. Fluttershy decided to cheer them up by peeping "Thank you for playing with me." The fillies turned around and slowly grins started to appear on their faces. They waved and then went back inside. After the last filly had gone in Fluttershy decided to head back to Twilight's house...even if it would take her an hour. It's now afternoon and Fluttershy had gotten back to Twilight's house. She looked back and was happy to see that the ponies were more cautious about her slime. Thus nopony tripped over or got stuck. She squeezed into the room to see AJ, Pinkie and Twilight looking rather happy. "Great news!" Twilight proclaimed. "Zecora just sent me this mix of herbs and liquids which can help you turn back!" Fluttershy was curious about one thing though. "Um...Earlier today I ate a cupcake and started to foam up. Did I do something wrong?" Twilight quickly replied: "Salt. I've done a bit of research and have found that salt can actually cause snails to melt. Lucky you had Pinkie to help you otherwise we would have an even bigger mess to clean up." Pinkie Pie started to feel bad. "It's okay Pinkie, You just didn't know that's all." Fluttershy interrupted. "May I please have the mixture now? This shell is getting itchy and I don't have any hooves to scratch it with..." Twilight gave a nod and moved the mixture over to the overgrown gastropod. Fluttershy hastily ate the mixture whole...But nothing happened. She started to feel awful. "I guess I'm stuck like this forever then..." Then suddenly she started to gurgle, her body began to inflate and then... PLOOSH!! The snail disappeared in a splash of slime. When the smoke cleared a small pegasus lay curled up. "Wh-Where am I?" Fluttershy was dazed and confused for a moment but then she came back to her senses. Twilight hugged Fluttershy tight as well as Pinkie Pie and Applejack who were kissing her on the face. "I'm so glad to have you back Fluttershy." Twilight said in glee. Applejack added: "I think you've grossed out enough ponies for one day little missy." And Pinkie Pie also spoke up saying: "You know, for a ooey gooey snail...you weren't that bad." Fluttershy thanked everypony and quietly added: "To be honest...I didn't mind being a snail now that I think about it..." Twilight rolled her eyes. Night time had struck and it was time for everypony to hit the hay. After ANOTHER clean up of Twilight's house the ponies decided it was time to go home. Before Applejack left she said to Twilight: "All I can say is that...We had one SHELL of an adventure today!" FIN.