
by Debonair

Chapter 2.

I whistled for Stud. "So any place I should stay away from?" I saddled up and threw myself onto his back.

"Apploosa comes to mind, they have a tendency to overbear."

"Alright, off to Apploosa, wherever that is."

"I just said not to wander there."

"I don't need to listen to you, all I care about is what I think is right." Little does she know our definitions of 'Right' are completely different. Killing something for the sake of just killing. Even Al wasn't that twisted. Besides a real man would hunt the prey themselves than send someone else. If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War. I've always been ready for is war, cuz there never will be peace. The sooner she realizes this, the better for her. "Don't tell me what to do just point me in the direction."

"Apploosa is due south three-hundred miles."

"Thank you kindly." I whipped the reigns and stud took the memo and walked back out. It was night by the sound of it. Crickets played their songs. The warm air hinted summer or late spring. The dense forest to a normal man would be a near unsolvable puzzle, but to me it was an open book. The trails suggest going west, but I was taught never to trust trails left by wildlife unless I'm hunting. If I go north the moon left of me, I'll wind up in Ponyville that's where more than half of the so called targets live, there I can get some dirt on them. See if they really are worth the prices on their heads.

(Northern Everfree.)

Patricia wandered aimlessly through the dense forest purposely leaving a trail hoping that Willie would follow. She wanted to talk to him, but couldn't bring herself to wait for him. After all her SEAL training, she never once before felt so helpless. Her steel trap mind felt like it was shut. She couldn't think properly, she was flustered, almost brought to tears. All of her friends, her team, have to be worried sick. She thought. She felt confused her thoughts flying back to her crash, what felt like only yesterday. "Why didn't my instruments find anything wrong? Even tower command gave me the green, and what was with Willie?"

(Northwestern Edge.)

"How bout Shadow?" I had spent the last hour bouncing names around. Not many fit the big guy, he seemed to like Shadow the best. "Woah there, you hear that?" I had a feeling something was around here. "Who's there!" I shouted scaring whatever was there. Looked like a pale yellow Pegasus. "What's your name?" It didn't answer, I dismounted and hid behind a tree. Maybe if it thinks Shadow's talking she'll open up. "I won't hurt you,"

"Sh-sh-sh-shadow Pony!" She screamed as she galloped off.

"Damn, that could have gone better,"

"Y-y-yes." Shadow's first word he's a quick learner. His voice sounded like one of those secret service rookies.

"Good, job now that's one down. It looks like that was the bearer of Kindness."

"She d-didn't s-s-seem like it."

"Yes it would seem like that she gets scared too easy,"

"W-will you do it?"

"We'll see, c'mon let's get to Apploosa."

"B-b-but M-m-mistress said."

"I don't care what Mistress said, I don't follow orders, unless they come from someone I respect."

"S-she can k-kill you with a w-wave of her hoof." He followed close behind and tried to vocalize the words he thought would get his point across.

"She won't" I knew she could aliens are just that good, I mean she if I can call it a she, I'm not sure anymore. Was strong enough to whip me from 2000 years in the past, she could kill me with a snap of her fingers if she had any.

"A-are you sure?" You can't fake sincerity like that if you just started to talk.

"She needs me, no self respecting politician would take out their right hand."

"What does that m-mean?"

"William Marcy Tweed corrupt New York Alderman rose to power by buying votes for his gang the aptly named Tweed Ring, essentially controlling New York."

"B-but, how does that describe Mistress?"

"She picked me right?"

"Uh huh."

"Think about it." He stayed quiet through the town, obviously desert due to it being midnight. I found a train station with a steam engine. The engineer asleep in the sleeper car. I kicked him out of the bed, must be nice. He shook himself awake. "Hey this train go to Apploosa?" He took one look at me and scrambled to a corner.

"Well of course it does. straight on through overnight, leave tomorrow morning."

"That's not good, here's what's gonna happen you are going to get off this train, take this and get a nice room somewhere, and let me ride out of here on this here train."

"And if I refuse?"

"I won't mind much, I'll just throw you off without the money."

"Okay, I'll go," I tossed him some bits about fifty.

After he got off I got Shadow to shovel coal and start the fire. The train lurched forward as I bid farewell to the engineer. "Oh and make sure to tell your leader about me." As the train picked up speed I looked in the kitchen car. "No meat, Should have taken the engineer,"

"Y-y-you'd eat him?"

"When you're hungry, but I'd never eat you. We're business partners. Keep the engine hot, we'll switch off in a few hours."
