//------------------------------// // Act 2 - Equestrian Candyball League // Story: Breakaway // by koolaidguy23 //------------------------------// FADE IN: EXT. TWILIGHT'S LIBRARY - LIVING ROOM - MORNING Panning to the center of the library, the circle bed shows a sound asleep Rigby tied to a bucket of water by his leg. Facing opposed from the window, beams peak out from the sunrise. A shadow cast of Mordecai walks across the screen with a square object wrapped around his wing. From offscreen, a loud thwack of flat surfaces startles Rigby awake, tipping the bucket only enough to pulse cold water on his coat, full-body. A few coughs to clear his throat delay his question. RIGBY (Agitated) Oh what was that for? Facing the real Mordecai instead of a shadow, he is holding a heavy book pulled off the shelf and on the wall, now facing Rigby. MORDECAI That was for the Angry Bird comment the other day. Now come on! We can't afford to screw up our jobs this time! Rigby groans in bed. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PONYVILLE - CENTRAL PONYVILLE With the sun fully raised, Mordecai has now taken off to greet his new work boss, Applejack. From Mordecai's point of view, he unrolls a map scroll to navigate. MORDECAI (Thinking aloud) Hmmm...three blocks past the spa and make a left...on 4th? No that doesn't make sense! Continuing from his point of view, Mordecai rolls up the map, revealing Snails trotting before him. MORDECAI (to SNAILS) (CONT'D) 'Scuse me but um, I'm running late here. Do you know how to get to uh, (unrolls the map again to reread the name) Sweet Apple Acres? SNIPS Shoiyr! It's er uh, just off the d'oiyt road on toid, Then ye- MORDECAI (Interrupts) Wa-wa-wait, slow down kid. It's just what? Snails interjects, dropping a steel tesla coil dish from his mouth to speak. SNAILS He said off the dirt road on 3rd street! MORDECAI Oh! (Snickers insincerely) Stupid me! Thanks! Mordecai scurries his way to the farm, making a left on the dirt road. SNIPS Snails, that was probably yoir most brilliant moment in all of TV histowy! DISSOLVE TO: EXT. SWEET APPLE ACRES - TRELLIS ENTRANCE Mordecai finally enters the farm, five minutes late. According to the notes on the back on his map, Applejack is waiting inside the barn. A moving crack of the door along with a call of her name brings the orange mare over. MORDECAI Applejack? Mordecai holds his wing out to shake hands, and Applejack forcefully does so. APPLEJACK Well howdy'er partner! Before you get kickin' here, I just need you to get y'erself orientated! Now if my'uh memory is serving me correct, you said you were a groundskeeper before, right? MORDECAI (Double-takes and scratches his head) Well kind of. APPLEJACK We'alrighty then! You'll be perfect! Just shake the apples off the tree n tell me when yer done! Mordecai grins cheesily, accepting Applejack's orders. APPLEJACK (CONT'D) But as for now, applebuck season isn't due anytime soon so until then, ye won't be a hurtin y'erself. You'll just be using the ol' seed drill for now! MORDECAI Oh. Is that good? APPLEJACK Should be. AJ points her hoof at the seed drill, showing off its massive weight delving its iron points to the ground. Mordecai's beak gapes open so hard that it falls off. APPLEJACK (CONT'D) Get y'erself all harnessed and you can begin, A-sap. FADE TO: BLACK FADE IN EXT. CELERY FIELD - NOON Forcing all of his weight on the drill, Mordecai finds that his unfit self is barely enough to break the friction of it. Struggling with more weight at each attempt, his back answers to the intense labor with a crack. Out of instinct, he unbuckles the harness, but the taut leather snapped from the force, dropping him onto the loose soil. On the peak of the mound, he flopped flat on the soil because the 45 degree arch on the mound matched his 45 degree thrown out back. With a successful attempt to stand again, he turns his head back to see what he did to himself. MORDECAI (Sickly, not painfully)'UAAAHHHH! A thrown apple knocks the wind out of him and pushes him to the ground again. He drops into the next cavity facing the opposite direction this time, cracking his back the right direction again. Facing the trees, three fillies sync their steps, maintaining the same direction through the greenery in the woods. They all wore saddle bags and pirate themed attire. Scootaloo wore an eyepatch, Sweetie Belle wore a bandana, and Apple Bloom wore a captain's hat. CRUSADERS 97, 98, 99, 100! SCOOTALOO (Scans the premise) I don't get it! Where's the "x"? SWEETIE BELLE Why would there be an "x"? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the map? Besides, how do we know if we were counting our paces right? Do you count two hooves, or four hooves? SCOOTALOO I don't know! (Taunts) Why don't you ask the "captain?" After all, she is the boss! APPLE BLOOM (O.S.) (Singsong) Found it! A quick pan shows Apple Bloom pointing at the marking with her hoof, smiling. SCOOTALOO (Dryly) Well what do you know? There actually is an "x"! Sweetie Belle answers Scootaloo with a shove. SWEETIE BELLE (TO SCOOTALOO) I never said there wouldn't be one! Applebloom calls out their names. APPLE BLOOM Hello! Cutie mark pirates, treasure, right here! SWEETIE BELLE (Reluctant) Oh yeah, right. A cacophony of hooves digging is all you hear as the dust covers the screen. When it clears, it presents a wooden trunk inside the hole. They struggle to push it out of