The Return Of Night

by EndlessKnight980

Chapter 24: A Little fun Chaos

Endless was getting a lot of odd looks as he walk down the street. He knew why. Discord was floating. Spilt in half. His top side to the right his other half on the left. He couldn’t decide witch side he wanted to walk on so he chose both.

“Could you please pull yourself together?” he ask. Finally getting tier of the look everyone was giving him.

“If you insist. But what are we planing to do today?” he ask pulling himself together. He really didn’t have a plan. He wonder himself. What could they do? Discord was the embodiment of chaos. And he was just Endless night. Son of a unicorn that want to destroy Celestia.

“I don’t know. What do you think?” he ask Discord. he rub his claws together. Like he want do something but didn’t what say.

“How about we do some harmless little pranks.” Endless raise an eyebrow at him.

“Harmless.” he said. Endless sigh. It did sound fun.

“Only if I can pick the target.” he Smiling. He knew who he was going to pick first.

“Wonderful. I see that look on your face. Your thinking about some pony.” Discord said making small firework out of his claws.

Discord follow Endless until he found her. he smile. Pinky Pie was dress like a clown. She was trying to get little colt’s and filly’s to laugh. He wave Discord down. He pull his ear off. he whisper into it. Discord giggle.

Pinky Pie was dancing on a beach ball. She juggling brightly colorful balls. She throw them into the air. Discord snap his claw. The balls she was juggling turn into snowballs. Pinky lower head she was going to catch them and roll them down her back. The snowball hit the back of her neck. She jump into the air. Then landed on the beach ball. Bouncing off the ball. She flip into the air. Discord snap his claw again. She Landed a pool of Lime Jell-O.

“Ta da.” she said half stuck in the Jell-O. The kids laugh. Endless and Discord roll laughing on the ground.

“You know. When I ask Flutter Shy to help you two. I didn’t think you two would cause trouble.” Endless look up a Twilight. She was tapping her hove.

“O great. A Party pooper.” Discord said sticking his tough out.

“O come on Twilight. It just a little harmless prank.” he said rolling to his hooves.

“And how do you think Pinky Pie feels about your little Prank.” she scolded.

“I would say pretty good.” Discord said pointing to her. Pinky Pie was scooping the Jell-O out for the kids and enjoy a scoop herself as she did.

“That Pinky Pie. But any other pony may not.” She said still mad at them.

“Don’t worry Princess. Endless pick her. He told me what do. Then. Well. I did what I do best.” Discord said rolling his head up and down his arms like a basketball. Endless was ready to smack Discord. Even if he was telling the truth.

“Can I speak with you?” She ask pulling him away from Discord.

“What are you thinking?” She ask.

“He told me that Celestia believe he can help me and my father.” he told her.

“I see. That why.” she said like she knew something he didn’t.

“Alright. I understand. Just find something else to do other then pranks.” she said.

“Aaaa. Your no fun.” Discord said popping his head between them.

“Ok. Princess. Then what do you think we should do?” Discord ask.

Twilight put a hove to her chin. Endless knew whatever she pick. Wasn’t going to be fun. His mind flash to stamp colleting, checkers, puzzles.

“I Know follow me.” she said. She said spreading her wings. They follow Twilight. She lead them to a large pond. Rainbow dash was sitting by it.

“Hi Twilight. What happening?” she ask.

“Rainbow dash. These two need bonding time. Can you help?” she ask.

“Ya. I got some time. What you have in mind?” she ask.

Twilight then whisper into her ear. Endless look to Discord. They both had a worry when Rainbow Dash Smile.

After Twilight left. Rainbow Dash had an evil grin.

“Ok Maggot! Line Up.” he stood at attention. Discord did the same wearing some weird suit with a green army helmet.

“Princess Twilight said you need to bond. And I am here to make that happen.” She yell. Endless was a little scare of her.

“What are we going to do?” He ask. A lump in his trough. She smile.

“We Are Going to Prank Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Discord face fill with joy. Endless mind shorted out at the thought of Pranking Twilight.

“O what fun. I like this pony.” Discord said with a wink.

“We're going to prank Twilight?” He ask in shock.

“No. Were not just going to prank her. We are going to Prank her so hard that she won’t know what hit her. But were going to need help. And I know just the pony.” She said in a long winded speak.

A few minute later they were at Pinky Pie Place. This was the first time he had been inside. It was to bright. Rainbow Dash was place a map on the table. Pinky enter the room with boxes.

“Ok if we’re going to Prank Twilight. We need a plan. What do you got?” Rainbow Dash ask.

“I could make it rain pudding” Discord said snapping his claw and making a small cloud that rain pudding. Pinky pie put her head under it. mouth open.

“That a great idea. Then we get all this pudding after.” Pinky Pie said pulling her head in and out of the pudding rain.

“No. That will never work. She know it Discord.” Rainbow dash said. Discord snap his claw. The cloud disappear.

