MLP FiM: The Perfect Storm

by foxdieholocaust

Shattered Dreams

The night of the Grand Galloping Gala was drawing near, and Rarity once again designed and manufactured the dresses her friends would use in the gala.

Only that this time she had to make a seventh one for Trixie, who was very eager and happy she had the chance to attend.

Trixie had decided to make Ponyville her permanent home in the few months she had been living there, so she build a modest little house in the outskirts of the Everfree forest.

To earn a living, every week Trixie pulled her old cart in the town's plaza to perform
her renewed magic show, but instead of using lies and mocking others she performed real and amazing magic.

Soon ponies from many places, like Cloudsdale, Appleloosa, and even some of Canterlot began to visit Ponyville to witness The Great And Powerful Trixie's magic show.

She had grown much stronger in her magic powers than in the past, an big difference from the past, and this was because many reasons, like the training she underwent before returning to Ponyville in the Equestrian mountain forests.

But most importantly because she had now the proper educational material and Twilight to aid her training, instructing her the same way Celestia had taught her once.

However Twilight didn't consider herself a teacher to Trixie but a study partner.

Trixie demonstrated a very unusual and special talent in magical arts, enought to be an equal in power to the element of magic herself.

And because of this Twilight suggested Trixie the idea of presenting her magic show during the gala, but most importantly in front of Princess Luna.

Twilight wanted the princess to witness the magical potential and talent of Trixie and perhaps this would make her to take Trixie as her personal student, just as Celestia had done with her.

It was the greatest chance for Trixie to make her future shine and prosper as a great sorceress unicorn.

But with the great joyfullness her life had become, Trixie forgot the great evil that stalked her, always following like a shadow.

And underestimating this shadow was the biggest mistake anypony could ever made.

In the depths of the Crystal mountains the once weakned and defeated Changeling army had now resurrected from the ashes, stronger than ever.

This was thanks to Sombra who gifted them with the power of feeding from the pain and the fear of any living being. Apart from love and malice.

Eventually all living things in the Crystal mountains were consumed by the Changelings, and Queen Chrysalis had now gained mounstruos power, enought to defeat and consume the legendary spirits known as Windigos, feeders of hatred and the cause of the great blizzard that now maked impossible to explore the icy mountains, who now even were afraid to get closer to Sombra or Chrysalis.

Thus the Changeling army finished all their preparations and was ready to proceed with the King's master plan.

They were now ready to advance all their forces towards Canterlot and they were now prepared phisycally and strategically to do battle head on with Celestia's army,the elite royal guards.

Chrysalis was in extasis with the thoughts of how the pain and fear of Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor would taste like, she was eager to capture them and slowly torture them, one in front of the other, until they both begged her to bring forth their deaths, just to deny them that blessing.

In the almost a year following the awkward and improbable alliance, the Changelings and their Queen had went throught an extreme psychological change.

Their personalities now were twisted, versions of their old selves, they had now become violent, sadistic, brutal and bloodthirsty creatures, this was one of the prices to pay for King Sombra's gift.

And the time came, King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis gathered the Changeling army in the biggest cavern in the depths of the Crystal Mountains.

Tens of thousands of Changelings crowded the cave, in tight formation, silent, focused and tense, waiting for the final words of their leaders before the beggining the war against Canterlot.

Queen Chrysalis was the first to spoke.

"My Changelings, my brave and strong warriors... Your time of waiting has finally come to an end!... Finally the moment has arrived to avenge our fallen brothers, to bring forth justice!... Finally we can make the Royal Family pay for the humilliation they put on our kind!... They shall pay the highest price for underestimating the Changelings!!!"

The ranks exploded in cheers with the words form their Queen

Now it came King Sombra's turn.

"Today Changelings, destiny has called you upon the battlefield once again... Today we move forth, to the corrupt city of Canterlot and against the Tyrant that tried to condemn you to death... Fate has given us the reason of strength and the task to bring forth justice... To bring justice to Celestia and her wicked kingdom that tolerates and protects the weak and restrains the strong!... The tyrant that claims the justice and the world belongs to the weak... The true justice belongs to the strongest, the world belongs only to the strongest!...we will purify Equestria from the weak, and shall return this world to the path of righteousness and honor!... So go forth, into unremitting battle, go forth and do not weaver, do not let up!... Compassion will not be tolerated, not one step back, cowardice will not be tolerated!... All dishonored traitors and dessertors shall face death.... You all know the battle plan, and your respective positions... Go forth, kill or be killed, destroy or be destroyed, take it all or lose it all... Make them remember the feeling of fear beyond their worse nightmares, let's take the blindfold of their eyes and make them see the world as it really is... Let's bring them hell!"