that steep hole, as the trunk was shaking from the three maxing out on their physical abilities. A blue wing slaps itself on the trunk's door. MORDECAI Need some help? (Unlatches the trunk and lifts open) APPLE BLOOM Why thank ye' partner! SCOOTALOO Well this is it! The life changing moment of our lives! MORDECAI What are you three doing here anyways? Worked up, the crusaders ignore Mordecai's question. SCOOTALOO From now on, we're gonna be... The three peek inside at the same time. SCOOTALOO (CONT'D) (Crestfallen) Worthless. Viewing overhead, the trunk is not only empty, but new and clean. The only thing that occupied that box was a paper note in a fourfold showing no age or signs of yellowing whatsoever. Sweetie Belle unravels it, only to get it snatched by Apple Bloom. (NOTE) Dear worthless trio. Me and Silver Spoon set this glorious prank to remind you who's boss. If you actually got this far without figuring that out, then it's safe to say this treasure is as empty as your heads. Tootaloo, blank flanks! - Diamond Tiara All three of the crusaders let a dreary grunt and throw themselves to the ground. APPLE BLOOM Eh, forget it. Another weekend wasted. Face it, we were never meant to be cutie mark pirates from the start. They sigh at the same time. CRUSADERS Worst weekend ever. MORDECAI (Scratches the back of his head) Yeah tell me about it. I got sucked away from home by some portal...thing. And now I can't even continue working because my harness snapped. Mordecai shows them the leather harness, pointing at the strap that gave. Sweetie Belle flings herself to be the first to see. SWEETIE BELLE Oh wa-wa-wait! I got something for that! Scoots! Open my bag and get that mending glue for me, would you? Scootaloo shoves her head in, rummages through the bag, pops her head back out with a tube of glue clamped on her teeth and spits it out. Mordecai has the eye of surprise as he watches the crusaders finish the mend. Revealing that it appears to be fixed again, he forcefully stretches it taut to test its durability. MORDECAI Whoa. (Pulls it once more) I'm...impressed. You know, if you're looking for your special talents, you should consider this. I don't know why you didn't think of this before. SWEETIE BELLE You mean, fixing things? An emphasis backdrop snaps behind her at the instance. SWEETIE BELLE (CONT'D) That's it! We should be Cutie Mark Crusader repairmares! MORDECAI Cutie Mark Crusaders? (Scratches his head in a pause, then snaps his finger) Oh yeah your sister told me about you three! APPLE BLOOM Oh right, right! Yer the new one here! So? How's your first day on the job? MORDECAI I'm quitting. It isn't cut-out for me,(Looks away) or my species for that matter. (Returns eye contact) I got one row done. That's it. Come to think of it, Rigby is working at a bakery, and he hates baking with a passion. He pauses to think for a few seconds. MORDECAI (CONT’D) He probably thinks he's in hell right now. SNAP TO: INT. SUGARCUBE CORNER - KITCHEN - NOON Extreme close-up of Rigby's face. RIGBY I think I'm in heaven right now! A quick zoom out reveals him sliding a batch of cupcakes in the oven, with four more batches waiting. He glances at his chef hat, and he turns his head to face Pinkie Pie. She was watching the mixer, holding the power button down to keep it running. RIGBY (CONT'D) Yo Pinkie! My batch incoming! PINKIE PIE Oki doki loki! Rigby zips over, lifts Pinkie's hoof away with his right hand to shut the mixer off, readjusts the speed gauge to high. RIGBY And while you're doing that, I'll show you this awesome drink that I made. PINKIE PIE Oki doki loki soki broski! Rigby hops on the counter and frontflips onto the floor in front of the refrigerator. He takes out two cans of soda, a jar of pickles (wrapped around his tail), an ice tray, and a bottle of hot sauce. Placing the ingredients on the counter next to the blender, he grabs Pinkie's attention. RIGBY (Hyper) Now gather around! I'm gonna show you the best smoothie ever. I call it...the Rig Juice Smoothie! With the pink pony's eyebrow raised on Rigby, he began using the ingredients he lists. RIGBY (CONT'D) Two cans of Soda! Ice cubes! Some hard candy...for texture! Sugar coated bran flakes! Two whole apples! A grapevine! Pickles...for the color! And can you guess what the last one is gonna be? PINKIE PIE (Points her hoof at Rigby) Hot sauce? RIGBY No! It's- oh wait! How did you guess that?! Pinkie Pie giggles. Then without a word, Rigby chugs the whole bottle of hot sauce in the blender as its color saturates the unprocessed drink. Pinkie sits against the wall on her haunches. RIGBY (CONT'D) It's easy as one, (plugs in the blender) two, (seals the lid) three! (hits the ice crush button on the blender) Grinding the pickles, the smoothie recolors itself to lime green. The blender loudly hums, so Rigby and Pinkie have to shout over it. That is, if they can interpret what each of them are saying. RIGBY (CONT'D) Now what you're about to drink is gonna be, hold your applause, magic in smoothie form! PINKIE PIE (Misinterpreting) Of course my hooves are warm, silly! Ponies aren't cold blooded! RIGBY Homies are cold blooded sometimes, I know! That's why I stay away from bad neighborhoods! PINKIE PIE I tried slaying a dragon too! It didn't work out that well! RIGBY (Stops shouting over the blender) You know what? I'm just gonna come over there because I can't hear a word you're saying. Attempting