The Return Of Night

by EndlessKnight980

Chapter 19: Twilight MD

Endless walk through ponyville floating a large stack of books in the air. Apple Jack had barrow them from Twilight. But since she was away work on Sweet Apple acer. She didn’t have time to return them. He always love book’s. So when he learn that Twilight house was a library a few day ago. He been thinking of a good reason to check it out. As luck would have it. Apple Jack ask him if he could return one. Then the other’s member’s of the Apple family started to give him one to return. Then another and another. Until he had 15 different books. He set the book down in two stacks and Knock on Twilight door. The little dragon answer the door.

“Hello how may I help. O. It you.” Spike said. He Knew the little dragon didn’t like him. But that was fine with him. He still hated dragon’s for what they did to his friends and family.

“So what do you want?” he ask.

“I’m here to return these books. The Apple Family barrow. May I come in? He ask very nicely. Even tho he didn’t like it. But Clover had made him learn his manner’s when he live in the Royal City.

“No you may not. For many reason. But the main one is. I don’t like you.” he said looking at him in the eyes. Endless Smile.

“Twilight behind me? Isn’t she?” he nodded yes. But before spike could save his own scale.

“SPIKE! That very rude. Now say your sorry.” Twilight yell.

“I’m sorry” he said looking at the ground and kicking at nothing.

“It Alright. He is a Baby dragon after all. And he may not know better.” he said with a vindicate smile. Spike grip his fist in anger and walk back inside.

“I’m sorry about that. He do’s know better. I just think it was about what happen between you to the other day.” She said putting on her best. I how he believe me smile.

“It is fine. Miss Twilight. I’m shore we can get pass it over time. But for now. I have books from the Apple Family to return.” He said floating the books into the air.

“O. Good. I’ve been waiting for them to return the books they barrow. Follow me and we’ll get all these put back were they belong.” she said leading him into the library. he was still amaze by the number of books inside the tree house.

“Endless. You can just set them down anywhere. I’ll sort them later.” she said as she grab a kettle.

“I would really like to talk to you about your magic and how you got so skill at it.” She said putting on the stove.

“If you have the time of course.” she finish. he smile. He know Apple Jack was up to something when she told him to take the day off.

“Your in luck Miss Twilight. Today is my day off from sweet apple acer. So I’m all yours.” he said.

he took a seat in the chair he had read the paper in a few days ago. Twilight pour two cups of tea. The sat down across from him. There was an odd silent. Then he broke it when he ask.

“So. Where should we start?”

“Well. I hear about the mayor party. The magic you use there was outstanding. Or so I’ve heard.” she said. Sounding like a little filly who wanted a new toy.

“I just floated some apple around. Then cast a water and ice spell to freeze them together. Simple really. I learn them when I was 7 or 8 years old.” he said. Then took a sip of his tea.

“That amazing. Most unicorns can’t cast those type of spells now a days. I mean you’re an alicorn. So you have more power then most unicorns. To have learn them at the age is amazing.” she said almost falling out of her seat.

“That nothing. I had made my first spell in the grip of an evil dragon.” he boosted.

“Really? You have to tell me about it.” she said leading back into her chair.

Endless started to tell her about his trip from old canterlot to the old royal city. She seem to hang on every word. She stop him from time to time. To ask a question. But when he finish. She was on the edge of her seat. he scooted his chair back as he stood to take o bow.

“Ow. Watch it.” spike said as he walk out from behind the chair.

“Spike. What are you doing back there?” Twilight ask

“Looking for my quill and bottle of ink.” he said.

“Is this it?” he ask floating a quill in a little bottle over to him.

“That it. G. Thanks.” He said with a smile. Endless smile back at the little dragon.

“SPIKE! What have you done!” she yell at the little dragon. Endless was confuse.

“Has he done something wrong?” he ask Twilight. She sigh and floated a mirror over. he look into it and smile. Then he knew what the sneaky little dragon had done. He had pour his ink bottle into his tea. It had turn his teeth black. Twilight took spike to another room. After a few minute of her yelling at spike. she came back in.