The crowd was in complete silence, but only for a mere moments, for seconds later they exploded in cheers and a thunderous applause, making the earth itself to tremble before this gathering of monsters.

Both leaders turned around, and Sombra issued his orders to the Queen.

"I shall depart to Ponyville now, you and the army begin moving towards Canterlot at dawn, take the safer route throught the east, throught the Neightgara Falls, and i shall reunite with you at the night of the gala outside of Canterlot, to the east, it shall take exactly 48 hours for you to arrive at Canterlot if you follow the schedule, make your spies on the guard outposts throught the route to make their movement now"

"Are you gonna take down the Elements already?. Will you be on schedule, Sombra?"

Chrysalis replied.

"If i travel at maximum speed and use a direct route i'll be there before the end of this day"

"And you think your little agent has completed her task?. I don't know why you picked that girl to do it, after all she's just another pathetic weakling"

"It dosen't matter now, her fate has already been sealed"

"It's decided then, King"

"It's destiny, Queen"

Shortly after saying those final words Sombra shifted into shadows and began his journey towards ponyville.

As planned, a few hours after King's depart when dawn arrived, the Changeling army gathered in the main entrance to the cave.

"It's time my Changelings... To depart to the battlefield... In just a few hours everything will be over to Canterlot and every single pony inside it... Let's give them a warning that the end is near... Sound your wings loud and proud, let every living creature in this Equestia hear your warcry and tremble in fear as know their last hour is at hand... This is war!"

The great army let out a roar that even could be heard in the nearby Crystal Empire.

The Changelings all opened their wings in unison and lifted flight, guided by their Queen, a massive amount of Changelings spawned from the cave entance, in an organized flight formation, one after another.

The ponies living in the Crystal couldn't be more terrified with the vision they had that morning.

An swarm of black creatures, a gigantic cloud suddenly eclipsed the rising sun, an endless column of these awkward beings was emerging from the depths of the Crystal Mountains, flying southeast following the mountain range.

There were thousands, seemingly endless amounts of creatures flying in formation.

Some ponies in the Empire thought it was some sort of migration, and many were concerned, thus all the telescopes in the Empire were pointed towards this phenomenon.

This creatures were really strange, pony like creatures, black bodies with gnarled horns and insect wings, and they gave a really bad vibre to anypony who saw them throught the telescopes.

Nopony recognise them at first, but when they did their hearts filled with absolute terror... They were Changelings.

After thinking where that mountain range ended they realized it wasn't a migration, there was no reason for the Changelings to migrate, and almost a year ago, they had assaulted Canterlot, that's where they realized.

It was an army, an invasion force heading towards Canterlot.

Canterlot had to be informed about this, but the Empire was incomunicated, impossibilitated to use magic to send any kind of message due to a magic barrier the Changelings had set around the city in the hours before movilizing the army without anypony noticing it, and any physical messenger would be killed even before getting outside the barrier by interceptors posted outside of the Empire.

The Empire just counted with a few dozens of elite royal guard pegasus, who's only task was to protect Princess Cadance and Shining Armor for there was no need for an army in the Cryslal Empire thanks to the Crystal Heart.

It was a priority to warn Canterlot about the attack, so many members of the royal guard volunteered to serve as messengers and give the alert to any military outpost and warn Canterlot and the Royal Family, who had gathered there for the Grand Galloping Gala.

Only the best flyiers were to be used in the task of delivering the message, any other guard would have to stay and protect the citizens.

The pegasus leaved the city, flying as fast as their powerful wings allowed them to, however some of the Changelings immediatly taked off and engaged the pegasus in the air.

The Changelings used their magic beams to take down all the royal guards, once they hit the ground, they quickly got sorrounded and killed.

The Changelings couldn't enter the Cryslal Empire because the Crystal Heart wich whenever any threat or a great evil came close to the Empire, it raised it's protective shield as the definitive method of perfect defense against evil.

