A tail of two Pegasai


The Form

A Tale of two Pegasi

Chapter 2: The form


Rainbow Dash walked inside and looked at the Cirrocumulus cloud room, they clearly used it to keep the walls from hurting the children, but it didn’t look very stable. The desk was made from Stratus clouds and a full grown purple mare was behind the counter with a white little Pegasi colt in her arms. Rainbow was so small that even when she stood on her back hooves she couldn’t reach the top of the desk, “Excuse me, I’d like to admit myself and my sister!” she said in the loudest voice she could muster, barely reaching the mare’s ears with her tiny voice. “Hm? Is someone there?” The mare asked. “ME!” She said.

The mare got up holding the colt with her wing, she looked down “You would like to what?” She said with an unsure face on. “I’d like to admit myself and my sister.” she said, turning around to show the mare her little sister. “Um do you have a parent with you?” the mare asked a little cynically “my dad said my mom was gone…..and he told us to get out…..”She said trailing off sadly. “Oh…well….I suppose we can work something out….” She said a bit unsure again, her mane was a light yellow and her cutie mark was a filly bottle with a smiley face on it.

She walked back around the table and grabbed a paper, “Now then, what is your name and who are your parents?” she said. “My name is Rainbow Dash, my mother’s name was Summer Sun Blitz and my dad’s name is Raging Ocean.” She replied uncharacteristically shy. “What is your sister’s name?” The mare asked. “Uhh….I don’t know……..” Rainbow Dash said awkwardly. “You mean you don’t know what her name is?” she asked. “Well then how about we make one….She has big wing for such a little filly, and her mane makes her look like she’s on fire……”

The mare trailed off. “So she will probably be really fast!” Rainbow dash said in a matter-of-fact way. “HAHaha, you're right, so how about….Smoke Wing?” “No…that sounds stupid.” Rainbow Dash said bluntly “How about……Flash Fire!” The young blue filly said excitedly. “Better than mine…….Very well, her name is Flash Fire!” The scribbled the name down on the paper.

“Next question, how old are you?” the mare asked “I am 4 years old, and She is 4 hours old.” Rainbow Dash said. “4 HOURS?!” oh my, we need to get her into the nursery!” Quickly she scribbled down they’re ages and coloring then scooped Flash Fire up from Rainbow Dash’s back. “Follow me, OH and my name is Lily Bloom, This little colt here is Super Sonic. Rainbow dash looked at the young colt for the first time since she’d walked in, his fur was a pure white while his mane was blueish-purple with a couple little streaks of red. He giggled, when he saw her looking at him, she gave him a weak smile, her long run finally catching up with her. The mare was talking but Rainbow Dash was to tired to listen, she merely nodded every now and again.

“AAAANNNNNNDDDDD, finally this is your room!” the mare said to Rainbow Dash loud enough to snap her out of her drowsiness. she stood straighter and tried to look cooler, epically failing in the process. “How about you take a nap, I’ll take care of your sister.

“Okay” Rainbow dash said, she climbed into a small bed without looking at the room at all, falling asleep only seconds after laying down. The mare twisted her neck to look at flash fire “Now, what to do with you....” she said to the filly, walking down the hall to the nursery.