to hop off the counter, Rigby trips over the power cord on the blender. Flung off the countertop, the active blender clashes against the counter island on the floor beside Rigby, and lands with the pitcher still attached and powered, except without the lid on anymore. The rattling pitcher transmitted its noisy vibrations up to the countertop. PINKIE PIE (Shouts over the humming) You ok, fuzz-ball? With the main ingredients like the hard candy processed, Rigby is able to understand her now. RIGBY Don't call me that! When Rigby sits up, he scans the room for the blender, only to see a long, green, kitchen tool that rattled its way off the counter drop on the rim of the blender's pitcher. The lack of motion blur gave Rigby enough time to decipher what it was. A stove lighter. Without even a chance to gasp, Rigby slips two pans with baked yet uniced cupcakes off the counter and rushes to Pinkie to give her one. PINKIE PIE What's this for, fuzz-ball? RIGBY (Tone of drill sergeant) TAKE COVER!!! Rigby dives for the ground, covering himself with the cupcake pan like a medieval shield. Oblivious of what's going on, Pinkie takes Rigby's word and shields herself as so. The lighter then drifted into the epicenter of the whirling juice in the blender, and the lighter's fluid gave in to all the combustion it can get. From outside, the bang can be heard, along with the splatter of green smoothie juice on the bakery's windows. Upon opening his eyes again, they find the whole kitchen spattered with Rigby's concoction along with shards of glass on the floor surrounding where the pitcher exploded, but there appears to be no real damage. Rigby turns his head to see Pinkie Pie take a bit of a cupcake off the tray, now iced with his "Rig Juice Smoothie". PINKIE PIE Mmmm! It does taste like magic! Rigby smiles back at her. FADE TO: BLACK FADE IN: INT. TWILIGHT's LIBRARY - LIVING ROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT From an overhead view, Mordecai climbs on the round bed with Rigby exhaustively. MORDECAI So I hate to ask. How well did your day go? Rigby turns around, holding an icebag on his head. RIGBY Actually it was pretty awesome, other than this massive headache I got! (Clamps his teeth shut) I need to cut back on sugar for a while. How's your day? MORDECAI Pfft. Awful. I already quit. Good thing Twilight's friends here are understanding, you know. Mordecai was answered with a loud snore. MORDECAI (TO HIMSELF) (CONT'D) Though I got another plan. Tiptoeing upstairs, Mordecai soundlessly makes his way up to Twilight's bedroom. Twilight was observing the stars with her telescope and taking notes. She turns around to see Mordecai talking to her. MORDECAI (CONT'D) Ummm, Twilight? Do you know anything about pony politics? DISSOLVE TO: EXT. TOWN HALL - SPECIAL EVENT STAGE - MORNING The event stage was occupied with an audience for an unknown reason. There was no banner or anything to label it. Rigby, on his way to the Sugarcube Corner for his second day, couldn't help to be distracted by it. After all, the audience was blocking his path. RIGBY What's all this rubble about? A purple/violet pony in the audience turns to answer his question. BERRY PUNCH It's the first debate of the mayor's election this term! RIGBY Debate? (Raises eyebrow) That's all he got from the pony before the audience let out an applause. Facing the stage, Mayor Mare steps up to the podium. MAYOR MARE Good morning everypony! And as you all know, my election term comes to an end this week. So after a long time running unopposed, I'm still proud to say that it won't be like that for this year! So I'd like to present to you my first competitive running mate, Mordecai! The audience applaudes, but as soon as Mordecai climbs onstage, it abruptly cuts off. RIGBY (Gasps) Mordecai? What now? He steps up to the next podium with Mayor Mare. RIGBY (CONT'D) (crossing fingers) Please don't embarrass yourself don't embarrass yourself don't embarrass yourself Mordecai! MORDECAI (Stacks his note cards on the podium) Ladies and gentlemen, I- MAYOR MARE (Whispers) Fillies and gentlecolts. MORDECAI Fillies and Gentlecolts! (Reading note cards) I come from a far away land from here, and even though my time in Ponyville has been short, I can guarantee you that I can fix the mistakes I can't let slip my mind! Crowd cheers for Mordecai. RIGBY Hey, maybe he's got something here! In front of the audience there are three debaters at a table who ask their questions. There's Doctor Whooves, Cheerilee, and Derpy Whooves. CHEERILEE Alright I guess I'll go first! Mayor, what are your plans concerning the education system in our city? MAYOR MARE Similar to the plan we already have. DOCTOR WHOOVES But what about those who haven't found their special talent yet? CHEERILEE (Interjects question) Well there aren't many of those left. You can't force young ponies into adulthood, you know. DOCTOR WHOOVES (Sighs) Very well then. Now Mordecai, you understand very well that you need experience in such a field to get some attention from the voters, correct? MORDECAI (Sweating) Um, yes? DOCTOR WHOOVES Well without that experience, how can we possibly expect you- CHEERILEE (Interrupts) But maybe- DOCTOR WHOOVES (Stammers) Wait I'm not finished! (Boldly) How can we possibly expect you to maintain a city in a foreign country when you're not even the same species to experience them in the first place? The