//------------------------------// // Truth Forgotten // Story: Truth Forgotten // by Arkybrony //------------------------------// It was a dark and cold night in Ponyville. Everypony was sound asleep in their homes. Except one, Applejack. It was the last day to harvest before winter. Rainbow Dash and all the weather ponies were ready to bring forth snow upon Equestria, but the Apple family hadn't finished harvesting their apples. Applejack worked late into the night in the farthest extent of Sweet Apple Acres, bucking every tree in sight. She had told her family that she would be able to do this. The day before, she had had a conversation with Big Mac, arguing with him about her doing it herself. "Applejack, you can't do it all by yourself, that's what the family is for, help" "Ah'm sorry, Big Mac, but Ah've done this before and Ah can do it again. Y'all need your rest, I reckon there'll be ponies lined up for miles wanting to get their hot cider on the first day of winter. Besides, you're much better at keeping Applebloom in line then Ah am. You know her sales methods, they ain't effective. You and Granny can handle the booth, Ah ain't strong enough to haul so many apples into them juicers all day, but Ah sure can buck trees. So go, get yer rest, y'all've got a big day 'head of ya tommorah." "Alright, as long as you can get those apples bucked by tomorrow" "Oh, and Big Mac" "Eeeyup?" "Make sure ya save a cup for Rainbow Dash, 'kay? "Got'cha" Now Applejack was working tirelessly into the night, becoming weaker with every buck. She decided to take a break and grab some food at a 24 hour fast-food joint down the street. She refused to eat the apples she was harvesting because they would need every apple they could get for the cider sales the next day. So she went to the fast food place and ordered a combo. On her way out, she began to eat her midnight snack. As she trotted towards the Acres, she heard a cry for help. She rushed towards the sound, dropping everything else she was doing to help a pony in need. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ "Help! Somepony help!" Derpy cried out as a gang of wolves closed in on her in the alley next to the 24 hour muffin stand she loved so much. "What are you doing here so late at night anyway?" Said one of the wolves. "I saw Big Mac and plum-tuckered! The muffins beckoned me to Luna! Night Pony opened the door! The muffins knew me! The muffins knew me!" "What in the name of Celestia does that mean?" Replied one of the wolves. The head wolf chimed in, "That doesn't matter! Let's just eat our midnight snack and get on with our lives!" "Forgive the muffin bubbles! Help somepony help!" "Nopony hears you, spaz, who's gonna help you?" *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Applejack rushed into the alley where she heard the cry. She heard a voice of a wolf yelling, "Nopony hears you, spaz, who's gonna help you?" Applejack replied to the wolf, "Ah am!" She rushed into the alley and attacked the wolves. Derpy flew out of trouble, but cheered AJ on. "May the muffins be with you!" Applejack put up a fight, but the wolves managed to seize her and Derpy. "Now, Orangey," a wolf said, " you're gonna watch as we devour your little friend here!" "No!" AJ said, "Take me instead!" The wolves discussed Applejack's proposition and gave her an answer, "Alright!" The wolves released Derpy and closed in on AJ. "Any last words, pony?" "Why, yes," AJ responded, "Derpy, tell the others what happened, and tell them Ah love them with all mah heart. Tell them to never forget the Element of Honesty. Tell them that it lives in them. And most importantly, tell them that Ah will always be with them in spirit. Ah love them all." "Salutations!" Derpy replied. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Twilight woke up to a frantic knock on the door. She ignored it at first, but when it continued on, she decide to answer. She went to the door and opened it. "Oh, hey Derpy, what's up?" "The Bubble got the coffee. Dark Pony tried to drink Muffin. Apple Pony took the coffee. Dark Pony drank the coffee Apple. Apple Pony not safe!" "Do you mean Applejack, is Applejack hurt?" "Muffins" "Is that a yes? "Apple pony gave Bubble Muffin message. She say not forget glow rock of letter R. Apples will be in your spirit. Apple Pony loves all Pony heart!" Twilight somehow understood that Applejack was hurt. "Thanks, Derpy" "The Muffin welcomes Sparkle Light Princess" Derpy left and Twilight shut the door. She woke up Spike and had him summon the other ponies. 5 minutes later , Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash were gathered at Twilight's library. Twilight addressed them all. "Girls, Derpy has informed me that Applejack has been hurt, we're gonna go find her!" They set off on a search party. Eventually, Twilight's location spell found the alley where Applejack was. The Mane 5 rushed into the alley and saw what happened. Pinkie's hair immediately went straight, Fluttershy bawled her eyes out, and Rarity cried on the shoulder of a speechless Rainbow Dash. Twilight collapsed on the ground next to her slain friend. She healed her wounds and cast a preservation spell for her body, but nothing she could do would bring her back. She then proceeded to close her eyes. She found a piece of paper on the ground and dipped her horn in the blood on the ground. She began to write with the only ink available, "Dear Princess Celestia, Applejack has been slain by wolves. They have eaten what they could of her. The Element of Honesty is no more. I did what I could to heal her body for burial, but alas, revival from death is impossible to even you. This very letter is written in her blood, the only ink available. I am overcome with grief right now. Please come to her funeral in a week from now and shed some hope on us all. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle-" Applejack was gone. The manifestation of truth had been forgotten. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ The funeral was short. The tears were many. Applejack, the most noble, truthful pony of them all, had been slain by a pack of wolves. Celestia was there, along with Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor. Even Discord was present for the funeral. Snow lightly fell upon Ponyville as Twilight opened the funeral. "We are gathered here today because our good friend, Applejack, sacrificed her life for a pony she barely even knew. Her legacy will live on forever in all of our hearts. Would anypony like to say a few words?" Twilight stepped down, leaving the podium open for whoever wanted to speak. Snow fell lightly upon the heads of everypony present. The only sunlight that could be seen was the cutie mark of Celestia, for dark grey clouds blanketed the city that day. Big Mac and Braeburn forsook their manly images and sobbed, comforted by the family's matriarch, Granny Smith, who had a young Applebloom bawling her eyes out in her lap. Princess Celestia decided to speak the first words. After her came Fluttershy, who placed flowers on the grave; Rainbow Dash, who poured out the cup of cider saved for her on the grave; Pinkie Pie, who placed an apple cupcake on the grave; Rarity, who placed a lovely bouquet of red apples, green apples, and zapapples on the grave; and finally, Twilight Sparkle again, who placed AJ's Elemental Necklace on the grave. Twilight spoke at the podium again. "Does anypony else have anything to say?" Derpy raised her hoof and approached the podium. "Apple Pony gave coffee for Muffin. The Muffin Bubble report Apple Pony's ending speech. Apple Pony say words, 'I love you with all my heart, my friends. Don't forget the Element of Honesty!' Apple Pony will live in you guys in the spirit. Apple Pony give life for pony she no know much. Apple Pony noble. More noble than mane ponies. Apple Pony gave Apple Coffee for Muffin. Thank you, Applejack" ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ END