Different Dimensions

by MidnightInk97


I nervously paced the hallway outside the royal throne room, images and thoughts of what the princesses might be like. ‘Oh gosh. I think I’m going to be sick.’ Silver wasn’t weathering any better either. She almost looked a little green against her silvery coat.
The guards, who had been completely motionless for the 5 minutes we were out her finally moved and swiftly opened the door to a magnificent ballroom size hall with stained glass depiction’s of what looked to be like stories.
Then I saw them. Three regal, tall Alicorns sitting atop three of the four tall chairs in the room. The one in the middle was a snow white Alicorn with an almost magical looking mane of all different colors and a golden crown on her head. To the right was a midnight blue Alicorn, slightly smaller than the other one with a star dotted, flowing mane and a black crown. The last of the three was the smallest, almost a regular size pony with a soft purple coat and a deep purple and pink striped mane and a golden crown with a star on top of it.
The oldest looking one smiled at once and motioned us to come forth. We slowly made our way to the princesses. When we arrived at the base of their thrones we bowed our heads all the way to the floor.
“Rise Sapphira Night, Silver Dream, Winter and Fire Bird.” The oldest princess said with a voice like sweet honey. We did as we were told and I folded in my wings, just remembering that I had them out the whole time.
“Wait. How do you know our names?” I asked, honestly a little scared and not really wanting to know how.
“My name is Princess Celestia and my faithful student and newest royal, Twilight Sparkle, felt a powerful disturbance in the magical atmosphere a few days ago. So we traced it to you and sent an agent to follow you quietly. Just to check to make sure that there weren’t any problems.” Celestia assured.
“We sent one of Twilight’s most loyal friends, Rainbow Dash to follow you from the skies and report back to us her findings.” She continued. “I’m terribly sorry that we had to do that in that manner but it was very necessary. Oh and forgive me for not giving you ladies a proper introduction.” Celestia apologized. “This is Luna, Princess of the Night.” She said pointing a hoof at the midnight mare next to her. Luna bowed her head slightly. Celestia then pointed her hoof to the purple mare. “And this is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic. I would introduce our last royal, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but she is currently ruling in the Crystal Empire and will have to wait.”
“Now to our current situation. Could you please tell me where you girls are from?” Celestia asked Silver and I. We nodded and we both took turns, spilling out every last little detail that we had told Winter and Fire. The princesses listened intently nodding occasionally but not showing any sort of emotion. I finished with a sigh. It felt good to tell somepony I could trust.
Twilight Sparkle was the first to speak up. “I have read about the subject of dimension jumping but there is so little information out there. I have been looking through the Canterlot secret library at an unknown location, yet I have not stumbled upon any." My heart dropped to my stomach as I took in the news.
I nervously paced the hallway outside the royal throne room, images and thoughts of what the princesses might be like. ‘Oh gosh. I think I’m going to be sick.’ Silver wasn’t weathering any better either. She almost looked a little green against her silvery coat.
The guards, who had been completely motionless for the 5 minutes we were out her finally moved and swiftly opened the door to a magnificent ballroom size hall with stained glass depiction’s of what looked to be like stories.
Then I saw them. Three regal, tall Alicorns sitting atop three of the four tall chairs in the room. The one in the middle was a snow white Alicorn with an almost magical looking mane of all different colors and a golden crown on her head. To the right was a midnight blue Alicorn, slightly smaller than the other one with a star dotted, flowing mane and a black crown. The last of the three was the smallest, almost a regular size pony with a soft purple coat and a deep purple and pink striped mane and a golden crown with a star on top of it.
The oldest looking one smiled at once and motioned us to come forth. We slowly made our way to the princesses. When we arrived at the base of their thrones we bowed our heads all the way to the floor.
“Rise Sapphira Night, Silver Dream, Winter and Fire Bird.” The oldest princess said with a voice like sweet honey. We did as we were told and I folded in my wings, just remembering that I had them out the whole time.
“Wait. How do you know our names?” I asked, honestly a little scared and not really wanting to know how.
“My name is Princess Celestia and my faithful student and newest royal, Twilight Sparkle, felt a powerful disturbance in the magical atmosphere a few days ago. So we traced it to you and sent an agent to follow you quietly. Just to check to make sure that there weren’t any problems.” Celestia assured.
“We sent one of Twilight’s most loyal friends, Rainbow Dash to follow you from the skies and report back to us her findings.” She continued. “I’m terribly sorry that we had to do that in that manner but it was very necessary. Oh and forgive me for not giving you ladies a proper introduction.” Celestia apologized. “This is Luna, Princess of the Night.” She said pointing a hoof at the midnight mare next to her. Luna bowed her head slightly. Celestia then pointed her hoof to the purple mare. “And this is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic. I would introduce our last royal, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but she is currently ruling in the Crystal Empire and will have to wait.”
“Now to our current situation. Could you please tell me where you girls are from?” Celestia asked Silver and I. We nodded and we both took turns, spilling out every last little detail that we had told Winter and Fire. The princesses listened intently nodding occasionally but not showing any sort of emotion. I finished with a sigh. It felt good to tell somepony I could trust.
Twilight Sparkle was the first to speak up. “I have read about the subject of dimension jumping but there is so little information out there. I have been looking through the Canterlot secret library at an unknown location, yet I have not stumbled upon any." My heart dropped to my stomach as I took in the news.
Twilight, from her many studies of friendship in the past, recognized the despair in the little ponies eyes. “But maybe you can help us find a solution.” Twilight said with a small smile. “We can help as well.” Winter stated. Celestia bowed her head. “Thank you so much for taking care of these fillies. We greatly appreciate it.” She said.
“There is one last place that might have our answer.” Princess Luna spoke up for the first time. Her voice rang with a deep, old English accent.
Everyone looked at her with surprise. “Really sister? Please do share.” Celestia asked the blue Alicorn. Luna’s expression stayed solid as she spoke. “We had an old secret library in our old castle. We did a little bit of research on space exploration since we are the princess of the night. Anyway, before Nightmare Moon was imprisoned, we took the liberty in concealing the books after finding a very dark secret that we wanted nopony to stumble upon.” She explained.
Twilight’s eyes lit up with excitement. “A secret library?!” She asked with glee. Celestia glanced over at the light purple mare raising her eyebrow. Twilight got the message and sank back into her seat. Celestia turned back to us. “Well with this new information, I say we take a trip to the ruins of the castle of the royal pony sisters. Luna, lead the way.” She stated as she rose from her throne.