“Come on. Someone think of something. Endless what do you think?” Rainbow dash ask. he sat there. He had a no idea. He was only good in small prank. Nothing as big as Discord and the other girls.

“I got nothing.” he said.

“That ok. I got a plan.” Pinky Pie said taking a big bucket of gray paint and dumping it on Endless.

“Pinky Pie! Why did you do that?” He yell wiping his legs. The paint was not coming off.

“Wait. I think she on to something. Yes, yes. That will work nicely.” Rainbow dash said pulling his Legs and looking him over.

A few second later Rainbow Dash, Pinky Pie, and Discord were whispering. Endless was a nerves. They would look back to him then giggle. this is not going to end well. he though.

---------(outside the library)------------

Endless took his place outside the library. Rainbow Dash had told him to stand still. He wasn’t aloud to move on muscle. The Library door open. Spike and Twilight Stop. Twilight scream.

“O no. Endless Night what happen to you?” she look him over.

“Twilight. It look like he turn back to stone.” Spike said looking him over. He kick Endless knee hard. he had to fight back the tears.

“The Princess is going to be so mad. We need to do something.” Just then rainbow dash, Pinky Pie, And ENDLESS NIGHT! Walk up.

“Wow. Twilight. Did you make this?” Pinky said.

“But you’re here? But your there. O thank Equestria. It just a statue.” she said letting out a sigh. he was dying. He wanted to laugh.

“Twilight. Can you help us at Pinky. Were trying to find Discord.” Rainbow dash ask.

“Find Him?” she ask.

“Ya. We playing hide and seek. But he can turn into anything. So it kinda hard.” Pinky Pie told her. Twilight raise her eyebrow.

“If I Know Discord. He the one responsible of this.” She smack Endless in the face. he held back the urge to grab his noes. He started to wonder. Who was really being prank here.

After a few minute. They finally got her to go. he wonder if he could move yet. But got his answer without warning. He was teleport without doing it himself. He was on the side of the road. Pinky house was just down the street. Twilight and the other stop.

“Hey Look. It another statue of Endless.” Spike said pointing at him.

“That odd. I wonder if Discord has something to do with them.” Twilight said. Pinky pie giggle a little.

“I don’t know. But they shore are funny.” She said pointing down the street. he look without moving. Discord had made other statue. They were in funny poses. he watch them walk down the street. Pinky Pie was running to the different sautes. She then ran up to him.

“It time.” he smile. He waited until they walk into Pinky house. he ran down the street. The other statue vanish with a puff. he creep up to Pinky house. He knock on the door. He made a funny face. Stood on one hove and waited. Twilight open the door. She sigh and close the door. He knock again.

“DISCORD!” she yell. he lead forward and he was on the roof. Discord could have pick a better spot. There was a large bucket that appear on the other end of the roof. he smile. He try to walk to it. He jump into the air and flew down to the door. He knock again. Twilight answer again. This time he stuck his tough out and blow a raspberry.

“I got you now Discord.” she smile and grab him. A large shadow loom over them. he look up. He try to get away from Twilight but fail. A Large amount of brown slim fell on top of both of them.

Everything had gone to plan. Save that he Wasn’t supposed to be standing by Twilight.

“Ewww. What is this? Mud?” she ask. he was laughing. Twilight face want red. She was mad. Pinky and the other were laughing.

“No it Pudding” Pinky said jumping into it. Twilight grab Endless and put him in a head lock.

“Discord. I’m going to get you for this.” His face started to turn blue.

“Guys. Tell. Her. I’m. Not. Dis. Cord.” he said gasping for air.

The Endless copy laugh walking over.

“Twilight. You know he can’t feel it.” he told her. Twilight tighten her grip. he started to kick.

“TWILIGHT! THAT DISCORD!” Rainbow dash yell poniting at the Endless copy. Discord turn back to his normal self. After Twilight let go of him. She turn to Rainbow Dash.

“I take it this was your idea.” she said. They all laugh.

“You know it was a bonding effect.” he said. he was laughing and rolling in the pudding. Pinky Pie was skating on the pudding. Twilight smile.

“So. Endless. Discord. Does this mean your friends?” Endless stop laughing. Discord the same. Discord floated over to him.

“Discord. You are the oddest. Thing. I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing.” he said. Twilight face had the look of disappointment.

“However. You show me that you have really change. So. Friends?” He put a hove out. Discord stood there in disbelief. He put his claw out. He then snap his claw. Firework flew into the air. It sparkle into they faces. Discord took his hove with both claw.

“Friends. But can I do one thing for you?” he ask. Endless had a good feeling. What the worst he could do?

“Ok. What could it hurt.” he told him. Discord snap his claw.

“There you go.” he said. He look around. then down at his hooves. nothing. he was confuse.

“What did you do?” he ask.

“You’ll see.” he said vanishing into thin air.

“Well. As much as I love Pudding. I thing we all need a bath.” Twilight said with a wicked smile. He didn’t like the look in her eye.