//------------------------------// // Chapter 21: The Cutis Mark & The Curse // Story: The Return Of Night // by EndlessKnight980 //------------------------------// Endless sat on the floor. Tears still falling. The other look on. They didn’t know what to do. Celestia was the first to move. She walk over to his side. She reach a hove out. “Why?” He ask. Celestia hove inches from him. She pull it back looking guilty. The other look on. “Why?” He ask again. Celestia let out a sigh. “Endless I think it time you and me had a talk.” She said. He stood up slowly. “Before we go. I have to know.” he said look at the gift his father left. Tears still rolling down his face. “Alright.” She said. “But Princess. It could be a trap.” Twilight said. he walk up to the box. “It alright Twilight. He won’t harm Endless.” Celestia said. He unwrap the box. he was a little confuse. There was only an acorn in the box. He grab in an put it in his pocket. He Look over to Celestia. She nodded “Twilight stay with your friend tonight.” she told her. Crack of thunder and flash lightning fill the air. Celestia left. he following her out. They walk to Twilight house. One inside Celestia started. “Where to start.” She said taking a seat. “How about the beginning. That always a good place to start from.” He said looking out the window. It had started to rain. “Endless you need to calm down and take a seat.” He took a seat. But he was far from calm. Thunder boom and lightning flash. He was mad. Really mad. He wanted answer and Celestia was the only one who know them. “Let me start by asking you something Endless.” he was silence. “What do you know about Cutie Marks?” he sit there and try to think about it. “I know every pony get one when. He or she find out what they met to do.” he said. “Good, good. Now do you know what your father cutie mark is?” He thought back to his youth. But he couldn’t remember. “No I don’t.” he said. “That because he never had one.” She said. he was confuse. “But why.” He ask. She was silence. She look to the window. it was a brown rain. she look back to him. Lightning flash follow by thunder. “I can’t tell you yet. You still need to calm down.” she said. he was even more confuse. How could he be calm. He decided to lie. “I am calm. I just want to know.” He pleaded. “No. Your not.” she said then sigh. He stood up. He didn’t know what to do. If he had to. he look in ever book in the library. “Endless. Sit down and I’ll tell you.” He sat back down. She seem to be mad. But not at him. He didn’t understand. “Do you see the rain outside?” She said he was now more confuse then ever. “Rain? What do that have to do with anything?” he ask. she sigh. “I was hoping to let you find out on your own. But I guess that time is over.” she stood up. “Endless Night. You are curse.” His heart skip a beat. The lightning flash and the thunder roar. “What do you mean? I’m not curse. Jinx maybe. But not curse.” he said thing about his birthday jinx. “Your jinx is your curse.” She said. He was confuse again. “Please. Tell me. I can’t stand all these pointless question. Just tell me. What my father was talking about.” he cry. She stood up. “Alright.” she pulling a large bowl from the kitchen and place it on the table between them. A blue flame appear in the bowl. “What are you doing?” he ask as he look around for something to put it out. “It Fine Endless. This is old magic. Older then you.” She said. Waving her hove over it. “Look into the flame.” She said. He look into it. At first there was nothing. But then he could make out what look like a Young Unicorn. “Who is that?” he ask. “That is your father. This is when he lost his way.” She said. He watch. The young White Night was moving around a room he know well. It was Master Zend workshop. He walk up to a large book on a stand. He knew the book. Master Zend had forbid him to read from it. He never knew why. Just that it was and evil book. The young White Night open the book. a small white beam hit him. The flame flicker. It show his father. But older. “This is 5 years later.” she told him. He watch. He was reading the book again. He quickly close it and sat at a desk. Master Zend enter the room and took a set at his desk. The flame flicker again. This Time it was night. His father was putting the book in his bag. He then place another book on the stand. He transform it into the Evil book. The flame went out. “So he stole a book. What does that have to do with me?” he ask. “The Book he stole is very imported. It full of Curses and how to caste them.” She told him. “I still don’t see how that has anything to do with me. It seem to be thing my father did.” he said. The rain had stop. “You are finally calm. I can now tell you.” he was confuse again. “Wait? What? You show me my father bad deeds.” he ask. “The curse book. It were it all started.” she said. He was more confuse. “Endless your curse. Is your mother curse.” she said. he was still having a hard time understanding. “Your mother was once and evil Pegasus that started the war with the Unicorns.” she said He was really confuse. “Ok. I’m just going to sit here. I want you to tell me everything.” he sat down in the chair. Celestia eye made a v line for the door. She sigh. “After the war. You were born. Your mother was curse. That Curse is in you. However It only active on you birthday.” she said taking a step back. he had to look of complete confusion. “Your mother was curse by your father. When you born. She was curse. This gave you the curse.” she said simpler. he let that settle in. He had one more question. “I want to know about my cutie Mark. He said it could be heal. What do you know?” he ask. “Your scar can’t be heal. It because of you mother curse. It the same as Discords.” his mind froze. He understand. Chaos. He had the power of Chaos. But He only had it on his birthday. The clock rang. It was pass midnight. Celestia let out a loud sigh of relieve. “Were safe now.” she said “What do you mean safe?” he ask. “Your emotions were running wild. The Chaos energy would run a muck. If you remember. It started to rain after we got here. That was you. You were controlling the weather. ” she told him. He thought about it. “I’m leaving.” he said. “What?” she ask now confuse. “I need time to think. Tell Luna I’ll return.” he said. “Please don’t go. Luna has made plans to visits you next week.” She said trying to keep him in ponyville. “I’m just going into the wilderness. I need to think about everything. I don’t plan to be long." He told her. A flash of red and Black light fill the room. Celestia cry few tears. She had try to keep her promise Luna. But fail.