conspired audience chats about it. Then absolute silence kicks in over the anticipation. MORDECAI (Sweating frantically) Well um, working conditions are different and uhh... With apprehension, five more seconds of silence kicks in. CHEERILEE While I don't understand Whooves' harshness on the question- DOCTOR WHOOVES (Interjects sternly) Well of course it's harsh! It's a debate for Pete's sake! Not a day care! CHEERILEE But I do understand the conjecture. (Restating) Why is it that being different becomes your advantage? His answer was nothing but a silence. MORDECAI (Chokes) Well...I never thought about it that way. Laughter spreads through the audience with an exception of Rigby, who facepalmed in shame. MAYOR MARE Well unfortunately I'm gonna have to cut it short because it seems that one of the debaters has wandered off, and nopony has found her yet. Both Doctor Whooves and Cheerilee turn their faces to see the third seat empty, where Derpy was sitting. MAYOR MARE (CONT'D) In the meantime, let's celebrate this debate with a word from our sponsors! The audience applaudes with their hooves stamping as a stubby green unicorn steps on stage, wearing a suit. Stepping up to the Mayor's podium, the two candidates exit the stage from the right. Mordecai steps off slouched over, dismal. In the meantime, the green pony makes his speech, by reading off of prepared note cards. SNIPS Fellow unicorns, are you tired of using all of yoir madgic on the simplest things at home? Would you give anything to get a little more enerdgy on yoir forehead? (Flips card) Well now you don't have to! Featuring the laitest technologery from the labs in Canterlawt, the MegaHorn! (Points hoof to the right) Panning to the stage on the right, the curtains rise. Fanfare plays at the appearance, but it slows to a stop like a record player to accompany the audience's disgust. He is wearing the same steel helmet with the tesla coils that Mordecai saw carrying with his teeth yesterday, attached with two wire clips - one on each coil by the probes. A foot pedal is linked where the cords join together supposedly to the controller. SNIPS (CONT'D) (Flips card) It's so simple, evuen the numbest of all numbskulls can use it. (Picks up controller for everypony to see) Simply adjust yoir degree of magic with this controller here and (Flips card again, mispronouncing the word 'lead' in the sentence) unless you're the lead dog, the view...never...changes? Hm, since when do they make dogs out of lead? Camera turns to Snails, with that same dopey look on his face he always makes. A rising hum indicates the unit is powered. SNIPS (O.S.) (CONT'D) (Shouts over noise) Alright Snails, batter up! Snails takes his hoof to the pedal and is instantly electrocuted to the point where his coat and mane spiked in every direction possible to ground it. The electricity finally cuts off of its supply, releasing Snails. Fully charred, he coughs black smoke. SNAILS (Dry coughs) Dusty! SNIPS Hold up, Snails. I er uh...know I got something wrong here. Zooming out, it is revealed that Snips didn't plug the Megahorn cable into the controller, but instead, the cable was jammed directly into a power outlet. The audience laughs at the nonlethal amusement. Cut to a view of Mordecai, Rigby, and Twilight now in the same scene off-stage. MORDECAI I found out I'm still on my denial stage. Rigby, Twilight, now would be a good chance for you to run. RIGBY Pfft. Whatever man, I'm off to the S.C.C. Be back at eight. (Leaves the scene) FADE TO: BLACK FADE IN: INT. TWILIGHT's LIBRARY - LIVING ROOM - LATE AT NIGHT From outside, all you can hear is a repeated thunk. Rigby creaks the door open, greeted by Twilight. TWILIGHT SPARKLE Hi Rigby. RIGBY Mordecai still mad? TWILIGHT SPARKLE Eeyup. Right upstairs. Rigby heads upstairs as so. INT. SECOND FLOOR RIGBY What the...? The source of the pounding was revealed. Mordecai was repeatedly pounding his head into the wall of the library. MORDECAI Leave. (Pound) Me. (Pound) Alone. RIGBY Mordecai I just have to ask. What in the right mind gave you the idea to become mayor?! MORDECAI Because...(Pound) it pisses me of that I'm a bird, and all these jobs are set up for ponies, and not birds. Weather control, Applebucking, magic, all of it, strictly for ponies. So other than tailoring, that's pretty much my last choice. (Pound) RIGBY Oh. Well I got lucky. My job is apparently what I've dreamed of! Woo! MORDECAI (Pound) Not...(Pound)...helping. Twilight has to state the obvious. TWILIGHT SPARKLE Well pounding your head repeatedly against the wall isn't gonna help either. Mordecai brings his head to a stop, facing the two. MORDECAI (Paces back and forth) Well this world wasn't built for us. I just wanna go home, where we belong. Twilight, remember when you said the princess needed our info so they can hear our side of the story? Well now is a good time, so take notes. 'We were bombarded by a meteor shower, and then a giant funnel went and-' Twilight lifts a hoof, signaling a stop. In fact, she didn't even reach for a parchment. TWILIGHT SPARKLE Look, I didn't wanna break the news this early, but you cornered me. I received a letter from Princess Celestia this morning. She said her team believes the possibility of finding a spell for a cross-universal portal is inevitable. The project was called off earlier this afternoon. The announcement disdains Mordecai deeply. MORDECAI (Grabs Twilight by the shoulders and shakes her about) What?! (Raises voice) You mean we're stuck here forever? (Shaking Twilight by the shoulders) With no way getting home? RIGBY (Dismissive) Heh. I can live with that. TWILIGHT SPARKLE Okay, okay, okay.