//------------------------------// // Dash and the seven thunders // Story: Dash and the seven thunders // by Mekhanori //------------------------------// It was a wonderful day in the Everfree forest, the sun, the trees, the soil, even the fauna and ponykind itself were in perfect harmony. The ponykind wasn´t in charge of the nature that time, the nature defended by itself, the weather was all manipulated by its own without the help of pegusai, mostly because there wasn´t anything to worry about. That was how the land was, long time ago. A summer morning, arrived to the Everfree a young pegasus mare named Dash. She was a bully, needless to say. She couldn´t stay in peace with nopony, insulted the elder, played pranks to the innocent foals, stoned few animals sometimes or shook the trees, just to cause annoyance. Nopony knew what was her problem, maybe the fact that she didn´t knew or had a family, or maybe that was just her personality, either way something was clear, nopony could bear her company. Until.... *** One day, she found in the road a weird old pegasus stallion, he had a long white beard, wore white clothing, a sword by his side and a long cape with various symbols on it. One in particular caught her attention, a thunder. -Good morning young lady,- he said - My brothers and I have been looking for somepony who helps us to plant and harvest our crops, keep the fire and tidy up our home- The mare just stared at him, looking at him from head to tail, there was something familiar in them. -Who are your brothers?- she asked without looking away from him. -Well as you can see, we are the Seven Thunders.- he said proudly -We handle up to the clouds and cause the rain. With our coats, boots and swords marching through the clouds until they release the rain- Dash, just by hearing that, began imagining in her mind about soaring through the skies, playing over the clouds, thinking about eveything she could do just with the power of the weather in her hooves. Of course everything she though was forbidden for every pegasus, except the Seven Thunders, they were in charge of the only phenomenom that wasn´t controlled by the nature´s force, the rain. Dash accepted without hesitation. After all that´s a once in life chance! *** "The Seven Thunders lived in a stone house, on top of a pyramid full of niches. The place was technically unreachable. For most of the pegusai. Coming here alone was considered pretty stupid, ponies could only reach this part by being "chosen"..." And by the look on the elders´ faces they weren´t pleased by their brothers´ choice. - A stranger in OUR house?!, you must be insane!- - She will ruin our secrets!- - We will be in serious problems, do you understand?- - I can´t trust her, not at all...- - Please brothers, calm down a moment. We always wanted to go stroll together, we fight with each other to see who does the housework everytime. She will get our problems solved....- --- After long discussions they all agreed with leaving the young mare in charge of cleaning while they spent their time out. The days felt pretty long for Dash, but she still needed to earn their confidence, so she proved them wrong doing everything all right for them. The tasks and obligations were getting on her nerves, but the prize was totally worth it... One day, In the afternoon some clouds appeared on the sea side. The Seven Thunders, between jokes and laughter, opened the wooden chest and took out their outfits. They put on their boots, girded their swords and flew into the clouds. Their coats caused the wind to stir, their boots thundered against the clouds and brought the thunders to the skies. "...And so, the rain began to fall softly and gently as a blessing to the land below." Each one of Those days were beautiful. The raindrops falling, creating different and unique melodies when they reached the ground, the fresh wind filling the air with the aroma of humid land, fillies and colts playing on the puddles that were made due to the rain. Each one of Those days were indeed Beautiful. -"I need to go there"- The young pegasus muttered to herself while pulishing one of the elder´s boots. --- The dream opportunity came. One morning the Seven Thunders told Dash that they required some stuff from a nearby market, "something really special for us" they said. So they left their home leaving Dash in charge to protect it. They were very happy after leaving. But as soon as she was alone, she pushed the broom away, ran to the chest and grabbed the robes to get dressed in the clothes of the Seven Thunders. Dash began to rise into the air. She streched her wings out, which have lose some practice after being held for to long in the ground. After a few testings, she started to chase over the clouds, shook her cloak so she could piling them together. As the clouds got piled, she drew out the sword and holding it between her hooves she made them rotate. "...All heaven and earth, and yet the sea is filled with a blinding light..." Amid thunder and lightning broke from the forest a violent downpour. It wasn´t the blessed rain of the Thunders, but a devastating storm. The day was dark, the wind blew furiously. It broke away the trees branches and made the rivers go wild. As they watched what happened, the Seven Thunders realized that it was the work of the young one. They returned in a hurry and put their clothes on. They started their search to catch her now... --- "And there was her, jumping from side to side. Each impulse gave more power to the storm: the wind, rain and falling grew lightning and thunder. Everything grew worse every passing second..." The Thunders were exhausted. They didn´t have the strength in their old bodies to keep up with the filly, she was too fast for them. So they requested the help from the pegusai at the nearby towns, each aid counted, but here was one problem yet!. Pegusai were forbidden to take care of the weather aside from the Thunders. "...They made an agreement with the Goddess. Give their abilties back to the Forest In change of the pegasus..." The Thunders gave on their ability to the pegusai in change to capture rampant pegasus and take her away. After long hours of pursuit the blue pegasus gave up, after wasting all her energy, pegusai, unicorns and earthponies held her down in the ground again, took the robes away from her, strongly tied her up and after a rather long trial and discussion, she embraced her punishment. Sacrifice. Drowning being accurate. They pushed her deep inside the tides until they made sure her lungs were filled with the fluid, each plunge by the sins commited. "It hurted,of course. But it was the punishment she had to accept. After all it was all totally worth it." --- The Goddess accepted the offering and saw how the pegasus suffered inside, and all the misunderstandings that she left behind so she kept her alive. After the rest of the villages where abandoned, as part of the agreement with Her, she took and raised the young pegasus as her own. She kept her living under the ocean tides as part punishment, because, after the sacrifice her lungs were filled with water to a grade that made impossible for her to breath air again. The mare grew up eventually. And received a new name, Hurricane. From time to time she leaves her imprisionment in the deep sea looking for the other ponies that used to live in Everfree, riding on the wind and clouds unleashing a unstoppable rain, while making thunder and lightning happen, making the Everfree´s weather to be independient from the rest of the land. When she doesn´t find anyone anymore she leaves before reaching the borderlines of her home, respecting the divisions between Equestria and Everfree.