//------------------------------// // My Priorities // Story: Good Luck to You // by PotatoManiac //------------------------------// The briar thorns skidded down my back, leaving long slashes in their trail. My right ear had a larger thorn broken into it. I collapsed onto the ground from the stinging pain. I laid on the ground for more than six minutes until the pain subsided. I then had a chance to look around. The sun was either coming up, or going down. The thorn is my ear was poking out about an inch. The weird thing was that I was my ponysona; an orange earth pony with a blue mane and a short blue tail. I realized where I was. It was familiar. I was on Sweet Apple Acres, and what I just escaped from was the Everfree Forest. I managed to stand back up. I wobbled over to an apple tree and sat below it. I had no idea what any of my priorities were. I didn’t know if I should head to what I thought was the Apple family’s barn house in the distance, or just walk around until I thought of something. The sun was coming up now that I looked. Since it’s morning, everypony should be up. I could see a town further out, which was obviously Ponyville. As I was walking towards the town, I saw somepony walking down the trail towards me. I couldn’t exactly tell who it was, if it was one from the show who I knew. As the pony got closer, I realized who it was. It was Twilight Sparkle. I had no idea what to do. Should I confront her and ask for help? Or should I avoid her, since I was already shy enough, let alone around a pony who I didn’t know existed until twenty minutes ago. I thought too long. Twilight was already close enough to see me. As she walked up to me, she said “Oh hello! What are you… Oh my! You’re all cut up! What happened to you?!” I tried not to have eye contact with her, since I was a good bit nervous. “I… Uhh… I ran into some briars in the Everfree Forest.” I said in a quiet voice. “Follow me. I’m heading to my friend, Zecora’s house. She’ll know how to heal you!” She started walking faster down the path. She didn’t talk the rest of the walk to the forest. When we came up to the entrance to the forest, I saw the briars I had broke through. “Are these the briars you ran into?” She asked. I nodded back to her. We walked through the trail, and came up to Zecora’s house. Twilight knocked on the door, and Zecora answered. “Oh my! Who is this you have in front of my eyes?” Zecora asked, in her usual rhyming voice. “I found him like this. He ran into some briars earlier this morning.” Twilight said. Zecora had a sudden look of confidence. “I’ve been testing a potion that will heal him. Do you wish to help test it?” I shrugged, since I didn’t really have anything to lose. She gave me the potion, and I curiously sniffed it. It didn’t smell bad. My ear switched as I gulped down the tasteless liquid. I stood to wait for the effect, and soon, I felt a heat flash come over me. The room started to brighten. I then realized that the light was coming from me. I grew brighter, until the light flashed to full brightness. The flash blinded me, but when I could see again, I realized I was someplace else. My cuts had healed and the thorn in my ear was gone. The potion had worked, but obviously had a side effect.