How To Write An MLP Fanfiction

by CharibasaHooves

And She Thought Literature is Boring...

NOTE: I repeat, this is NOT a manual... You people should learn how to read these notes...

How To Write an MLP Fanfiction

Written by: Charibasa Hooves

Fanfictions - the most entertaining writings of literature. When these pieces of literature were discovered to the public, they all made their own fanfics as well. These stories spread throughout the community like wildfire. These fanfics come in all shapes, sizes and genres including Adventure, Comedy, Grim Dark, Romance, Gore, Mature Content and other more genres that you can think of. What we know about these fanfictions is that these so-called, according to a pony named Lyra, humans write these. Mares and colts do these as well. But how would an actual character of those fanfics write their original stories?

The multi-colored pegasus, Rainbow Dash was swooping throughout the non-moving clouds of Ponyville trying her new tricks that were full of twist and turns in the art of flying. She had a couple of failed attempts but she really wanted to successfully complete the new tricks without injury at all. She started flying around the clouds, spin 720 degrees and start to fall by not using her wings. When she was almost at the ground, she used her wings but she lost control and flew so fast at the stone roads. She eventually hit the door of Twilight's Library.

Twilight went downstairs when she heard a loud thump on her door. She was about to think of a summary of all of her summaries during her time in Ponyville. She opened the door and saw Rainbow Dash unconscious. She had a big bump on her head. She used her magic to move her into her bed. Placed an ice bag on her forehead, covered her on the blanklets and left her for a couple of hours to take rest. A few hours later, she eventually woke up. Confused why she was at Twilight's bedroom. Her eyes rolled around with dizziness and saw Twilight in front of her clearly.

"Hello Rainbow." Twilight started speaking.

"Oh, Hi Twilight. What happened to me?' Rainbow asked

"You hit your head in my door by accident. Don't tell me you attempted to do another flying trick cause I could sense it. I decided to let you stay here."

"Thanks Twilight. Thank you so much"

"No problem. Anyways, since your here, do you want to read a book? I got some of these so called 'fan-fictions' that you might get interested. These are good by the way." Twilight said as she gives the books to Rainbow.

"Bleh." She said with disgust and then threw the books on the floor, "Books?! I'd rather fly in the sunny, blue skies than read papers with scribbles on them. It wastes time for me."

"Oh. Don't worry. This will please you. I promise." Said Twilight.

When Twilight is giving her the book, she thought for a moment. "Was she trying to make me educated or something? Was she trying to trick me? I have no idea. She's my best friend and friends don't trick each other. They only trick each other for fun. Oh well. I might was well accept it." She answered yes and Twilight gave her one of her books. The book that she read was called "The Best of Fanfictions: Volume 1". It was a compilation of fanfictions that were made by some normal colts and mares. Their fanfictions became popular and eventually compiled into a book.

"I'll be back in 4 days, Rainbow Dash. I have to go to Canterlot to meet Celestia and giver her this summary since Spike had stomach aches for eating too much gems. Right now, you should stay. You got a big bump on your head and your wings are damaged. You should be fine here. Can you please stay here for a while and recuperate yourself?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I can do that." She answered.

"Thanks!" She left the library and faded in the distance. Rainbow is just lying down on the bed with Owlowiscious on her shoulder. She opened the book slowly. She saw a cursive scribble that she can't understand clearly. The rest were printed on a quilt pen.

"This makes no sense at all!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. At first she had no idea why people make these fanfics, when she read some in the book, she got so interested by it. As she flipped the pages of the book, she became more and more interested until she eventually changed from emotion to another emotion. Her emotions were mixed when she read fanfics consecutively. She became angry, sad, disgusted, happy, scared and full of laughter. There were so many emotions that could be mixed up at the same time.

"This. Is. AWESOME! I can't wait to read more of these!" She exclaimed and continued reading the book.

Three hours later, the moon rose and the stars glowed in the night. Rainbow was done reading half of the book and she was so pleased at it. She wanted that book so much that she would put it on the shelf of her house. Her shelves were just books on how to make awesome flying tricks. Now she had a very different one to place it into. A book that she can actually enjoy when she gets bored of flying. She went to Twilight's bed, covered herself on the blanklets and started to close her eyes. But when she was about to sleep, she whispered to herself,

"That was an awesome book!" She admitted and then asked herself, "But what if I made a fanfiction? Maybe I could be more 20% cooler!" She said with excitement. "People will be seeing my fanfic they'll be saying 'This is an awesome fanfic!'" She then closed her eyes again and fell to sleep to the starry night. In her dreams, she was starting to make the fanfic in her mind. At some time, she smiled and completely slept in the darkness waiting for the bright morning.