(Defensively) I'm sorry. But I'll make it up to you, Mordecai. Remember Rainbow Dash? Well this year she was drafted into her home town's sports team- RIGBY Wait. (Lifts shades) What sport? TWILIGHT SPARKLE (Faces Rigby) It's called "Candyball." It's a very popular sport in this country. And all my friends are gonna be there! Well except Pinkie because she has to work that day. RIGBY Dude, I don't like you being this angry. It's gonna keep me up all night. And I actually get tired now. MORDECAI (Groans loudly) Shouldn't you be angry too? RIGBY No. Because I'm not the one that complains about everything. (Hops on the bed) Now I'm not making any space on this bed until you say "yes." At least say that! I'm not gonna let myself lose any sleep over something stupid like this. Mordecai shows his furious groan again, until it is put down with a sigh. MORDECAI No! This serious! How do you possibly think that- RIGBY (Imitating robot voice) INITIATING #COVER-BED SEQUENCE. (Stretches arms over the mattress) BLEEP. BLEEP. BLEEP. BLEEP. MORDECAI (Pounds his head one more time into the wall.) Heh. Fine. Fading out, Mordecai's face remained indifferent about the request. EXT. CANTERLOT - CANDYBALL FIELD - DAY Opening shot: A whole fullscreen view of Canterlot dissolves into a view of an Ivy-League style stadium, made of the same marble used for the castle. Supported with arch columns, the bleachers follow a white-yellow palette. Each quadrant of a bleacher level populated by the thousands, and there were three bleacher levels excluding the cotton cloud overhang for the pegasi. With a left-to-right pan of the rowdy fans, the commentator begins. MIKE PUNT (OVER MIC, O.S.) Welcome, fillies and gentlecolts, to game number 9 of the candyball season! (Onscreen close-up) I am Mike Punt, your official commentator of the Equestrian Candyball League. The solid white stallion wore a crimson red tie with only the collar of a shirt tucking it in, without the shirt itself. MIKE PUNT (CONT'D) This may be the game that will determine whether Cloudsdale's Clydes will make it to the playoffs next week! The face-off will begin in ten minutes. A dark outline of Mordecai, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy all sit in one row of bleachers in the foreground like a silhouette. TWILIGHT SPARKLE Whoa. APPLEJACK This here is one hay-of-a die-hard fan herd. Fluttershy whimpers. RARITY Dazzling sight. MORDECAI How many people do you think are here? RIGBY (O.S.) Thirty. Everyone stares at Rigby for a second. Camera directs to him on the far right. RIGBY (CONT'D) Alright, thirty-five. MORDECAI (Dryly) Aren't you supposed to work today? PINKIE PIE (O.S) I didn't want fuzz-ball to miss out on seeing my bestest friend play! So I'm dropping him off here. Camera redirects to Pinkie, nuzzling Rigby. PINKIE PIE (CONT'D) Be back at eight, fuzz-ball! Pinkie Pie hops off her seat and leaves the scene. MORDECAI So, where's the rainbow one fuzz-ba- I mean, Rigby? RAINBOW DASH (O.S.) Right here. Azure outlined hoof-boots clack on the bench behind the group, blocking most of the view of the field. The group turns their heads. Showing a body shot of Rainbow dash, she was wearing the official Candyball uniform under the Clydes' color palette - glossy indigo body plates over a grey elastic jumpsuit. The suit was like a mash-up of sleek Stormtrooper body armor somehow stylishly matching a motorcycle helmet. RAINBOW DASH (CONT'D) (Strikes a pose) So what do you think of the suit? Am I awesomelicious or what? The rest of the group agrees with a "yeah" or a "yah-huh," except Rarity, who was afraid to even turn her head to see for herself. RARITY I don't wanna even look at it- oh my it's actually quite expressive. APPLEJACK Just a heads up, Rainbow. You gotta think like a tiger, not a cheetah. This is Bermareda you're up with. Not some dinky little- RAINBOW DASH Bermareda? Their defense in Candyball is like, the worst in Equestria.(Scoffs) Don't worry, it won't be much of a jawbreaker! RIGBY Sure will be, Rainbow uhhhhh... (Scratches head) Dash! Rainbow nods to Rigby's butt-in of the chat, which was paused briefly by the commentator's update. MIKE PUNT Face-off will begin in five minutes. Players are now being called to their huddles. RAINBOW DASH Just need to borrow this for the time being. She yanks the hair scrunchie from Applejack's ponytail. However, Applejack didn't exactly approve of this. APPLEJACK Hey what in tarnation?! RAINBOW DASH (O.S.) That'll help. With the strands of rainbow hair on her tail mixed together, she knots her tail to a bun for the momentum. She whips it back and forth a few times to test the knot. RAINBOW DASH (CONT'D) Wish me luck! (Flaps away to the huddle) APPLEJACK She coulda just said something first. Yeesh! (Turns to Rigby) And you, furry one, I gotta bone to pick wit' you. RIGBY What d'ya got against me? I barely know you! APPLEJACK This here. It's the homework my little sister got back. She claims you helped her. Applejack shows him the question. APPLEJACK (CONT'D) Keep your advice away from the Apple family, got it? RARITY Speaking of those troublesome fillies, you won't believe what they did to my once-called