But still, the Crystal Empire had been completly defeated without any real battle.

They were the only ones that knew what was gonna happen, and yet couldn't do anything about it.

Hours later the day of the Grand Galloping Gala arrived.

It was the most beautiful morning in Ponyville.

Everypony was as cheerful as ever, everyony had a large smile drawned on their faces, songs were being singed while the townsfolk prepared everything for another busy day of working.

Fillies and Colts were headed towards miss Cheerilee's class, stores were open, and everypony began it's busy routine.

But this day was specially cheerful for Trixie, for tonight was her big chance to impress Princess Luna.

Rarity had already finished the dresses her friends and herself would use in the Gala, Trixie's dress was inspired by the cape and wizard hat she used to wear in her shows, a more refined complex version of it, dark blue with small dots resembling the stars over the night skies and her cutie mark that resembled the moon as a centerpiece of the dress.

Everything was ready, but before the Gala Trixie had to rehearse all the spells she would use to impress the Princesses, and take care of every single detail involving that special performance of tonight.

She went to her training grounds in the edge of the Everfree Forest accompanied by Fluttershy, who was there to make sure she didn't lose track of time an be punctual in Carousel Boutique to dress up for the party.

Trixie displayed wonderful magic, something that could only be paired by a high level unicorn like Twilight Sparkle, she performed transformation spells, surgical precision levitation, high level illusions and as her grand finale a show of lights that was stounding even in plain daylight.

Everything was now ready now, but there was one thing to be done before going to Carousel Boutique.

"Um... Trixie... I..."

Trixie looked at Fluttershy intrigued by her nervousness.

"What's wrong Fluttershy?"

"Um... Twilight asked me to... Um... Well... C-can you come with me to my hut... please Trixie?"

Fluttershy sounded more nervous than usual, this was of much concern for Trixie because Fluttershy was not somepony to hide something from her friends, yet Trixie agreed to go with her.

Inside the hut there was Twilight Sparkle accompanied by Zecora, whom Trixie haven't get to know yet and a little box over a table in the middle of the room.

"What... Who's her... What's going on?"

Trixie was very surprised and tension built up in the air.

"Trixie we need to talk to you"

Twilight had a very serious face, and the Zebra looked like if she was judging Trixie in silence.

"We all know and have felt how much have you changed since you decided to open your heart to us and how much you have grown since then... But you still have a dark past Trixie"

Twilight magically levitated the box and opened it, revealing something that made Trixie's blood chill.

The Alicorn Amulet.


Trixie whispered as she started to tremble.

"Why Twilight... Why would you...?"

Cold sweat started to fall of her face.

"Trixie... I've talked to Princess Celestia... She told me that... It's time to let go of the past... it's time to set you free from that heavy burden you have to carry"

Trixie was astouned and the only word she could articulate was.


"To the Princess in Canterlot this box you must deliver, but you must watch out for your toughts can be decieving."

Zecora finally speaked to the young mare.

"W-who is she?"

Trixie asked about Zecora.

"Oh, sorry... her name is Zecora, she is a Zebra from a far away land and she lives in the Everfree forest... she was taking care of the Amulet since the last time"

Twilight quickly answered her friend's doubt.

"Well... She indeed looks different from other ponies... But what do you mean with that, Zecora... That my thoughts can be decieving?"

Trixie asked trying.

"A great evil is nearby and you must decide wheter you will listen to your heart or you will allow the shadow to take away all that you have"

Zecora replied with a serious tone.

Trixie was paralized in fear, for in that moment she remembered the tormentous visions she once had, she remembered King Sombra and his promise of changing her destiny with the Alicorn Amulet.

"I shall depart now Twilght Sparkle, for i cannot leave my home in abandon"

"Oh, sure Zecora... Good luck"

Twilight said a bit surprised for zecora's sudden depart.

"And do not falter, little mare for fate can always be cancelled"

Zecora said with a smile to Trixie before interning back in the dangerous forest.

Trixie was still shocked, but she recovered quickly.

"I am so sorry for having put you through this in this day... I... If you don't feel good... If you feel too pressured i can arrange a private meeting with the Princesses another day"

"Don't worry Twilight... In fact this is the best thing for me..."

"What do you mean Trix?"

