//------------------------------// // Chapter 21: Hell, it's about time // Story: Of Archon Toilets and Bioballs // by MiniPsyker //------------------------------// It was the morning of another day in Equestria. Specifically, Ponyville. More specifically, Twilight's house. Even more specifically, the second floor. Or first one, depending on what a person calls that floor that goes above ground level. It was clear that it was the second floor, for the ground level floor was also named floor, thus, counting as the first one. Kra'Ser, levitating over that floor that goes above ground level, was reading a book he had found in a bookcase. Namely, the History of Equestria. Or the history he and Mike had not accidentally rewritten. Too much. "So a thousand years ago..." Kra'Ser whispered to himself as he read. "Celestia controlled the sun while Luna controlled the moon. After that 'Nightmare Moon' incident, she controlled both of them. What kind of power is required to do such feat every day and night? Hey, Mike." "Hm?" Mike questioned, lying over a hammock he had set up himself. "Did Nightmare Moon really cast a psionic storm after you arrived to this world?" "Pfft! Psionic storm... That was more like static electricity." Kra'Ser merely scratched his head while looking at the book, unsure of Mike's reliability regarding storytelling. For all he knew, it could have been a storm as great as the one that took place in the Discord in Aiur. No, not Discord. The Discord. His confusion, however, was distracted by Twilight stressing out over something. Kra'Ser dismissed it as her obsession with checklists, further proven true by Twilight having been writing on paper with a levitated quill since hours ago non-stop. Levitation. That's what gained Kra'Ser's attention. He thought that if she could do that, so could he. The problem was that he had no idea of how to learn such techniques. That is, until he realized he was levitating, now looking at the space between him and the ground, empty. He raised his head from looking at the ground and closed his eyes, trying to focus on how to channel his energy from levitation to be used as telekinesis. He extended his hand to his book, using it as test subject to his goals. After a few seconds, he had succeeded in learning such power and using it. "Hey, what are you- Hey, hey! Put me down dammi- Kra'Ser, you god damn ignoramus! Stop daydreaming and-" At that moment, Kra'Ser lost focus due to Mike's sudden words. His telekinesis had gone too. And with that, Mike fell to the ground from the heigh of almost reaching the ceiling, yelling all the way down while Kra'Ser simply watched. His weight, added with his armor and rifle, and with the weak architecture of ponies compared to Terrans or even Protoss, caused him to simply break through the wooden floor and fall to the one below. The ground floor. The first floor. The floor that was below the second floor. Kra'Ser tilted his head aside, sure that he needed to bring him back or risk being assaulted with a neverending barrage of Terran greetings that generally finished with 'You'. He concentrated again and managed to get hold of Mike with his telekinesis, raising him to the floor that was above the first floor. What he misjudged, however, was in what specific way he had to lift him in order to pull him through the hole on the floor. His mistake had caused Mike to slow and painfully cause another hole, this time from below. Mike was already losing consciousness. The templar moved him in the air above a spot where the floor remained intact and let go of him. His weight caused him to fall through the floor once more. "You need to lose some weight." Kra'Ser stated, looming over the hole to see Mike on the ground. "Don't tell me what to do, you god damn oversized rotten squid on shrooms." Kra'Ser laughed to himself. Mike's anger and suffering amused him quite a bit. His amusement changed to confusion once he felt the air surrounding him become stranger and creepier. He could feel the presence of a foreign power making its way into the dimension. Suddenly, a pony that looked uncannily similar to Twilight save for a ragged outfit, eyepatch, messy hair and a scar appeared past a blinding light, engulfed in electricity. Rapidly, she made her way towards Twilight, who began talking gibberish at her. "The annoyance has been doubled." Kra'Ser sighed, rolling his eyes and returning to his book. This time, he made it float with his telekinesis, allowing him to rest his arms