creation room back at the boutique this morning. FLASHBACK TO: INT. CAROUSEL BOUTIQUE - CREATION ROOM - MORNING Close-up of Rarity carrying on with her job, the thick suede fabric came to a complete stop. The machine itself answered with grinding gears as the suede billowed up further. RARITY (PRESENT V.O.) My sewing machine got itself caught in a knot, with the suede felt stuck in it. Now you all know suede is very expensive and can't go to waste. So I was desperate. In the flashback, Rarity was waving her hooves, moaning. RARITY (FLASHBACK) Of all the worst things that can hap- Her front door slams open, imprinting the wall. The three uninvited guests casually enter with loud yellow construction suits, starting with Scootaloo. SCOOTALOO (Cheerfully) Well no need to worry. With our proper tools and experience, we can guarantee a perfect fix! SWEETIE BELLE That's right, and with our help, you'll be ready in no time. Rarity, knowing Sweetie Belle's clumsiness, darts to guard the fabric-hungry sewing machine for her life. RARITY [FLASHBACK] Out of my room. (Hoof-stamps the floor) Now. Silently, Apple Bloom signals a nod to the other two, who answer back with the same gesture, the three overly determined fillies manage to shove the fully grown mare out of the premise and barricade themselves in. With Rarity's undetermined attempts to kick the door open, her legs ran out of steam. APPLE BLOOM Sorry Rarity! Sweetie Belle ignores the upsetting muffled mourns of her sister from behind the door and continues. SWEETIE BELLE Scootaloo! Status report! Scootaloo tugs the fabric with her teeth, stretching it taut. SCOOTALOO It's jammed. SWEETIE BELLE (Rummaging through her bag) Uh huh, so we gotta loosen it up. I'll get the scissors just to be safe.(Turns around) I'll just- What are you doing?! Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are seen pounding the sewing machine with sledge hammers. APPLE BLOOM (Pauses) You said "Loosen it up!" SWEETIE BELLE That's not how you loosen up a sewing machine's needlehead, ya needlehead. You gotta take the fabric out first. SCOOTALOO Don't you think we tried that?! SWEETIE BELLE (Swings her head) Apparently not hard enough. Hold it by the other end. I'll get it out. The three play a tug of war that goes on for three desperate struggles. On the third try, the base of the machine sheers off, throwing all three fillies to the ground. Hoping on her hooves again, Sweetie Belle is freaked, yet enthralled by the aftermath of their attempts. Racing back and forth, the sewing machine was now demoted to a carpenter's jigsaw, and it was fully out of control. As the crusaders disperse in a frenzy, the jigsaw wasn't actually slicing the floor. It was cutting the floor, then it was stitching itself back up. From outside the room, Rarity was vigorously pounding her hooves against the door. RARITY (FLASHBACK) Sweetie Belle? That doesn't sound so good. Sweetie Belle! Open up! This isn't funny anymore! The sewing machine jigsaw then crashes through the door and crosses between her hooves. As it escapes the scene, Rarity nudges herself through the shattered hole in the door, which is notably only the size of Angel Bunny. As soon as she opens her eyes, she has to shake her head in disbelief. RARITY (FLASHBACK) (CONT'D) (Bloodcurdling scream) MY INSPIRATION ROOM!!! Revealing an open window, the Crusaders appeared to have snuck out while offscreen. SWEETIE BELLE (Stammers sheepishly) Keep going keep going keep going! RARITY [PRESENT V.O.] I've no idea as to why Sweetie Belle or the rest of her silly little innocent friends would be so vulgar and arrogant to anyone. END OF FLASHBACK MORDECAI (Introverted) Yeah...I wonder. (Swallows) So what's Candyball? How's it played? As Applejack was about to answer the question, her words were cut off by Fluttershy, who peeked her head out from behind Applejack's back. FLUTTERSHY (Hyperventilates) It's only the most brutal and terrifying sport played in all of Equestri- OH ANGEL BUNNY GET ME OUTTA HERE! (Shudders) Angel pops her head out for the first time and pinches her tail to pop her upright on her seat. APPLEJACK Now, now; there's no need to fuss there, girl. They all know it's in good fun. Applejack shrugs back at Mordecai. RIGBY (TO MORDECAI) Psst! They told me about it. It's like a fusion of football, hockey, soccer and dodgeball in one game. The unrealistic way Rigby explained Candyball was enough to for Mordecai to forget the guilt as he returned the response with a crooked puzzle on his face. MORDECAI Wwwwwwwww-what? Rigby passes a little pamphlet labeled “Equestrian Candyball League ” MIKE PUNT (V.O.) Fillies and gentlecolts, the players are in formation of the field and the face-off is now clear to begin. The field, which similarly shared dimensions with a football field, is being veiled with a 60-foot tall retracting steel cage that surrounds the whole perimeter of the viewing. The mesh fence rises from the trapdoors. Cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-cla-clac, cliclicliclicliclic. Completed with the clashing of the cage fence, Fluttershy flinches again; this time behind Twilight. MiKE PUNT (V.O.) (CONT’D) Formation is ready, with the Clydes in possession of the ball. Clop-clack clop-clack clop-CLASH! MIKE PUNT (V.O.) (CONT’D) And they're off. T-bone receives the ball to punt it to RD. RD laterals it to Suns and is taken down by Barbs' tackler, Lawn. Decent