Different Dimensions

by MidnightInk97


I weaved through the dark corridors walking at first and then a fast trot. I looked behind me but all I could see was a sea of nothingness. But I could still hear and what was coming from behind me was not pleasant. I picked up my pace but the sound just got even closer. Soon I was in a full gallop, sprinting down the never-ending hallway until I smacked full-force into a wall, jolting me out of my restless sleep.
I had fallen off the couch in the process and I sat up trying to recollect my scrambled thoughts when I touched my head and I felt the horn that was now melded to my head. My brain hurt from all of the days’ events and I was so tired that I just fell into a dreamless sleep on the floor.
I awoke to a scream coming from beside me, making me jump out of my fur. I looked around to find the source of the shrill noise and saw that the other filly was about to bolt to the door but I jumped up and held her fast.
“Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay.” I said stroking her mane as she strangled me in a death embrace. Sobs racked her body and I couldn’t think of anything else to say or do because frankly I am not good in these kind of situations so I just sat there doing my best to calm her down. When her storm of sobs had finally resorted to quiet whimpers I spoke up. “What happened?” I asked her.
“I had a horrible dream. I was being chased down a dark hallway by something and then I hit a wall and that’s when I woke up.” She stated. I glanced down at my hooves with confusion and shock. She had the same dream that I had earlier.
I cleared my throat and said in a small voice “I had the same dream last night.” I looked up to see that the other ponies’ jaw had dropped in horror. “I’m scared.” She confessed with a shaky voice. Tears started to well up in her eyes. “I know. I am too. The important thing though is that we need to stick together no matter what.” I stated. She nodded and put her head against my chest as I held her there.
“Silver.” The little pony said into my fur. She removed herself from my embrace. “My name is Silver. Silver Dream.” She stated with a small smile. I returned the smile and said “My name is Sapphira Night but you can just call me Sapphira.” This seemed to brighten Silver up a bit and she jumped off the couch to stretch.
“Where are we anyway?” Silver asked, ruffling and stretching out her wings.
“Some place called Equestria. These nice ponies saved us and the younger filly, Fire Bird, said that they have princesses that might be able to get us back home.” I explained.
Silvers’ eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Do you really think that she will be able to send us back home?” She asked looking at me with expectant eyes. “Maybe.” I said. “Just maybe.”

Later on Fire Bird and Fire’s mom, Winter, returned home. Winter was a very sweet mare and she didn’t question the fact that Silver and I were Alicorn’s, not yet at least. “I don’t think we can ever repay you for saving our lives Ms. Winter.” Silver said.
Winter’s cheeks reddened a little. “Well I wasn’t going to let you girls drown.” She said with a smile. Winter was a unicorn just like Fire and she levitated a tray of hot coco to the table and sat down with us. “So where are you girls from and how did you get in the lake?” Winter asked with concern.
I bit my lip and looked to Silver. She knew what I was asking and she nodded. So I told Winter the same thing that I had told Fire and she just sat there quietly listening and soaking up every word, occasionally tearing up. When I finished my story and held my breath and closed my eyes waiting for her to kick us out of her home. But that didn’t happen, all I felt was a pair of hooves wrapping me and Silver in an embrace and a few tears slipping from the mare’s eyes onto my coat.
“I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you two are going through.” She said and she hugged us even tighter. After a minute Winter let go and wiped a few stray tears from her eyes. “I will do anything in my power to get your girls home.” She declared with a stamp of her hoof. Silver let out a yelp of excitement and a smile crept across my face.
“We should probably see the princesses first since they might know how to solve your problem better that me.” Winter declared as she flicked her horn and the door to the outside opened up. “But first why don’t we go get some food and Fire and I can show you girls around town.” Winter said as we trotted past her and out the door, giggling like little school fillies.
‘I will be home soon, mom and dad.’ I said to myself. ‘Soon.’