Aj's new life

by LyraHeartstrings1115

One Step Closer

"Red Star,cool name!"
"So , what are you doing here?It's weird to see a lost pony around here"
"A pony friend of mine sent me here , are there any materials around here to build a hut with, if possible I want to start
on my house before night falls."
"Well we can go into the forest Lyra but it might take some time to finish the hut so you can borrow a tent for now."
"Thanks! Shall we go?"
"Sure, follow me."

Lyra and Red venture into the forest in search of materials.Suddenly Lyra spots a figured shadow.

"Who's there?"She shouts
"Lyra who are you shouting at?Your gonna wake up the forest if you keep shouting."

By the time she looks back at the spot where the cloak figure was , its gone.

"Red , I'm guessing you didn't see it then..."
"What are you on about?Your probably just seeing things,lets continue searching for materials."

Lyra wonders about the figure but decides to agree with Red, Its probably not worth getting worked up over.

"So what do you want to make your hut out of?"
"Erm...I guess wood would be easiest for now."
"Okay,lets get some twigs and branches to stack up for now."

They venture around collecting the necessary materials.Gatherings wood,branches,twigs and thick leaves.
By the time they are done they have enough to start the house so they start walking back to Ponyville before dawn.Soon they
arrive at Red's house.

"Wait here, I'll get the tent."Says Red

A few minutes later Red comes out with a green tent

"Here, if you want I'll help you put it up."
"Okay thanks."

They soon finish putting up the tent,Lyra and Red say their goodbyes and she goes to sleep.

Lyra goes to sleep as the cloaked figure watches her from the shadows, Unknowing that her story was just beginning.