start for the- Rainbow Dash dips by with the ball, through an open pocket. MIKE PUNT (CONT’D) Fortunate day for RD! Her accidental reception may have saved her on her first day! Aiming for a 30 yard kick, she shoots for the stars, doesn't she. (Buzzer alarms) Rainbow Dash makes a gutsy move by trying to return home, which would give her the extra two points. MIKE PUNT (CONT’D) Precise little punt there. She might have this one in the bag. It's difficult to keep up with this multicolored pony. Rainbow Dash, as a motion blur, darts herself to the mesh of the net. MIKE PUNT (CONT'D) Conversion successful! A harsh yet exciting development of a fanbase has already boosted her short-lived career. No ordinary day job out on the field, isn't it? Instantly removing her helmet, she twirled the helmet around her hoof with her extraordinary speed. Facing the scoreboard, a clock transition showed the scores from 5-0 into 20-22. MIKE PUNT (CONT'D) Well it’s been a long half time show featuring BureauBeat, but it all comes down to the last game. Like always. But if the Clydes get the last three pointer, they still have a chance. Especially since they have the ball, but with 30 seconds remaining. Unfortunately for the team, It's gonna take more than T-Boning to bring forth this miracle. Players occupy positions, with the Clydes in offense formation. MIKE PUNT (CONT'D) And the cover seems effective. T-Bone fakes the punt, passes it to RD to center-ooh! I don't believe It what a lucky shot by thirty five yards! CROWD (Chants, holding banners, signs, etc.) RD! RD! RD! RD! Rainbow Dash only scored this lucky shot because she was facepounded by losing track of the ball, which apparently made its way into the net. She shakes into consciousness again, realizing that she is the one that has to kneel in the green to pin the score and win the game. Though she didn't. She aimed for the extra two-point conversion by returning to her net, out of her own proverbial arrogance. MIKE PUNT RD better give into the thousands of fans' demand if she wants to keep her good name high. Apparently she's aiming for more than that. The beige pony cuts in front of her, despite the fact that she was at her top speed at Mach 1. Whether it was a tackle or a fumble, the overseer commentators couldn't decipher it either. To make matters worse, the ball appeared in the scene as well. In reality, she was tripped by the right wing defense, and she fell as a result of misdirection. The ball hit the defender pegasus, not Rainbow Dash. MIKE PUNT (CONT'D) Let's take this to our imaging ponies to review that last play. With the audience's eyes on the retractable screen, an indigo unicorn with a monocle intensely lights his horn to an unnatural level to most unicorns. Unlike normal magic spells, this spell lacks one property. It doesn't sparkle. The light from the horn glared a motion image on the white screen from a relatively distant position. The motion image rendered a slow motion view of Rainbow Dash being spiked by the ball and losing altitude from the blow, resulting in the same position Rainbow Dash was laying when she flopped on the ground and the ball at the same coordinates. In this false evidence, the beige colored defense pony doesn't trip anyone. But the audience isn't going to know; it's official ECL evidence. Taking a gasp, the thousands of fans were bummed, but they were also oblivious of the scheme that would fool the referees. MIKE PUNT (CONT'D) Well it looks like the Clydes tanked yet another game that had a fiery start. But until the referees finally decide, this play is still lingering in review. Rainbow Dash lifts her head up, seeing stars due to her crash landing. Close-up of Rainbow Dash's friends again. APPLEJACK Heh. (Sternly) Does she really have to try to be the ultimate winner of everything? Anypony seen Rigby anywhere? I'm no longer getting annoyed by any excessive chattering. RARITY I think he was muttering something on the lines of 'they better got nachos up in this piece.' MORDECAI But that was like fifteen minutes ago. Close-up of Applejack, but in focus with the, with an infuriated Rigby stamping his way to the reviewer box. Refocus to Applejack. APPLEJACK Well that's apparently not all that the furbrain's doin'. Rigby stoops up to confront with the "Imaging Pony." He had a dark indigo coat with a red-yellow two-tone mane. RIGBY Alright put it out. Right now, forest fire. I saw what you did. PHILAMENTIS The name's Philamentis and what do you mean? That I went back in time fifty years ago to splice up the family tree of the Clydes members so they all got bred with a bunch of stuck-up shut ins who understood the idea and/or philosophy of time travel but failed to even do that and stumbled upon a world fused with Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz but instead of flying monkeys there were flying cats then yeah we can go with that. Rigby stands motionless for a second or two. RIGBY Look if you think your little mind projector tricks are gonna fly around here then think again! It didn't fool me and it's not gonna fool anyone else! PHILAMENTIS Take note of this you hopeless hairy polecat mutt. I have a physician’s degree in two majors. One in Optics and one in Psychology. And apart from my personal competitions of Dungeons and Dragons with some of my old professors on-campus during lunch hours, everypony likes me. They listen to me. They