//------------------------------// // A Friend in Need // Story: The Battle for the Weak // by Wisp_Flare //------------------------------// I frowned as I calculated the distance between Equestria and Earth. 'Getting there will be impossible without some unicorn ponies help...' I frowned deeper at the thought. I knew the only unicorn I'd trust for the job but what would father think of her. Wiping my hoof across the map I counted the leagues of space between the two dimensions again making my decision. Looking up at the group of colts and fillies presented in front of me, my ears dropped as I saw their eager faces. "I don't mean to disappoint...but...f-father this mission will need magic not brute force or numbers to cross the thrash hold." Someponies gasped at my blunt statement but I simply looked over at the alicorn that was my father. He had a brilliant light mint coat and eyes his wing stretched far behind him and held crests at the base of them emphasizing royalty while his horn was long, strong and sharp. He sighs as he trots up to me. "Whom did you have in mind then my little pony?" As he raised his brow at me I became nervous and looked at all the other ponies around me. Giving a nervous smile I hopped over the pedestal that was holding the map and walked up to a young red unicorn her ears flatten against her head as she stepped away from me. "Flare Wisp!" I said with a big smile. My shy friend glared at me as she tried to get away from the stares of everypony. I pouted at her, silently begging her with my eyes. I became even more nervous not wanting to look foolish in front of my dad if she really told me no. "Come on Wisp..please..I need you.." I whispered to her in fear. Her eyes widen as she frowned and reluctantly walked toward me with a nerved smile on her face trying to look brave. With Wisp by my side I turned and presented her to the others. Flare was the strongest unicorn I knew, she just lacked....focus and confidence in herself but I truly felt this mission would be too dangerous for any other unicorn...they lacked the raw power that Wisp had in her. As I opened my eyes I saw the disapproving frowns of the other ponies and I glared at them daring them to question my decision. "Okay my daughter I respect your decision but are you ponies ready?" I smiled as I stood confidently in front of my father. "Of course we are!" Nodding my father turned to the balcony in the large room and quickly walked outside. "Okay my little ponies. Flare Wisp are you ready?" My father spoke gently as he tried encouraging her. She frowned in confusion as she watch me unfold my wings and take flight. Hovering in front of them I looked at Wisp. "I..um...what do I do?" Wisp looked at her Prince in earnest. "Just follow my lead but then you'll be on your own my little pony, I leave Shower Rain's life in your hoofs..." Wisp's eyes widened tenfold as she began to freak her magic faded as she began to back away again. "What!?!?" Tears come to her eyes as she looked for a way out of this. "I...I..I can't..she'll die!" Wisp fell to her haunches and began to cry. Staring at her I frowned then gently called her name. "Flare Wisp..." Slowly her head rose and I stared straight into her purple fearful eyes. She didn't even know what she needed to do and she was already doubting herself. It was because she was my best friend and cared about my safety that I choose her above all the other ponies. Reaching out I wiped the tears from her eyes giving her a weak smile. "Flare Wisp your my best friend and because your my best friend I know no matter what you wont fail me." Staring at me in shock she blushed and slowly got up. She was scared but if everypony were to survive it would be up to her and me to get this message to Equestria. "My Lord Prostáti̱s we must hurry their coming!" Somepony yelled out in a panic. I frowned as my father turned to me. "Princess Rain?" Turning to Wisp I looked at her pleadingly.... "O..Ok..I...i'll do it." ++++++++++++ As I shot into the cloud i picked up speed willing myself to go faster. As the first Thunder bolt headed my way I zigzagged around it. Stealing a glance down at the magic ball around my neck I sighed with a small smile. "Flare Wisp..." Another lightening bolt zipped into my path causing me to nearly slam into it. I had to stay focus. 'This is going to be a long journey.'