Love is Un-Used

by Total Hound

Ten Years Ago

A sad song filled the inner sanctum of the hive, as the body of Queen Catalyst was carried to her final resting place.

How had she died? While the changeling Queen doesn’t just, die. There were some, outside influences.

There were many a sad face in the sanctum, but none more so than Chrysalis. Standing by a stone platform in the center of the room. Trying her hardest to hold back the tears that threatened to come forth.

Catylist’s crumbling were now placed upon the altar, the music had ended, and all held their heads down in a moment of silence.

After the silence, Chrysalis turned to face the changelings of the hive, and began to speak.

“My dear Changelings we have gathered in the sacred chambers for one of the saddest moments of our lives. The crown shall miss her dearly, but she would wish for us to on without her. Now as always, the sacred burning.” She then turned to her Mother, dead on the altar. “Chaum Rayum Vitas Lous.” Catylist’s body burst into golden flames. “We wish you great happiness in the herd. May the spirit of our first Queen watch over us all in these dark, and let us hope for a savoir.”

All watched in sadness as the body of their former Queen was reduced to golden ashes, which blew away on a wind that nopony could feel. “Let us all try to get over this tradgedy. Let us celebrate the new Queen.” She turns to the Queens advisor, “Who is she Shell?”

Shell gulped, but stepped forward towards the crowd and cleared his throat. “The changeling council has come to an agreement on the next ruler,” He held up a scroll, “This scroll has the decision that we’ve made.” He unwrapped the scroll, “The next Ruler, is Chrysalis Carapace.”

“What!?” She screamed.

Shell backed up a bit, “W-Well, you see. Normally your older brother would take the throne. But he re-fused.”

“How can you re-fuse the Crown!?” She yelled, not very happy about this at all.

“Well…he became king. Then he used his power as king to resign.” Shell gulped, “P-Please don’t be mad at me your Majesty.”

Chrysalis sighed, “I’m not mad at you Shell. I’m mad at my brother. I will accept the responsibilities of the Crown, unlike him.”

“O-Of course your Majesty. What is your first command?” Shell asked.

“For my first act as Queen. I would like to extend a gift to all my new subjects. You will find them in your nests when they’re ready, sometime tomorrow morning. Everypony will also get the following three days off.” She stated.

A changeling from the back piped up, “ALL HAIL THE NEW QUEEN!” Soon the whole hive was saying it. Chrysalis held up a hoof, everypony grew silent.

“Thank you all for your enthusiasm. Now please, go home, and enjoy your days off. Spend time with your families. Royal court will begin tomorrow afternoon.” She said, before stepping off the altar and walking to her room. Shell trailing her every move.

Soon they were at Chrysalis’ room. Shell spoke up, “Where are you going your majesty?”

“To my room?” Chrysalis answered, a bit confused.

“I hardly think so your Majesty.” She points a hoof farther down the hall, “Your room is that way.”

Chrysalis shook her head, “No, that’s where Mother used to sleep.”

“Your Mother slept in the Queens quarters.”

“Oh. Right.” Chrysalis forgot, she didn’t want to make too big a deal about it. But all these reminders were starting to get to her. “Lead the way Shell.”

“Of course, your Majesty. This way please.”

She led Chrysalis further into the hive, until they stopped in front of two massive doors. “Here is your room, your Majesty.”

“Thank you Shell, you may leave.” Shell bowed and walked to her nest.

Chrysalis thought for a moment before sighing, “Shell, come back!”

Shell, who was almost rounding the corner, bolted back to the Queen’s side, “Y-Yes your Majesty.”

“Shell, nopony is here you can drop the formalities.” Chrysalis opened the door to her new bedchambers. “Come, I need your help with something.”

Shell gulped before nodding, “Yes, Chrysalis.” Before walking into the room with her.

The promptly shut once she was inside, “Shell, I understand this may be a little uncomfortable for you to be in the Queens private chambers.”

“Oh you have no idea your maje- I mean, Chrysalis.” Shell looked very tense.

Chrysalis sighed, “Shell, I know the implications of being in this room after visiting hours. And I assure you I would never ask you to do such a thing. I will find my special somepony like everypony else.”

Shell let out a sigh, while she’s sure a night with the new Queen would be unforgettable, she really doesn’t want to. Though she wouldn’t object if asked.

“I need your help with the gifts.”

“Of course. What do you need me to do?”

Chrysalis looked her in the eye, “I need you to form my love into spheres, and turn them to crystal.”

“Umm. Why?”

Chrysalis chuckled, “Because, it’s the gift.”

Shell’s jaw hit the floor, “A-Are you sure you have enough energy for the whole hive?”

“That’s why I want you to form them for me. Can I have our last census?”

“O-Of course Chrysalis.” She reached into her saddlebags, “Here you go.”

Chrysalis took it from her and began to read it, “Oh boy.” She set the scroll back down, “Well let’s get started shall we?”

“But Chrysalis, what if I run out of energy?” Shell asked, concerned for her and the Queen’s safety.

“I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.” Chrysalis assured her as her horn started to glow. And the first of many bubbles of love materialized.

“Of course, how foalish of me.” Shell said as her horn started to glow, morphing the bubbles into solid, glowing, pink crystal spheres. The first of many hundred...

It was around midnight, and the two changelings were completely exhausted.

“Just one more.” Chrysalis strained, struggling to form the last of the three hundred, Basketball sized bubbles of love that she tasked herself to make. All the while supplying Shell with enough magic to crystalize them.

“Chrysalis, do not stop feeding me.” Shell said in an even more strained voice than Chrysalis, as she would’ve died long ago, if not for the fact that she was feeding off of Chrysalis’ life force now.

Almost done, and there. The final crystal was done. Chrysalis’ magic was petering out. With the last of her magic, the crystal slowly fell to the ground. Right when the crystal touched the ground, both mares collapsed, Chrysalis first, then Shell right on top of her.

“Chrysalis?” Shell asked after a few minutes.


“Can I stay here tonight? I don’t think I would be safe without you nearby at the moment.”

“Sure, I guess.” Chrysalis looks to the bed, it only fits one. There’s an animal bed right beside, it looks like it could fit a phoenix if you were lucky. “The bed’s too small for both of us, could you take the dog bed?”

Shell lifted her head off of Chrysalis’ chest and looked at the basket. “It’s more than I thought I would get, thank you.” She warily got up and plopped herself down onto the miniature bed. “Goodnight, Chrysalis.” A light snoring was heard shortly after.

Chrysalis chuckled, before getting into her own bed. Settling under the covers, she felt something brushing against her back hoof. She twitched.
It must be Shell. She thought, before scooting over as much as she could to make room for her, because in the state she was in, it would be easier than arguing.

The brushing was felt again, this time on her stomach. She was sure it was Shell, so she just ignored it.

Once again, she felt it, only this time it was a tug on her front left foreleg.

She stiffened immediately, because it happened again, this time, it felt like something had wrapped around her forehoof. Feeling somewhat brave, she peeked under the covers, and saw one of the strangest creatures she had ever seen in her life, reaching out for her mane.

The light was bad, but from what she could see, it looked like a tiny, hairless ape. Maybe three feet tall. It was kind of cute…Okay, it was really cute.

Chrysalis thought of pushing it out of bed, but before she even got the chance, it buried its face into her mane and hugged her neck, before falling back asleep.

Cuteness overload, she felt a warm surge of love flowing through her, so much it was intoxicating. Maybe that’s why she let it stay, maybe that’s why she draped a translucent wing over it and curled around it like it was a foal, maybe that’s why she kissed it on the forehead before going to sleep herself. A big smile on her face.