//------------------------------// // Cahpter 4: Twilicorn needs inspection for the games of luv // Story: My Harshwhinnial // by horizon //------------------------------// Cahpter 4… (AN: By speshl req I wuz askd 2 make thisc hapter about sexs! DON'T REED THE PARTS U THNK SUX! & B4 u ask its moral becuz TWILICORN IS IN LUV W/Metal! Dey got marryed b4 dis fic ok?) "SPARKLES!" I questioned. "What the buck do you think you re doing?" Twilicorn didn't answer but leaped down from the balloon into the forest. I walked after her, wanting to know what the buck she was doing. "What the bucking buck!" I asked. "Meddle?" she asked. "WHAT" I asked. Twilicorn leaned in extra-close and I lookked into her muscular open eyes (that she was staring at me with). They were like open windows. They reflected the silver meddle around her neck and I realized why she was so sad. Suddenly I wanted to cry too. And then…… just as suddenly while I was Twilicorn passionately climbed on top of me and got to first base. "Oh Twilicorn." I said while we kissed afflictionately. Then we started to make out. "Oh! OH! Ooooohh!!" I screamed. She was giving me an ejaculation. We kissed harder. I took off all her clothes and her bra. I don't wear clothes because I'm a pony. Then we took off each others's cutiemarks so we were totally naked for you know what. I put my hoof between her legs and her navel was wet. I rubbed it and she put my thing inside. We did it for the first time. And then…… "wHAT THE HAY ART THOU DOING THY MOTHERBUKERS" said the rOYAL cANTERLOT vOICE It was………… (AN: I AM ENDING THIS CH. ON A CLIFFHANGER)