over his crossed legs. "...The time spells are in the Canterlot archives." Kra'Ser heard, coming from the one that looked like Twilight. It was clear it was the future version of Twilight. "Can you elaborate further on that?" He asked, turning around. "I know what you're thinking, Kra'Ser. No." Both Twilight and Future-Twilight stated in perfect synchronization." "Damned ponies." He muttered to himself, returning to his book." At the same time, Mike arrived through the staircase. "The hell's your problem?!" He yelled at Kra'Ser. He was amused once more. "You wanna have a go?!" Mike challenged him, readying his rifle. Before any of them could do anything, they saw sparks in the air, all of which emanated from Future-Twilight, who shut Twilight up and started desperately talking to her. Before she could finished, a blinding light engulfed her, and as if it was an act of physics, both Mike and Kra'Ser began to be pulled into it, all screaming due to the sudden fright of the situation. Mike had fallen first, having nothing to cling to. Kra'Ser fell second, clinging to a bookcase but the force being too strong for him. He had fallen into the light while holding an entire bookcase, disappearing with him. As soon as they got sucked in, they were shot out. Mike and Kra'Ser, who fell to the ground. Mike had struck the ground with enough force to send him rolled to a hole he had made, ending up like a golf ball. Kra'Ser, however, recovered his balance and levitated before striking the ground. "Wild ride..." Kra'Ser said, scratching his head in slight confusion. "What year is it?!" Mike yelled from down below, his voice muffled by the floor between him and the rest. Twilight was confused at what just happened, but decided that there were more pressing matters, such as what her future self had told her. She shook her head and tried to keep her focus on what she viewed as priority. A few minutes later, Kra'Ser and Mike practiced a simple game of ping pong with a fragment of a broken wing of a viking laid on the ground. It was as big as a normal ping pong table, but having no net due to limitations in their creativity. "We're in the past, then." Mike remarked. "What do we do?" "Didn't you say that already?" "No. It seems reality had frozen and got us to this point after Twilight shook her head and left. I dunno, laws of this reality. I can't even remember where I got this viking wing." "True. I guess we'll have to wait until things unfold on their own. It'll probably take a few days for everything to be done so might as well entertain ourselves." "Actually, it'll take less than thirty minutes." "Why?" "As we speak, Twilight and the rest are doing what they are doing around ponyville. As they finish, reality reshapes itself and fades and fast-forwards in an instant to the next thing they do. All while a tune plays in the background." "Are you serious?" Mike grabbed the ping pong ball with his hand, thereby stopping the game itself. "You'll get used to it." Mike reassured him. "Say, where did you get a ping pong ball?" "Look closer." Turns out it was a miniature probe, making its characteristic greeting sound once Mike noticed. "I've been experimenting with the vortex." Kra'Ser explained. "Something went wrong, that happened." "Huh..." "If what you said is true, the cerberus will make it's appearance soon. What will be done about it?" [MUFFLED SOUND OF GUNSHOTS AND EXPLOSIONS IN THE DISTANCE] "You do realize we can not kill anything that is not from our universe, right?" The templar questioned. "It'll drown in all the corpses." "Corpses and blood disappear after a few seconds." "Well it has to get tired some day!!" Mike yelled, throwing the miniprobe upwards and hitting it with his paddle. Unfortunately, it was hard enough to actually destroy the miniprobe, scattering its debris over the viking's wing. At a moment's notice, reality had shifted. Now it was afternoon. It was sudden enough for Kra'Ser and Mike to notice and look at the sky. "The cerberus issue only lasted a minute last time. Guess it's the same as now." "If this continues, it will be only six minutes until reality shifts to night. And you destroyed the probe, you bastard. What do we do now?" "Oh, I have a plan." Immediately, a widow mine unburrowed right next to Mike. "Since when was that thing there, and what is that?" "I have absolutely no idea. One day appeared out of the blue as a factory blueprint so I decided to try it out. It's a mine, judging by its name." After finishing