//------------------------------// // Into the Mirror // Story: Beyond Reflections // by EquineTheta //------------------------------// Days went by with no word from Crystal; seemed like weeks when nothing important is happening. I had gone about with my usual routines as life went back to normal. The snow covering the streets slowly began to recede, revealing the crystalline roads beneath. It looked like the empire was going to have an early spring just like Cadance said two days ago. Once again, the sunshine bouncing off the crystals made the city sparkle, a priceless gem to the eye of the beholder. In the late afternoon, I stood on the balcony and watched the sunset alone, silently embracing it’s beauty while clearing my mind off my uncertainties and worries. The sound of hoofsteps grew louder as somepony approached me from behind... “Beautiful isn’t it?” Cadance said, her soft voice piercing the silent air gently reminding me of her presence. “Beautiful as always.” “You don’t usually go out to admire the sunset like this. You’ve got something in your mind, don’t you?” My wife already had her suspicions but her intuition always has me on my toes. I couldn’t keep secrets well and she knows that; it’s like she can read my face and know what races through my mind. I took a deep breath and began to explain, knowing that I couldn’t keep my worries hidden for long. “You know about that object I found back then?” Cadance shook her head in silence. “Well, I found some ancient text that could provide some linkage to what I found. I don’t know what’s going on here but I feel like something’s up, something’s not right.” “Shining, I know you’ve been going about this for some time now but I am really concerned. Your attention to these things could draw your focus away from your royal duties.” My alicorn wife slowly raised her hoof and placed it on my shoulder. “I am not the only one in charge of keeping the peace in the kingdom; you, too, are a part of royalty and we can’t keep to our obligations unless we work together. I hope you understand what I’m saying.” Have to give it to Cadance; it’s good that she is always concerned for my safety but I what I need from her is understanding. She doesn’t know what’s really going on and perhaps we would have the mutual understanding that I need but I don’t know how deep all this is going to get. It would be best to keep her out of the loop for her own safety. I tried my best to set my mind on other things over dinner, which worked quite well. I asked her about her day and what plans she may have to usher in the Equestrian Games once the opening celebration happens. She seemed keen on having Twilight and her friends perform their welcome cheer for everypony along with a few locals backing them up. With all that had transpired within the last few hours of the day, I tucked myself into bed with the clear mind I wanted. Even if this inner peace only lasted for a while, it will be more than enough to keep my lovely wife from worrying too much about me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five days have passed and just as I finished my lunch, I got the news I was, and still am, hoping for. A guard came rushing into the castle’s foyer and greeted me with the message. Accompanying him was Crystal the elderly librarian. “Your highness, this citizen here wishes to have a word with you.” “I know, good sir. I’ve been expecting her. If you would kindly leave us be?” The guard closed his eyes and bowed before leaving. Normally, royal guards would reply but even without saying a word, a gesture of respect is appreciated. I don’t take all protocols seriously; it is something the guards know very well. I turned my attention to the librarian who looked at me, her eyes beaming with excitement. “You’ve decoded the message yet?” I asked. “Yes, your highness. It was difficult because some of the text is faded; had to try guessing some of the words. Here, I have the original parchment you gave me and the translated version on this piece of paper.” I picked the two up using my magic, levitating the scroll on my left while the translation is on my right. Be warned of things untrue, of world’s reflection is the passage through. Though image is flat, sharp, and crude, taking the path will be your potential rue. Cast the horn’s power and chant this rhyme: Reveal the path sought for my choice is made, traverse I shall from the world may no longer stay. The words don’t make perfect sense but it’s better than having a jumbled mess of words that aren’t presented in a rhythmic fashion. “It’s the best I could make of it, your highness.” Crystal remarked, the tone of disappointment echoing as the sound of her words entered my ears. “It’s alright. At least we got something. How could I thank you for your time and effort?” “There’s no need to go about that, your highness!” The librarian exclaimed while backing up to the front door. “Ahem, sorry for that but your satisfaction is more than enough thanks for me.” “Well, if you say so. Thank you again, Crystal!” The mare turned her back and was on her way. I stayed at the entrance of the castle for a while just to see her go back home safely. Looking at the translation, I headed to my study and took a second look at it. Surely I could make something out of this. Warned of things untrue.... taking the path will be your potential rue... This is definitely a warning to start with but what’s with the use of “rue”? “Worlds reflection? Image is sharp, flat, and crude?” I thought long and hard but the only thing I can think of is a mirror. Consulting the castle library’s copy of “Physics Behind Reflections: A Reference Guide to Mirrors”, a plane mirror reflects anything back as a lateral, virtual image; quality is sharp to the eye when the light bounces off the surface and the image is definitely as raw as it gets. It sounds just about right to me. Even more confounding was what the chant mentioned; it may not guarantee my return. Now this has become more confusing. What to do? Should I choose to traverse, what would I see and what would become of me? I ended my study about an hour later to ponder upon my choice and hopefully, Cadance wouldn’t notice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that evening, I thought long and hard about what I ought to do next. I could choose to traverse into this “other world” that the text speaks of but what would happen in my absence? And what about Cadance? What would she do when she realizes I’ve been gone for a while? Curiosity got the best of me but I thought about leaving something for my alicorn wife should she realize I am missing. Taking a piece of paper and a quill, I began writing my message by the candlelight in my study. Dearest Cadance, Should you find this message, you may have noticed that I am missing. I understand that I should have kept my curiosity at bay and stopped myself from pursuing on my sudden obsession over that horn-like object I discovered. I only ask that you put your trust in me and I assure you, everything is alright. Don’t look for me though because I fear your interference will jeopardize us both. I hope you understand. Yours truly, Shining Armor I carefully hid the note in Cadance’s dresser, piling all of her perfume bottles on top of the note just to make sure she wouldn’t suspect. With this accomplished, I headed back to my study to prepare my saddlebag, packing a few apples, a canteen, and the some bits. I also made sure to take the mysterious horn-like item and the scroll’s translation with me should I require them. Now facing the mirror and taking in a deep breath, I concentrated on harnessing the power of the horn and began the chant. “Reveal the path sought for my choice is made, traverse I shall from the world I may no longer stay.” Black aura covered my horn and the horn I held with my magic and shortly after, a purple beam fired from my own and instead of bouncing off the mirror, it passed through. The waves upon the solid plane mirror began acting up, revealing a path through to the other side. Taking one last look at my surroundings, I began my journey to the unknown, closing my eyes and hoping that what I’ve done doesn’t end me in the process. The only thing I know about the place I’m heading to: it won’t be pretty. Not in the slightest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’ve opened my eyes to a depressing atmosphere. It was dark all around but I can tell I am in my study, or am I? Everything is still in the places where I left them. The clock is still above the door and the window is just on the left side of my table. Unfortunately, the crystals that make up the castle, as well as those that comprised the majority of the empire, are of a deep black finish. Spikes grew from the sides of each crystal spire and a gray mist covered the ground. I heard the sound of hoofsteps from outside the room but I wouldn’t risk revealing my presence to anyone in this darker Crystal Empire. Immediately, I began to cast an invisibility spell Cadance taught me and stood by a dark corner of the room. No one entered. Only the sounds from outside echoed into the study. The faint sounds of a mare’s whimpering can be heard, tempting me to go outside but I stood my ground. Just then, a familiar voice said: “Please... Let me go!”