“I’m so sorry about that. I don’t know what got into that dragon head today. I’ll take you to the dentist.” she said as spike walk up the stair. Look at him with mean eyes. Like it was his flat.

“Dentist? What a dentist?” he ask looking back to Twilight.

"Well you know. When some pony doesn’t brush they teeth. They teeth fall out.” she said.

“Why would you brush your teeth? Are there hairs on them? When did this happen? ” he ask even more confuse. Twilight face hoof.

“Ok. Let me take you to the dentist and let them tell you.” she said leading him out of her house. he was confuse on the whole Dentist thing. But he hope it would solve his black teeth problem. They enter a medium size building. There were chairs all around a white room. There was two door on one end. With a window in between them with a pony behind it.

“Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll get thing settle here.” Twilight said ask as she walk up to the window. he did as she said. Finding a seat on the corner. There was a little table this paper book stack on it. He pick one up and read. Pony R us book. It a some pony in a black and white dress on the cover. he set it down as twilight walk over.

“We got lucky. Some pony fail to show up for there cleaning and the dentist can see you now.” She said as one of the doors open. he follow her to a room at the end of the hall. Inside stood a brown Earth pony with a black main.

“ Ah you must be my next pony.” he said setting a clipboard down. Endless froze in the doorway. As he look at all the different machines. His heart was racing.

“I think I better go.” he said as he try to leave. But he soon found himself floating in the air.

“O no you don’t. Your late for your check up. It been a 1000 years.” twilight said groaning as she pull him into the room. He panic and grab the door frame. But lost his grip and soon found himself in a chair under a large lamp.

“Don’t worry Endless. You’ll be fine.” she said letting him go from her magic.

“So. What seem to be the trouble today? The tooth pony ask. Endless didn’t open his mouth.

“Well I can’t help you if you don’t said aaaaa.” he said. he roll his eyes and decided that it couldn’t be worst then getting his teeth back to normal. He open his mouth and started to say aaaaa. But soon found a flat stick in there.

“Well now. How did that happen. Your pretty whites are ink black.” he ask. Looking over to Twilight.

“It a long story. Can you do anything?” she ask.

“Lucky for you. I can. But he also has so holes in his teeth I like to fill.” he said writing on his clipboard.

“That sound fine. He need to have them fill.” She said. he had a weird felling he wasn’t going to like this. So he try to sneak out as Twilight and the pony talk. He just made it to the door. When he found himself flying through the room and back into the chair.

“O no you don’t. I told the Princess I look out for you and that what I’m going to do.” she said.

“Wait. What?” he said in shock. But before he could ask about the princess. The tooth pony start to work on his teeth. He try to fight free of Twilight spell but couldn’t. He even try to teleport out. But her spell held him there. he scream as the pony work. Then he pull out the drill. His eye grew huge as he saw it. Then he pass out.

“Endless. Wake up. It time to get up.”

“Mother. Is that you?”

“Mother!?! I don’t think so.”

he sat up fast and look around the room. Twilight was sitting next to him. The tooth pony was gone.

“How do you feel?” She ask.

“My teeth. O no. my teeth. What have you done with them.” He said with a large amount of drama.

“Nothing. Just clean and fill them.” The tooth pony said as he walk in.

“It was a lot easier. Once you stop screaming. But know they are a shining white. See.” he said holding a mirror up. he smile and was in disbelief. They had never been this clean. He took the mirror and move his lips around. They were all clean.

“Now I have something for you.” the tooth pony said opening a cuber door. He place a small brush and a tube of paste in a small bag. Then pass them to Endless.

“What are these?” he ask

“That a tooth brush and tooth paste. To keep you teeth clean.” he said.

“How do I use them?” The tooth pony show his a picture that show the step by step of brushing one teeth.

“Now I want you to brush every day.” he said as Endless and Twilight left.

“Wow. That was intents.” Twilight said as they walk.

“I just hope your not scare of doctor’s as well.” she said with a smile.

“No. I knew a doctor back in the day.” he said remember Doctor hooves and smile.

“Well good. Because I’m going to set a doctor appointment up for you tomorrow. I think you’ll could use a check up after a 1000 years. They may even have to give you a shot or two.” he stop.

“What a Shot?” he ask.