//------------------------------// // Tour of the Town // Story: Different Dimensions // by MidnightInk97 //------------------------------// The things in Ponyville were not much different for Saddlewood except that my home town was a little more technologically advanced than Ponyville. Winter had Silver and I put on cloaks to hide our wings so that ponies wouldn’t question us. Everypony greeted each other happily and there were no guards around town either like at home either. Back at home the king placed a certain number of guards around a town or city to keep the ponies who lived there from leaving and keep order. Most of them were cruel so no pony really left their houses often unless it was for school or work. But the guards on my side of town and by the school were actually quite mellow. They were the ponies that were drafted to become the king’s royal guards so they didn’t really care what everypony did. We walked around town, Winter and Fire showed us the bakery and town hall and introduced us to all the ponies they knew. We had all decided that it would be best to keep our real identities to ourselves and Silver and I were passed off as Fire’s cousins from some place called Fillydelphia. “WHOOSH!” Silver and I screamed and scrambled behind Winter. I squeezed my eyes shut, my mind raced in terror as I tried to find an escape route. My ears perked up when I heard a squeal of joy and I peeked out from behind Winter’s legs. Fire was giggling hysterically as she hoof bumped a neon blue Pegasus with a grey mane and a spinning cyclone for a cutie mark. Fire met my eyes and urged me and Silver to come out. I cautiously stepped out from my hiding place followed by Silver. “Girls, I want you to meet my best friend, Twister. Twister, these are my cousins, Sapphira Night and Silver Dream.” The blue filly zoomed up to us, making me jump. “Hey guys! It’s nice to meet you.” She beamed as she drifted down to the ground and folding her wings in tightly. The gesture made my own wings itch to stretch out and take me up into the clear skies, almost like it was second nature but I restrained myself from doing so. “So what brings you guys to simple old Ponyville?” Twister asked flapping her wings excitedly. “Just…” I croaked my mouth feeling like cotton. I cleared my throat. “Just visiting family while our parents are away on vacation.” I said, hoping that Twister had bought my lie. “Awesome.” She said turning back to Fire Bird. “I’m helping my mom with some weather chores. It shouldn’t take too long so maybe we can all hang out at Sugar Cube Corner later on.” Twister suggested. Fire turned to Winter who nodded. “Sweet! I’ll see you guys later.” She said before quickly taking off into the sky. “Twister seems like a really nice pony.” I said as we continued our tour through town. “Yeah.” Fire agreed. “We have been best friends since we were tiny foals. While she can be a bit aggressive and a show-off at times she is still awesome.” Fire stated with a smile. “Girls?” Winter said as we walked into town. “I want to stop by the train station so we can get some tickets to head to Canterlot tomorrow.” She stated. “What’s Canterlot?” Silver asked looking up at Winter. “Canterlot is the capitol city and where the Royal princesses live. They are our best shot at getting you girls home.” Fire nodded. “Yeah Princess Twilight will be able to help.” She said with hope. “What are the princesses like?” I asked curiously. Fire thought for a second before speaking. “Well there are four princesses that have specific duties to Equestria. Princess Celestia is princess of the Sun, she is the leader and the oldest and she raises and sets it every day. Princess Luna is princess of the Moon, she is the second oldest and she raises and sets the Moon at night. Then there is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is the princess of Love and she protects and rules over the Crystal Empire. Lastly, our newest addition to the royal family is Princess Twilight Sparkle who is the princess of Magic.” Fire explained. “Wow.” I exclaimed. “So these princesses, they are all Alicorn’s like me and Sapphira?” Silver asked. “Yup and Princess Twilight is going to be our key to solving your problem.” Fire said. I walked on glancing at the at the ground in thought. ‘They sound wonderful but I am going to wait until I see them for myself before I make any decisions.’ After finishing up our tour we made our way to Sugar Cube Corner to meet up with Twister and her mom for lunch. We grabbed a table and sat around for a while until Twister and a bigger Pegasus came flying through the door and landed gracefully next to our table. The other Pegasus was cyan blue, almost identical to Twister’s. She had a rainbow mane and tail and a white cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt coming from it as her cutie mark. “Hey gals.” The rainbow mare said with a grin. “Hi Rainbow Dash.” Winter said, returning the smile. The mare named Rainbow Dash looked around and noticed Silver and I on the opposite side of the table. “I’ve never seen you two around.” She stated. Fire cleared her throat. “These are my cousins from Fillydelphia. This is Sapphira Night,” Fire said pointing to me. I blushed a little as all eyes were suddenly focused on me. “And this is Silver Dream.” Fire finished, pointing to Silver whose gray cheeks burned pink from the attention. “Nice to meet you guys. My name is Rainbow Dash. I’m Twisters mom, but you guys probably already figured that out, didn’t ya?” Rainbow said with a wink before turning towards Winter to start up a conversation with her. “So how do you guys like Ponyville?” Twister asked as she plopped herself onto a chair next to Fire. “It’s really great.” I answered with a smile. “Yeah. Every pony is so nice.” Silver agreed with a matching smile. “Hey if you don’t mind me asking, why are you wearing cloaks in the middle of summer?” Twister asked pointing to the cloth on our backs. I frantically racked my brain for a convincible lie but nothing came up. “We get cold easily.” I blurted out. ‘Wow I’m a really bad liar.’ I thought, biting my lip in anticipation. Twisters’ suspicious gaze softened. “Oh okay. I was just curious.” Just then a bright pink pony came bouncing out of the kitchen with a tray of delicious looking cupcakes. My stomach growled loudly as I realized how hungry I was. The pink mare bounced right up to our table as saliva started to ooze from my mouth. I quickly slurped it back into my mouth when the bouncing mare arrived at our table with a huge Cheshire Cat grin. Hiya Rainbow, Winter, Fire, Twister and two fillies I don’t know.” She greeted cheerfully. The pink mare was about to start another sentence when she gasped and swiftly turned to face me and Silver. She then let out a tiny squeal of delight and galloped back into the bakery’s kitchen. I looked around at the other ponies at my table to see if they were just as shocked as I was but they were all giggling and shaking their heads. “Oh that Pinkie Pie.” Said Rainbow. Winter sighed. “I should have known that she would not recognize our visitors. Who knows what she will do this time.” Winter exclaimed, still shaking her head. I looked at Winter with concern. “What do you mean by ‘what will she do this time?’?” Silver asked, curiosity and anxiety painted on her face. “Oh I’m sorry. I forgot that you girls are new.” Winter said with a comforting smile. “That pink mare that just gave us these cupcakes, that’s Pinkie Pie. She is Ponyville’s very own party planner and welcome committee all rolled into one.” She explained. “Yeah. There isn’t a pony in Ponyville that she doesn’t know. And if she just happens to run into someone new, she throws them a huge ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party.” Rainbow Dash cut in. “The only thing that I have to warn you about is that no pony knows when it will happen.” She finished with smirk. I gulped nervously but deep down I also felt loved and accepted in this temporary home, and this brought a smile to my face.