//------------------------------// // Story 7 Slower Than A Turtle // Story: Random Comedic My Little Pony Story of The Week // by dbzponyninja //------------------------------// My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Story of The Week Story 7 Slower Than A Turtle by dbzponyninja Written on ‎March ‎18, ‎2013 It started out as a normal day in Ponyville exactly a day after Twilight Sparkle went from being a unicorn mare to being a alicorn princess she was going to go to Canterlot castle to ask Princess Celestia about being a alicorn princess however before she left Ponyville to go to Canterlot castle she wanted to try out a new spell however for some unkwown reason the spell didn't have a name listed in the spell book. Anyway Twilight performed the spell and upon stepping outside of her library treehouse to go to Canterlot castle she found out that everything and everybody/ pony around her was doing things in slow motion. Applejack and her little sister Applebloom galloped over to Twilight in slow motion and asked her in slow motion while talking in the trademark southern accent that all members of The Apple family talk in "Good mornin' Twilight what's going on around here?" Twilight told both of them while also talking in slow motion "my new spell must of done this i'll just go back to my house and fix everything." However at that moment Rarity showed up and asked Twilight in the trademark British accent that she talks in while also talking in slow motion "Twilight darling what's going on why am I talking in slow motion?" Pinkie Pie also showed up and asked Twilight in the high pitch high energy voice that she talks in while also talking in slow motion "Twilight why am I talking and moving in slow motion?" Twilight once again said while talking in slow motion "my new spell must of done this i'll just go back to my house and fix everything." However unfortunately for Twilight for some reason when she moved she moved in super slow motion so when she noticed this she said while talking in slow motion of course "oh great it's going to take me all day just to go back to my house Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity help me get to my house." Anyway with the help of Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity Twilight Sparkle eventually got back to her library treehouse were she fixed everything and now not only was everybody/ pony in Ponyville talking like normal but they were also trotting/ walking like normal as well. The story ends as Spike gets out of his basket bed and asks Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack "hey what did I miss", and then they all laugh. The End.