//------------------------------// // The Questions // Story: Sara’s Adventures in Ponyville // by themultiversewatcher //------------------------------// Sara awoke to the smell of pancakes being cooked. Entranced by the smell, she made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. There, the sight of Spike cooking greeted her. “Morning, Spike,” said Sara, “Those pancakes smell delicious.” “I noticed you waking up a little early yesterday, so I decided to make you breakfast,” said Spike. “Well, how thoughtful of you. I appreciate it. The food here is so much different than where I come from, it’s hard to find food I know I like.” Soon, Spike finished cooking breakfast and set it on the table. It was then that Twilight entered. Yawning, she took her place at the table. “Good morning, Twilight,” said Sara. Twilight grumbled in response. Sara suspected that she was up late last night studying for one thing or another, and had gotten up early to ask the burning questions. This was probably going to be an informative day. “Oh, come on, Twilight,” said Sara, “Today I get to tell you about my home. Sauria is a cool place.” At this, Twilight perked up, apparently having forgotten to check her list of things to do that day. It wasn’t often that you get to learn about places that don’t exist in even your own universe. After the delicious pancakes, Sara and Twilight went into the study room so they could begin conversing. “So, Sara,” Twilight began, “You say you’re from another universe. You’ve mentioned these ‘portals’ that you can create. Could you please elaborate?” “Sure,” said Sara, “You see, there is only one way you can get out of your universe. That way is through portals. You know how you can teleport? Well, it’s like that except, instead of moving from place to place in your dimensional space, you are actually transcending the space-time continuum. The process consumes a lot of power. For me, it comes from a ‘generator’ in interspace, otherwise known as the Void. It is the space between universes. Anyways, I activate this ‘generator’ using a psychic link. It creates a hole like this.” Out of nowhere, a circular hole appeared. On the other side was nothing but blackness. Just as suddenly, the hole closed. “Now, if you were to go in there, you would find what look like large ‘screens,’ each depicting something different than the last. Those are other universes.” “Fascinating,” said Twilight, who was stunned, “Now, are there other versions of the same universe?” “Very perceptive. That is true. Each universe is part of a universe ‘system.’ The systems consist of every possible outcome. Also, every universe has an exact opposite. This universe could be considered the universe where everything goes ‘right,’ meaning that every conflict, without outside influence, will end positively. That is not to say that this universe is perfect. In fact, there is, surprisingly, no universe that everything is dandy 100 percent of the time. You’d think that with an infinite number of universes, at least one would be perfect. This is true for the reverse. There is no universe where absolutely everything is wrong.” “Wow, I had no idea that it would be that complicated,” said Twilight. “Hehe, yeah, that’s what I said my first time having it explained to me. There are many things that I cannot tell you. One of those is the future; another is what another universe in your system is like. Like anything that is important, there are rules. You understand, right?” “Yes, I do. Now for my next question. How did you get to this point? I mean, how do you know all of this. Clearly, you aren’t the only one who has this power.” “Ah, I was wondering when we would get to this point,” said Sara, “That is an interesting story. I suggest you get comfortable and ready that pen and pad. This is a long story. It’s a story that was told to me by my brother and best friend, Sean.”