"I... I thought that i needed this... thing's power to be happy... Now i know how wrong i was... My destiny... Everything... Now i can let go and start over again... This'll be the best night ever..."

After that Trixie did something that in another time would have been unthinkable and impossible.

She cuddled Twilight as a sign of thankfulness, as a sign of true friendship.

"Thank you Twilight Sparkle... For everything"

When they separated Twilight realized that Fluttershy was outside the house, flying around with a concerned face.

"Fluttershy, what's wrong"

Twilight asked.

"oh, Twilight, Trixie... The animals... They are gone... This is not normal... Something must have really scared them"

"Oh, there must be beacause of Zecora, she must have scared them, after all they don't know her very well"

"No Twilight... there is something very wrong here... This silence is not normal"


Trixie was remembering that night. When she had those horrible visions and how it all started with a silence like this one.

The sun was about to set.

"Hey girls we sould be going to Rarity's boutique now, or we'll be late"

"You go on ahead Twilight... I'll help Fluttershy to look around and see if everything is fine"

Twilight sighted.

"Please girls everything is fine, we need to go"

"It'll not take too long... Is just that i don't want to leave Fluttershy alone"

"Alright, alright... I'll be going then, i have to make the final checks... i'll wait for you at the boutique so don't be late alright?"

Twilight walked away to Carousel Boutique leaving Fluttershy and Trixie alone.

Them both looked around for a while for the animals but they were gone, leaving only the sound of the leaves moving in the wind.

"Oh no, Angel!"

Fluttershy let go a gasp, scared about her beloved pet and both ran inside the hut looking for the bunny.

When the pair made it's way inside the house a strange feeling welcomed them, a feeling of bitter coldness, a feeling of evil.

"Fluttershy we need to get out of here, now!"

"B-but Angel"

"Now Fluttershy, now!"

Trixie dragged the pegasi to the front door from wich they entered, but when they were about to escape the door slamed right in front of their faces.

"No... Please no..."

"This is the day of fate, Trixie Lulamoon... Tonight you will fulfill you destiny"

"King Sombra!"
"King Sombra!?"

Both ponies gasped at the unison, terrified as the shadows that covered the room were materized in an unicorn who's eyes glowed like bloodstained orbs in the dark.

"So, you have finally found the Alicorn Amulet... Good... Now fulfill your destiny, fulfill your revenge against this ponies!"

Fluttershy was paralized in absolute fear and so was Trixie, but she stood in front of her friend, protecting her and prepared to fight that shadow, even if she had to endure the worst fate.

"No... I won't... I will not harm my friends, and i won't let you hurt any of them!"

Her horn began to glow as the magic was accumulated for an attack.

"I won't let you lay a hoof on them... Even if it costs my life!"

King Sombra looked at her without any emotion.

"It's not your choice"

Sombra partially turned into a shadow and with amazing speed he charged his horn against the two friends, forcing Trixie to push Fluttershy and herself to avoid the lethal attack, separating them.

Trixie was now standing alone face to face with that fearsome monster.

Trixie charged with her horn at Sombra, who dodged the attack very easily by turning into a shadow and rematerialized above Trixie crushing her with his front legs.

Trixie couldn't believe the weight his armor gave him, and his strength was abnormal too, she couldn't move and could barely breathe.

"What are you?"

Trixie asked, with barely a whisper.

"There was a time where the strenght was absolute, justice belonged to the strong and only the strongest could rule... I am the very strongest... One of the most powerfull unicorns that has ever lived!"

"Leave her alone, you monster!"

Fluttershy yelled at Sombra, without fear, without doubt, all for the sake of her friend.

Sombra turned and headed towards Fluttershy, leaving Trixie knocked down on the floor.

"You must be the element of kindness... Fluttershy, am i correct?"

The courage of Fluttershy began to vanish as the two made eye contact, not even the bravest of ponies could see Sombra to the eyes without being terrified.

Trixie knew that Sombra was now after Fluttershy, she couldn't defend herself against magic, much less against an enemy like that.

Both were in despair, the only one that could fight was her, but she had her ribs broken from before, the pain didn't allowed her to concentrate her magic.

There was now only one hope left.

Trixie dragged her body towards the table, where the box with the Alicorn Amulet was still waiting.

Her pain was unbearable, but she still managed to open the box, but doubted about using it's powers.

