
by Windchester

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Friendly Games

"Look man all I am saying, What if Capcom and Activision made a game together?" Charcoal asked as he took a small sip from his cherry smoothy before setting it down on the table. "MegaMan Warfare? are you insane, Thats like .... Really I can't even discribe it right now you are taking a Legend. And mixing it with the worst game series ever." Sawdust stated before getting out of his seat and throwing his coffee in the closest trash bin, He turn back around and walked back to our table just to slam his hooves on the table, I jumped at the noise suddently but soon reasured myself as I continued to watch the arguement between Charcoal and Sawdust.

'Man I swear, They always tend to bring up the same topic' I thought to myself as I sat up in the chair out side of StarBucks
and yawned as I looked around ponyville, Its alot different from fillydelphia. 'Everypony knows each other down here, Thats what you get for livin' in a small town, also very nice' I then started to think about the times in fillydelphia with my old friends...'Bad memories are all that are left' Suddently a gray blur caught my eye and focus my attention to a gray pegasus who was delivering a package too a pink mare with berries for a cutie mark, Who looks alittle tipzy, Was bad mouthing the pegasus as she flew away 'Well.....
Almost everypony'

I turn back around to my friends who were still on the same topic.Not suprising. "I don't care about the gameplay, Just imagine MegaMan with Call of duty Graphics" Charcoal stated as he took another sip from his cherry smoothy. "Yeah, Just imagine how its gonna feel like when I break my hoof off in your.." I stop paying attention for a moment and started to take in the beauty of Ponyville, Many wonderful shops on every coner of streets, And the atmosphere is a very friendly down here. The citizens would offer help to one another even strangers for the most part....

"Helloooo, Is Windchester in there" Buckshot, My best friend, Was knocking on the table to get my attention. Ask cautiously "you alright?" It brought me out of my deep thought as I looked up at him. "Man, I swear everytime I turn my back on ya, Your off in la-la land......." Buckshot stopped in mid sentence and stared off into the distance. The conversation between Sawdust and Charcoal quickly disappeared as they turned there attention to the comotion that was happening behind me. I slowly turned around and what I saw made my jaw dropped.

Three mare, Obliously gamers walked out of a Gamestop, Carrying a bag full of brand new games, The mares, A unicorn, Pegasus and earth pony walked right past us. With there hair blowing in the win followed by the foul stench of cheap perfume. The pegaus was wearing a Modern Warefare t-shirt, The unicorn had halo 4 merchandize all over her including a impressive remake of masterchief's helment, That would put Sawdust to shame, Was swaying on her sattlebags. And the earth pony was wearing a Naruto headband and was carrying the video games of many sorts. As soon as the mares walked past us. Sawdust, Buckshot, and each pop a breath mit into their mouth's and tried to brush their mane down with their hooves, Before bolting off after the mares.

But it wasn't the mares that caught my attention, Nor was it their impressive merchandize. It was t he most beautiful mare in all of Equestia working in the Ponyville local sweet shop worker that caught my eye, She had a very light pink coat and a dark pink mane that looks like cotton candy, Her eyes...I swear sparkle every time she laughs. And that laugh of hers is very, I've only talked to her at my 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, I only talked to her for acouple of seconds .... Always cheery and happy ...... Maybe I should talk to her .....


My full attention was brought back to me as my friends collasped on the table, Each had a scratch, Abruise and a hoof print on their cheeks. I couldn't really contain myself as I started laughing and laughing, Until I ran out of breathe. I looked at them and said in a mocking tone "Got moves like Mc Jagger" Buckshot got off the table and brusted himself off, "Alright, Mister hot shot. If its so easy then ask out that mare" he point his hoof past me and at Sugar Cube Corner. I felt myself freeze up as I turned around and saw were he was pointing .....


"Please for the love of Celestia! Don't make me do this" I was trying to half beg myself out of this. But there was no way out of this one. "Come on then, I triple dog dare ya" I hesitated for amoment and started to think my way out of this. "Windchester, You know the rules as much as I do, Hell you created them, You have to do it or you know whats gonna happen" I gulped down my pride as I stood up out of my chair and started walking. The beating in my ears echoed as I inched my way towards the door...

But then...

Pain ... So much pain errupted and over took my chest I couldn't breath..I could barely even stand up..... I felt myself fall on my left.... The beating in my ears grew faster ..... My vision blurred as I faught to breathe .... Darkness surrond the edges of my vision ..... Then the beating stopped ..... And the darkness wrapped around like a dark blanket.

And the last thing I hear is a muffled yell...A single word.."Windchester"