Teeny Weeny Spikey Wikey

by VanillaBeam

Kitchen Horrors

Kitchen Horrors

Spike had to find a way to get off of the floor, because the kitchen wasn't empty. There, standing above him like a goddess, a giant pink goddess, was Pinkie Pie. There was no thinking of what she could do to him at this size, even if she did find him. He had to stop thinking of that, for here comes the giant hoof. BOOM! It crashed beside him, pushing him back.

"LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!" she sang to herself. Spike pondered what he could do, but was later covered by another large shadow. He braced to move, but what ever was falling, was too close.

"Good bye cruel tiny world." he said covering his eyes. When the thing hit him....... he survived. He opened his eyes to see a white, cloth world around him.

"Oh I get it." he said, "This is a napkin. Pinkie must have dropped it." He was right, and of course since she dropped it, she was going to pick it up. Spike suddenly felt pressure squeezing him all around. He couldn't escape, then felt himself being lifted in the air. He was scared out of his mind. Just then, the pressure was loosened as he began slipping out of the napkin sheet.

"HEEEEEELP!" he screamed, but it was too late. He began falling, to what he thought was his death. When suddenly.........


He fell into some sort of liquid, and he was so relieved that he wasn't dead. But at the same time, he wanted to know where he landed. So in a little bit of instinct, he drank the liquid he was in. It tasted............... fruity. He tasted again........... fruity. He must have landed in the punch bowl. This pleased him, because he absolutely loved fruit punch. And at this size, there was a lake sized punch bowl he was in, and all he could ever drink. So he enjoyed a little swim, and drank away.


Guests were starting to arrive, and Luna was sure to arrive soon as well. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy were still out trying to find Spike, when they saw the party starting.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Twilight, "What am I going to do? Spike is still missing, and the party is starting. There's no more time!" Twilight panicked and pranced in place.

"I'll continue to look for Spike, the poor little guy may be lost. You handle the party." suggested Fluttershy.

"Oh thank you so much, you really are a true friend." said Twilight as she hugged her. "Please find him soon."

"I'll do my best." replied the pegasus, as she flew off, Twilight took a deep breath as she saw a dark shadow zooming across the sky. The shadow then took the shape of a horse drawn carriage. Twilight knew who it was, the princess had arrived.