his explanation, he decided to try to lift it. It was as big as him. "That thing is as big as you. You're not thinking of using it as a ping pong ball, right?" "Ugh." Mike grunted, dropping the widow mine. As soon as it impacted the ground, it burrowed again. "Have a better idea?" "Wouldn't be hard to come up with something that won't get us killed instantly." "No worries, as long as we have hitpoints remaining we're fine." "That thing has more damage than either of our hitpoints." "And how do you know, squid-head?" "Check its stats, you damn meat-bag." Mike, annoyed, kicked the widow mine who stuck out of the ground like a sore thumb but was seemingly invisible for everyone but him and his forces. After the clank of his boot meeting its top, it turned red and gave a loud beep, while at the same time a green halo appearing around it for Mike alone. "...Oh wow, you're right." Mike stated. Suddenly, it was night. "Guess it's time." Kra'Ser remarked. "Hah, shame you're not a dark templar, templar!" Mike stated while smashing his chest with his fist, starting up his cloaking field. "You're wasting your energy, you know." Kra'Ser muttered, rolling his eyes and levitating to where he was supposed to go with Mike. Reality once more shifted and fast-forward'd, fading to the scenery of inside canterlot. In there, Mike and Kra'Ser arrived in different ways. Kra'Ser simply walked in. Or floated in. He was allowed to do so unhindered by the guards. Mike, on the other hand, tore a hole in the ceiling and jumped down.The debris of the ceiling followed him down. "Why didn't you-" Kra'Ser attempted to ask regarding him being uncloaked and not being able to sneak in properly, only to be interrupted by him. "I ran out of energy, okay!?" Kra'Ser snickered at his misfortune. "Star Swirl the bearded wing." He muttered, looking around to find the Star Swirl wing directly in front of them but locked behind bars. "Okay, I've got this." Mike stated, writhing around the floor and sitting up with his hands and legs crossing, allowing a widow mine to unburrow below him and act as a platform, or chair, for him. At the same time, Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Spike arrived, each with their own highly cliched black latex outfit. Clearly they did not understand it went out of fashion hundreds of Terran years ago. "Mike?! Kra'Ser?! Why are you here? Where were both of you when I was looking for you?!" Kra'Ser and Mike shrugged in perfect coordination. And then, a guard arrived. Twilight immediately despaired and dug her head in her hooves, just like an ostrich. A purple horse-looking ostrich that dug its head in its hooves instead of in the ground. Except ostrichs don't even dig their heads into the ground. That's physically impossible. Unless they had tungsten-reinforcered skulls with an armor piercing design. Which would be cool. But that would have driven humanity to extinction. "Hello Mike, hello Kra'Ser, fancy seeing both of you here. Let me open that for you." And then he opened the barred gate with his magic. "Very much appreciated." Kra'Ser thanked him, now levitating into the room as if nothing had happened. "Onward, glorious steed of the Dominion!" Mike yelled while extending his arm to the now open Star Swirl wing, signaling his widow mine mount to move forward. And so it did. Twilight immediately rushed into the room to find the spell she had been looking for. Pinkie Pie and Spike followed, not really interested. "Oh boy, archives." Mike muttered to himself upon realizing they were, as you might have guessed, in a place with a lot of paper with text on it. As if he'd care which kind of text-on-paper it was. "I can't remember where was the spell last time. Care to give a hand?" Kra'Ser asked. "Fine..." Mike muttered, extending his leg and hitting the widow mine with enough strength for it to beep and flare red. Then a keyboard appeared from a rectangular opening of the widow mine, labeled 'KEYBOARD DISPENSER'. Mike took it out and placed it on his lap, then struck two keys at the same time. Those keys were CTRL and F. "Time... Time... Time..." Mike whispered to himself as he looked through the results he was given. "Time... What were we searching for again?" "Time travel." "Oh. OOOOOH I was getting some random 'land before time' results. Okay so 'Time travel'... One result, found it, it's- Oh, Pinkie Pie found it first. Tough luck." "Still good that it was found. At least I can 'borrow' it for a while after this." "Pinkie, you're