see me like an inverse tangent function approaching a vertical asymptote. They never question my knowledge because as far as they're concerned, they won't bear to blare an explanation to a flaw to my logic, and ultimately don't refute an upheld belief due to the fear that they don't wanna be like despicable fools like you. RIGBY (Wryly) You went to school in Bermareda didn't you? Philamentis hides the centerpiece of his chain that held the school name of "Bermareda". PHILAMENTIS (Hastily) Look. Have you ever heard of the Rule of Three? It's the law that putting anything in threes makes a person sound smarter. Many famous people in history followed and prolonged its usage. Ferris, Tesla, Shakespeare, anything in between. So now I'm giving you a count to three to get out of my face, and if you were smart, you will do so. One... RIGBY Well, it’s unfortunate you have to meet my two friends. (Unrolls right sleeve) Doctor Face Smasher Number One... and (unrolls left sleeve) Doctor Face Smasher Number Two! And my friend...they're gonna make you the most unique pony in all of Equestrimahcallit! PHILAMENTIS Two... RIGBY I'm being serious. Put'em up. Two security guard ponies lift Rigby by his limbs, against his will, and take him back to his seat. GUARD 1 Is this kid one-a yours? All four of the ponies and Mordecai nod in sync. GUARD 2 Keep your little pal outta trouble, ladies. Your buddy here was caught trespassing in the referee box. APPLEJACK (Sheepishly) Pardon us for our little mishap. The guards drop Rigby at the vacant seat and depart about. APPLEJACK (CONT'D) (Raises voice) Won't happen again! Promise! FADE TO: BLACK FADE IN: EXT. CANTERLOT CANDYBALL FIELD - SUNSET Opening Shot: The sun sets over the distant sea, reflecting over the ripples in the waves of the calm water body. The game was already over, and the field cage was retracted in the ground. With the camera still fixed at the sunset, Mordecai and the group, reunited with Rainbow Dash, have a brief discussion about the game as they depart through the main gate. TWILIGHT SPARKLE Well whatever happened out there, you'll get them next year, right Rainbow Dash? RAINBOW DASH I coulda swore I just lost my balance. TWILIGHT SPARKLE Well I wouldn't be surprised if you just aren't able to remember it. APPLEJACK I agree. After all, it was a headshot. Now don't let yerself be stinkin' up the good fun! RAINBOW DASH (Lets out loud groan) Ehh, fine. (Mutters to herself) More disappointed fans cleared the arena, with the exception of the ones who decided to stick around to watch the orange ball fall over the horizon in the west; including Rigby, who was sitting next to Pinkie Pie in the nearly empty field. PINKIE PIE So what you were trying to tell them was that you were just trying to get some stubborn mule to crack? RIGBY Well...um...yeah... (Sighs, faces Pinkie) I guess I don't know what got into me. Pinkie faces Rigby, make brief eye contact, and ultimately turn away from the awkwardness. PINKIE PIE Nice sunset though. RIGBY Looks like the same sun setting the same way like back on Earth. PINKIE PIE You have a princess that controls the sun too? RIGBY A whatie that controls the...who now? PINKIE PIE Nevermind silly Fluffy. RIGBY Whatever silly Pinkie. (Short pause) Pinki Pie...where did that name even come from anyways? PINKIE PIE A pie landed on my head when I was born. A lot of ponies names come from that freaky-deaky concept. (Whirls hoof) It's tradition! (Wraps Rigby with her foreleg) RIGBY (Sarcastically) Heh. Small world. PINKIE PIE Let's see. We got...Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, there's Junebug... BACKGROUND PONY Fi, fiffyfi! PINKIE PIE (Waves) Hi, Cinderblock! (Faces Rigby again) That's Cinderblock. He just moved in with Rusty Anchor. RIGBY (Plaintive) I get it, I get it. Pinkie raises an eyebrow in discern. RIGBY (CONT'D) See I did it again! Ughhhh. Why am I always the one that messes everything up? PINKIE PIE It's ok, it's ok, Fluffy. (Snickers) It's...kinda cute when you're angry. Besides, I can understand that you're far away from home. RIGBY Well not really. It actually was a rough life out there. I like it he- no. I love it here. No one here to yell at us, and a job that I really like doing. Sounds like a perfect life for me. PINKIE PIE Well if it makes you feel any better, I grew up on a rock farm far away from here. RIGBY Wow...that just made my old job look like gold. PINKIE PIE Why does it matter? Everything worked out in the end, right? RIGBY Well, not really. Pinkie Pie reaches in her bag and unnaturally takes out a whole acoustic guitar from it. (a.k.a. hammerspace) And starts strumming a rhythmic harmony. PINKIE PIE You know what I do when I can’t get my feelings out with words? Sing about it. RIGBY Well I don’t really sing much, but for you, okay. (Rigby) Ever since the end of October I begged my life to not be over. I’d watch the sun set, planted in the sand; The minute hand revolving again and again. (Pinkie) I’m sure your loss was hurtful at first. But now the best evolved from the worst. (Rigby) Is it really so right to be fearful When people like you are so cheerful? Take a hoof and palm And sing along So you can feel the life tonight Oh Pinkie, We’re like sugar and spice. Oh Pinkie, (Both) We’re like sugar and spice. At the ritarando ending of the song, the two pucker up and kiss. This last sequence of Act 2 ends with a closing iris.