When suddenly she heard a cry of pain and the sound of cracking bones.

She turned and there was Fluttershy, lying on the floor, barely conscious, bleeding.

The sight of blood on Fluttershy's innocent face covered in tears made Trixie felt a rage, a blind rage she had never experienced before in her life, but her face was frozen in an expression of shock.

Sombra noticed this and turned into Trixie's direction, leaving Fluttershy directly behind him and silently walked towards Trixie, glowing his horn, a sign of an inminnent attack.


Fluttershy screamed to warn her seemingly gone friend about the incoming danger.

Trixie finally snaped and in a flash of rage placed the amulet around her neck and cast upon Sombra the most powerful attack her body could withstand.

He responded with an attack of his own, clashing in the middle of the small space, liberating monstruous amounts of magic energy, starting small fires throught the hut and sending the furniture flying.

Their powers were seemingly even, the destructive force of both spells was incredible.

"I'll kill you for hurting Fluttershy!"

Trixie yell at Sombra with a terrifying voice.

"Ha, you can't kill me with my own creation, you stupid mare!"

Sombra replied with a voice more of a demon than a pony's"

Sombra's power pushed Trixie even further with each passing second, forcing her into using her full power, ever more and more unstable and when the clashing powers reached the peak, it was already too late.

king Sombra made his descisive move, transforming into a shadow, intangible, allowing the terrible magical attack charged with hatred, rage and despair went through his own body impacting the very thing that was supposed to protect.

Trixie had allowed her heart to be decieved by shadows and that lead to the ultimate consequence.

The whole Everfree Forest trembled in it's very roots as it witnessed the kindest and the most loving of all the creatures in this world vanish in a viscious blast of magic and fire coming from the place her humble home, now turned into a burning pile of debris used to stand.

Trixie was protected by the amulet, but what she witnessed when the smoke and dust cleared a little maked her wish she were never born.

Lying a few meters before her, buried in the burning debris was Fluttershy, lifeless, over a pool of her own blood, with her wings torn to shreds, her mane and coat now red, stained in blood, her eyes forever closed and covered in tears of despair and an expression of agony in her face.

Trixie couldn't believe her eyes, she had just killed her best friend, the first pony to ever try to protect her, the first pony to lay a hoof to her.

She could only let go a terrified scream that teared her throat apart, tears falling off her face, shaking her head violently in denial of the terrible reality.

When suddenly she heard familiar voices, the voices of her friends, talking inside her head.

The voices began to accuse her, of murderer, of traitor, she could hear Twilight's voice.

"Trixie, why did you do this... We were friends, how could you kill Fluttershy?"

Trixie closed up her eyes, and when she opened them back she saw herself back in Ponyville, sorrounded by many ponies and her friends, as if it were a trial.

"You... Murdered Fluttershy... you betrayed us all Trixie... You will now face the consecuences..."

She could see Twilight Sparkle before her, with a look of absolute despice on her face.

"Please Twilight... Girls... Wait... i... I didn't do it on pourpose... king Sombra... He tricked me... Please...!"

Trixie begged desperatedly, crying in regretment but nopony seemed to care or to even listen to her plead.

"Trixie Lulamoon... This is the end for you."

"Please... Twilight... Twi-..."

Trixie's words were suddenly interrupted when she realized that she wasn't on Ponyville, nor the one standing before hew was Twilight Sparkle, but King Sombra.

But it was now too late, The King lowered his head and before Trixie could react, he raised his head with great fury and thrusted his horn into her chest, impaling the Great And Powerful Trixie, lifting her right where she was standing.

Trixie felt the stinging pain ih her chest as she was lift by the Dark King and tried to scream, but blood was the only thing that poured from her mouth.

Blood flowed like a river, bathing the Alicorn Amulet in the vital liquid.

"It's time to release the curse Celestia casted upon me, and my power, the power in the Alicorn Amulet belongs to me, and to me only..."

He then throwed her behind him, in a viscious movement.

Her ribs broken and her body horribly maimed, Trixie lied in a pool of her own blood, dying, unable to fight anymore, everything began to feel cold, her consciousness fading away.

When once again the stinging pain brought her back, she saw herself levitating and the room sorrounded with a fog black as coal, and the stallion standing before her was now in a trance, his eyes now glowing in a vivid crimsom color, sincronizing with the bloodstained Alicorn Amulet's crystals.