a genius!" Twilight exclaimed to Pinkie, now holding the scroll with her magic. "So what happens now?" Mike questioned. Kra'Ser was slightly unnerved by hearing Mike above him, despite being next to him a few seconds ago. He looked up and saw Mike over his widow mine, but on the ceiling, as if for him gravity was inverse. "How...?" "I walked up the wall." "Yes, but how?" "...You have seen entire fleets of carriers and battlecruisers flying into a single point in time and space without damage whatsoever as if they were immaterial to the point their combined density rivalled a neutron star, and you're asking me this?" "Touché." Twilight focused and casted her spell, now going to the past. "How long?" Kra'Ser questioned. "A minute, tops." And then a minute passed. Twilight had returned to the future, or present, or future of the past, or... Well, where she was a minute ago. But with her, Mike and Kra'Ser were shot out of the blinding light that brought her back. Mike was shot onto the ground, and Kra'Ser, along with an entire bookcase, were shot towards Mike over his widow mine, striking against him and sending him flying. "What." Kra'Ser muttered, not understanding what just happened. Copies of him and Mike just arrived. Twilight remained petrified and speechless. Pinkie Pie and Spike weren't that knowledgeful on science to understand what was going on. "Woah... What..." Mike and Mike muttered, moving closer to eachother and mimicking eachother, as if they were in front of a mirror. When one did something, the other did the same at the very same time. One raised his hand, the other did so in perfect synchronization. It was uncanny for both Mikes. "Monkey see, monkey do." Kra'Ser and Kra'Ser muttered. "...Hey, stop copying me." They told eachother, still in perfect synchronization. "Did I stutter? Hey, shut up! You want to have a go? I'll feedback your damn nostrils to hell!" As they kept arguing, Mike and Mike moved their hands closer and closer, up until their fingers made contact. Clearly, what remained of the laws of physics and time-space continuum did not approve. The universe had suddenly imploded by such action and all that remained was a strong blue color with gibberish written over it as everything Mike, Kra'Ser and Twilight could see while floating in the void. The difference, however, was that only the Mike and Kra'Ser from before remained. "What did you guys do now?!" Twilight questioned, furious. "Hey, it was Mike's fault." Kra'Ser stated. "I love you too." Mike muttered. Pinkie Pie and Spike were all too delighten to float around in zero-g. It fascinated them. "Mike, you still have that keyboard?" "Yeah, why?" "Give me." Mike, with a swift movement, pushed the keyboard towards Kra'Ser, which slowly ended up floating past the void to him. Once he grabbed it, he decided to press one key. That key was F10. Then, the menu appeared. He clicked, despite not having a mouse, on 'Load'. Then, he was met with several save files, all of them autosaves. He found one named 'ItsAboutTime_Autosave_PreUniverseBSoD.SC2SAVE', and without much worry he double clicked it. He had saved the universe. In both senses. Although he actually loaded the universe in this case. Days later, Kra'Ser and Mike stood outside. Kra'Ser levitating, and Mike over his widow mine. Kra'Ser planned to cast the time travel spell to go to the future to see what it had saved for them. "Didn't the spell only allow you to go back in time?" "Isn't that why we turned around just now?" "Kra'Ser, you're a genius. Go ahead." Mike complimented it. It wasn't sarcasm. With a bit of focus, Kra'Ser casted the spell, bringing them to the future. "Uhhh..." Mike muttered, confused, seeing before him a neverending soil of creep with hatcheries and innumerable zerg structures and overlords all over the place. "Are you sure you didn't get some sort of teleport spell by accident?" "Most likely." "How did both of you get here?" The corrupted voice of a woman asked behind them. Kra'Ser and Mike turned around, and before their eyes stood a strange woman. A woman whose anatomy shared both human and zerg traits, infested but still with intelligence and consciousness. "Hey, templar, is that the 'Queen bitch of the universe' I kept hearing about back in Korhal?" "Probably." Kra'Ser answered nonchalantly. "Both of you still have not answered my question." Without much worry, Mike flipped the bird at the infested woman just as the spell wore off, returning them to where they were before.