Celestia gathered her guards, commanding them to get a few chariots ready for the journey and cancel any other appointments the princesses had the rest of the day.
“Oh, and please send word to Princess Cadence to meet us there as soon as possible.” Celestia said to her guard. “Yes your majesty.” He said before quickly galloping away.
We were flown to a secluded and dark part of Equestria. Magic flowed through my body, but it wasn’t like regular magic that she had experienced earlier. It almost felt eerie, rouge and unnatural making a shiver run the length of my spine. I huddled closer to Silver and Fire. Finally a tall crumbling structure came into view followed by the rest of the ruined castle. It was both breathe taking and frightening and I wasn’t sure that I was fully willing to go in despite its sinister beauty.
The chariots circled the castle a few times before landing at an old rope bridge. “We cannot carry all of you. So you will have to go across the bridge.” Luna said before spreading her dark wings diving into the deep cavern below and disappearing into the fog. We looked down into the soupy thickness trying to see the princess until she suddenly soared up into the sky, landing gracefully next to Twilight and her sister who shook her head, rolling her eyes. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and stepped up towards the slightly swaying bridge with Fire in tow, followed by Silver and then Winter.
“Be careful.” Winter said with a shaky voice. ‘Why does it always have to be a rickety brige?’ I asked myself, trying to stall. ‘Why couldn’t it be a nice stable concrete bridge or something.’ I attempted to move but no matter how hard I tried, my hooves would not budge. I looked at the princesses who stood on the other side giving us reassuring nods. I lifted a hoof, only to step back into Fire who yelped out of fright.
“Sorry.” I said and looked back to the wooden planks of the bridge. Before I could take another step, I felt something push me. I squealed as I was shoved onto the bridge. I opened my eyes to find myself alive and shaking.
“What was that for?” I cried to Fire who smirked
“You wouldn’t move, so I just decided to give you a little nudge.” Silver stood behind Fire trying to hold back a chuckle.
“Yeah yeah. Laugh it up you two. You know you have to cross the bridge as well.” I stated, stomping a hoof and with that, the board that was holding me up gave way and I tumbled through the opening.
“HELP! SOMEPONY HELP ME!” I screamed as I help on to part of the bridge that had not collapsed. I heard a smack as the board that had broken fell to the canyons floor, the sound echoing. Thick fog started to envelope me, making my hooves slippery and whimper escaped from my mouth.
Just as I started losing my grip, I felt a strong hoof wrap around my upper waist. My savior pulled me up onto land. I lied on the ground panting with Silver lying next to me in the same state. As soon as I had my lungs restored with the proper amount of oxygen, I sat up and gave Silver the biggest hug I could muster with my weak limbs. I pulled away from her, still shaken.
"Thanks for saving me." I said with a blush. "No problem." Silver said as she returned the blush. Then we all felt magic wrap around us as we were teleported to the other side of the bridge by Twilight.

We made our way into the castle as dark thunder clouds began to take over the sky, blotting out Celestia’s sun. We stepped carefully among the ruble so as not to cause it to fall down on us. "More than a thousand years ago, this castle used to be home to Luna and I until Canterlot palace was built." Celestia spoke up as we traveled through the halls that were littered with broken glass. We stopped at a set of double wooden doors at the end of the hallway"These walls hold many secrets, both good and evil." Luna stated as she and Celestia pushed the resistant doors open on rusty hinges.
"Welcome to the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters." Celestia said as they entered a vast throne room with huge shattered, glass-stained windows. All of our mouths dropped in awe of its mysterious beauty.

“Wow. This certainly brings back memories.” Twilight said as she walked around the stone throne room. “Luna, are you okay?” She asked turning back to the princess of the night. Luna didn’t answer but just had a confused look on her face.
“What happened here?” Silver whispered quietly as the princesses walked around taking in the scenery. “It’s a long story. I will tell you girls later.” Winter answered.
“Luna, what’s wrong?” Celestia asked with concern.
Luna turned around in horror. “The shards of Nightmare Moon are gone!”