My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The last of the Dark Kingdom

by Shadowponyty

Chapter 1: Of Humans and Ponies

Chapter 1: Of Humans and Ponies

In Equestria there existed a giant tree in the Everfree forest, this tree is said to have certain magical properties that have unimaginable power.

Unknown to the ponies of Equestria no one has dared to go near it because of the rumours about it throughout Equestria.

Apparently the magical properties around this tree was dark and great evil could be sensed from inside of the tree, therefore it is forbidden to ever go near the tree that is now known as “The great Tree of Everfree”.

A spell has been cast around the tree in order for nothing to get in or out of the clearing where the tree exists.

It is a good thing too because of the terrible evil some pony that exists within the tree’s trunk.

This pony had a crystal horn on its head and those who have seen it would suddenly disappear from existence.
This ponies name was Alucard a pony of great evil magic that struck terror into the hearts of every pony he met.

Except he had not met anyone since he was sealed in this area where the tree was but he had a plan on how he would get out of the area, he had a spell that could let him travel through dimensions.

It had not been tested because it took a lot of magical power to perform but he would test it today. He pointed his crystal horn to a dark corner of the room he made within the tree’s trunk.

A black circular portal opened up in the corner of the room sucking a few spell books in the room into the portal.

As the Pony Alucard put the hood of his cloak over his head covering his horn and face and his midnight blue fur and black mane as he then stepped into the portal having an evil grin on his face.

My Name is Tynam I was on a train to Hastings to meet some of my friends for a good old day out for fun and games.

It was a beautiful day when I looked out of the window of the train, the sun was shining in the in the town of Hastings, the ocean was sparkling with the sun’s rays, it was summer, and for students at school it was time to have some fun before they go back to their course work and all the other work that school has to offer, me being one of those students.

When I arrived at the train station I stepped off the train I had short black hair and was wearing a short sleeved black shirt and dark blue shorts I looked around the train station I was looking for someone a friend but then I saw a tall figure with short brown hair wearing a sleeveless white top and black shorts.

“Hey Pete” I called over to him with a smile and I began to walk over to him he was one of the people I was hoping to meet today this is Peter he is my best friend in school and a day out would not be the same without him it just was not fun without it.

“Hi Tynam! how have you been?” Pete asked me as we exchanged a hand shake and a bro fist like we always did when we met… Hey don’t act like you haven’t done it.

“I’ve been great it’s good that you could come here” I told Pete “So should we get going?” I asked Pete nodded and we both walked to the exit of the train station.

“So when are the other’s meeting us at the beach?” Pete asked me as we both used our tickets to open the barricades to the exit.

“That’s right but we will have to wait for them some of their trains were delayed” I said and then sighed I knew that they were not coming.

“They aren’t coming are they?” Pete asked I looked at him surprised he catches on pretty quick you can’t even imagine what he knows.

“No they all had other plans” I said to him disappointed but I gave Pete a reassuring pat on the back “Don’t worry we can both still have fun there’s a lot of stuff around here to do on a summer day so let’s have some fun okay?” I smiled.

“Yeah sounds like a plan” Pete said smiling back at me.

Throughout the day Me and Pete went on rides went to the beach to talk to girls… not having much luck then trying our hand at mini golf even though we were both terrible at it but never wanted to admit it.

After it had gone 2 o’clock in the afternoon Pete and I decided to get a late lunch from McDonalds it was too packed to eat in the restaurant so we just took the food to go and left walking outside we looked for a place to sit down and eat.

“What about over here Ty?” Pete asked me pointing at an empty bench which looked perfect but as we were about to sit down.

Suddenly a circular black shiny thing I could not describe it I did not know what words to use it opened up next to the bench sucking it into it there goes our place to sit.

But then something came out of the object it had a cloak over it… it almost looked like a horse but shorter a pony maybe I did not know I was not expecting to see something like this today.

Just then the horse charged straight at me from under the hood I could see red glowing eyes as it charged it’s hood blew off of its head and people around gasped at what they saw.

The horse had a horn it looked exactly like a unicorn but it then shoved past me knocking the bag of McDonalds out of my hand sending it flying into the air and it fell onto its horn as it ran off with our food as I fell to the ground.

“Ty are you okay?” Pete asked me shock on his face seeing what that thing was.

“I’m fine but he has our lunch we waited in cue forever for that food” I said annoyed as I got up and ran after the horse
“Tynam they are just chicken nugge-!” I did not hear what Pete said I was already running after the lunch thieving horse I saw Pete run after me when I turned back to look at him and then continued after the horse.

People screamed as the horse ran past them as me and Pete bumped into the confused people managing to squeeze past them as we saw the horse go into a corner we pursued it and then we were all in an alley with a dead end to it the horse was trapped.

“Ty isn’t it a little colourful to be a horse?” Pete asked.

“Who cares it has our lunch” I said annoyed as I charged at the horse grabbing it’s head and trying to grab the McDonalds bag from its horn but it was bucking and kicking hard as its horn suddenly lit up with a dark light hitting the wall behind me.

It kept firing black lights from its horn hitting the wall in two other places making three circular objects in total on the walls in the alley.

“Get off me!” I heard from somewhere and it felt like someone shouted in my ear did it come from the horse.

“Ty get away from it!” Pete shouted as he ran to me and tried to get me off but then was hit by a black light that came from the horse and was sent flying into a wall and he was right next to the circular object as he looked like he was being sucked into it.

“Pete!” I yelled as I let go of the horse and tried to run over to him but he was suddenly gone I turned to the horse “What are you?” I said.

“Alucard the most feared unicorn in Equestria” the horse said as its horn glowed black looking like it was charging something magical and dark as it then shot a black orb straight toward my chest hitting me hard and sending me into one of the circular objects.

I could feel myself falling I could barely see anything it looked like a dimension of lightning and darkness was this it was this the end where am I going what is this place I looked at my chest where the black light hit.

There was a small burn there but it hurt a lot I could barely keep my eyes open as I could feel myself falling my eyes slowly closed as I then lost consciousness.

For a long while there was nothing just darkness but I then felt something tickle my nose as I opened my eyes.

I saw that there was a butterfly on me nose my vision was a little blurry I lifted my arm to swat it away but as I did I saw that my arm was no longer there it was what looked to be a hoof and it was a Light blue colour which made it even weirder.

I wanted to jump up and start panicking but as I was about to a quiet soft soothing voice asked.

“Umm hello uh excuse are you okay?” Said the voice as I looked my vision was still a little blurred but I could make out a yellow and pink colour “Umm oh my, are you hurt?”

My vision then started to clear as I saw that it was a pony was I going crazy?

“Umm” The pony looked away shyly her mane covering one of her eyes I saw her mouth move like it was talking and then I began to freak out I quickly jumped up “What the heck are you!?” I shouted at the top of my voice.

“Ah” The yellow pony then ran away from me scared.

I then felt it hard to stand up as I fell flat on my face also I felt shorter for some reason I looked at my arms and then at my legs seeing that they were hoofs.

I tried to remain calm I lifted my head to see that I was in a meadow filled with grass and there was a small lake here.

As I dragged myself to the nearby lake and looked into it as I saw that my face had changed not just that but my body and hair as well I gasped as I backed up from the lake.

It had to be a dream it just had to be I had become a pony!