Thus the Amulet detached from Trixie's neck and the mare fell back heavily into the bloody floor where she was before.

Trixie was barely conscious, but she still managed to open her eyes, just in time to witness King Sombra's ultimate triumph.

The Amulet was levitating by it's own, without any magic in Sombra's direction and Sombra reached his hoof, slowly towards the charm.

Finally after 1,000 years the Alicorn Amulet was returned to it's true master and it's rightful owner.

He proceeded and placed it over the thick piece of armor that covered his neck.

And then King Sombra's body began to overflow with power, all of it shined with an intense crimson color, bright as the sun itself and raised his heavy body from the ground, and then he re-assimilated his original shape.

The outburst destroyed what was left standing in the hut that belonged to Fluttershy and finally sealed the fate of Trixie's when part of a roof beam fell on her, crushing her hindquarters.

He then turned to face her once again.

"In your veins flows the blood of Starswirl the bearded... That's why my Alicorn Amulet chose you to be it's weilder, because of the power that's hidden within you... That power would have been a thorn in my future... I just killed two birds with one stone... It was the blood of Starswirl the one that made impossible to me to use my amulet... And only the blood of Starswirl combined with my power could break that curse...there's still one threat, the blood fo Clover the clever, but i'll take care of that some other time... For the time has come... This is the end for you, and Equestria im afraid"

The only thing that Trixie did was to drop some silent tears, tears of impotence and despair.

"But now the gala's about to begin and i can't keep Celestia and her family waiting for me, after all it will be our big reencounter after 1,000 years"

The King said while looking at the final moments of the sunset, the night had began, and so he departed, he went away as fast as he came.

"Fluttershy, Trixie!"

Her 5 friends came running to the ruins only to found the heartbreaking scene.

"Trixie, what happened!?"

Twilight asked while trying to aid Trixie.

"Where's Fluttershy, we heard explosions and came as fast as we-..."


Twilight words were cutted short by the scarring scream coming from Rainbow Dash, who had just found Fluttershy's dead body.

Everypony looked the horrible scene.

"Fluttershy... Fluttershy, please wake up... Open your eyes, it's me... Rainbow Dash... Please don't do this... Fluttershy... Don't go... Please... Fluttershy... No..."

The place was silent as all witnessed the useless attempts of Rainbow Dash to wake up her best friend, everypony broke in tears as they realized the reality, and the fact that Fluttershy was dead.

"King... Sombra... The Gala... He's gonna..."

Trixie got interrupted by the unbearable sensation of her own blood choking her.

Her time had come, she could feel all her body becoming numb, her sight blackening, her audition reduced to only buzzings.

Then decided to speak her final words, wich she would try to speak as clearly as possible.

She then reached her hoof to Twilight's own, who was desperatedly, but uselessly trying to talk with her in order to keep her conscious.

And once again silence was made as Twilight and the others freezed.

"Girls... I am sorry... For all the damage i have caused you... And the people of Ponyville... I wish that we have met... under other... circumstances... But you... Still made me your... Friend... I was... happy... while i lived... in Ponyville... and i... thank you for... giving me a... second chance... I love you... all girls... Because... Did you know... You are all... My very... best... Friends?"

And with this final words to her friends the Great and Powerfull Trixie closed her eyes for the last time.

All the presents felt like this was a horrible and unreal nightmare for they had lost two friends in less than a day.

"I swear to Celestia i'll kill whoever that did this to you Fluttershy"

Rainbow Dash sobbed.

"We'll get the bastard who did this... I swear for the Apple Family"

Applejack, said too, hiding her face with her hat.

Pinkie's hair flattened as a sign of the shock, but didn't said nothing, and Rarity was frozen, speechless, she couldn't even react.

And Twilight, still kept Trixie's hoof against her body, as she felt the warmness of her body vanish.

She had her teeth clenched, and sobbed silently, as if trying to hold back her emotions, but then she snapped.


She yelled with all her strenght, her heart filled with the most pure rage and hatred she had ever felt in her entire life, rage against a pony she believed was long dead.

Everypony then looked towards the east, towards the capital city of Canterlot, just in time to witness a powerfull protective shield rising around and above Canterlot.

This was the omen that marked the beggining of the true tragedy.

The perfect storm had begun.