A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria

by TimeTravelinc

Hands Part 3: Life with Hands Pt. 2

Chapter 14: Hands Pt. 3 Life With Hands Pt. 2

After a day of being taught how to use her hands, she finally go a chance to use her hands out in public aside from her refusal to use them in public. "What if they call me a freak? What if they call me some type of monster from the Everfree?" Bon-bon said. Twilight sighed, while James just facepalmed and shook his head. 'This is unbelieveable, I can't believe that she's getting nervous about showing off a new scientific trick. Then again...' "James!" "Hm," he said, snapping out of his thoughts, looking at Twilight, then back at Bon-bon.

"Sorry, just thinking." he said. An idea suddenly started to form in his head. "Do you work for your own company?" he asked. Bon-bon was confused by the question, and said, "What... like, 'Do I work at my own shop for myself?' " she asked. "Yeah." She nodded.

James smiled like a chesire cat, giggling like a mad mare. He then dashed toward his work desk, grabbing a peice of paper, and writting down something that was probably important. 'Does anypony work for you?" he said. Bon-bon thought for a moment, then said, "Well besides, Twist... no. Bu-" "So what's to worry?" he said coming back with a note. Bon-bon twiddled her thumbs, then said, "Well, what if somepony tries to call the cops and it leads to-," "Don't worry, I'll handle that if it happens." James then suddenly thought of something.

"Just in case though," he said, wagging a finger, "Twilight. Send a message to her Highness, alert her of the possibility that I may get arrested for things that may seem wrong to everypony. Add also about me not harming anypony." She nodded, then started writing a letter to Princess Celestia.

James then gave Bon-bon the note. "Place that on your pin board, and make sure they can all see it." he said. Bon-bon nodded, then James added, "You want me to take you to work?" Bon-bon nodded.

Bon-bon was surprised that the device James had was moving. Lyra gave a whoop of joy as she rode the car, while James smiled. This song was playing.

(Listen to this while reading the driving scene.)

Bon-bon was confused about how James' car drove, and what was powering it if it wasn't magic. James said he would explaining it to later, maybe after the job. As they drove, Lyra asked, "How do they make that sound? It's totally alien." "Maybe because you guys haven't heard of a electronic keyboard." he said. Lyra froze in shock, surprised to hear that. James stopped at "Bon-bon's Sweet Shoppe", then said, "Well, here's you're stop. I'll pick you up when you're done." Bon-bon nodded, then got out of the car. James then drove off, back toward the Everfree.

Carrot Top didn't like James, for her reasons. Reasons why? One, James was weird and considered a nusance. Two, He acted unusual and she didn't trust a stallion who didn't tell his reasons. She was just glad that James only came out every so often when it came to food or nesessities. As she headed for her friend's sweet shop, she heard strange sounds coming from James' carrage as he passed by.

She shook her head, then headed for Bon-bon's shop. "Bon-Bon, you here?" Carrot Top said. There was sounds that came from the back of the shop, then she heard, "Yeah, hang on." she heard. "Ok, I'm going to sit down here at your table." she said. She sat down, thinking of how to prove that the stranger from another world was a threat or possibly some kind of freak to society.

Bon-bon came out, pinning James' note to the board. Then she turned around to see Carrot Top. 'Oh boy!' thought Bon-bon. Carrot looked at Bon-bon, which the face of friendliness changed to a face of panic. "Now before you do anything rash, know that I'm still me... just not physically." she said. Carrot looked at Bon-bon, surprised at what she was seeing. She finally said something, "By Celestia, what on Equestria happened?" she said.

She then put two-and-two together (or so she thought) and said, "Did James have something to do with this?" Bon-bon didn't want James getting in trouble, but she didn't want to lie. That's when a idea formed in her head. "You have to wait, until I can take a break from my work." she said. Carrot didn't want to wait, but she was a gentlemare, so she just muttered something, and said, "Fine, but if you aren't what you say you aren't, I'm calling the authorities." she said. Bon-bon nodded, "Noted."

Carrot sat down at the Sugarcube Corner with the oddly formed Bon-bon, who was acting as though she was waiting for something. Suddenly, there was a screech and a vroom, before it died down. Carrot turned to see James still scared out of his mind by something that he was sure was done chasing him.

He then got out of the car, grabbing a paper sack. "Here's your lunch Bon-bon. A daffodil sandwich, with baked chips and some apple juice. James looked to his left, seeing Carrot Top. "And I'm outta here." he said, not losing the happy look on his face.

"Wait, I wanted you here so she can see that you're a nice... person." she said. James gave a "really?" look (not to get confused with the curious look, which is about near the same), then he looked at Carrot, who looked upset. "Yeah but, she hates me." he said. Bon-bon pulled out a chair, and patted on the seat. James sighed, looked up to the sky, saying, "Why God must you be so hard on me." then walking over to sit down.

"Now that we're all together, let me start by saying that he had noting to do with my desicions. He did, however had something to do with what I drank." she said. She then started to tell her story of her drinking the weird juice in James' Lab Fridge, causing her to change. They did a few harmless experiments, adding in that she was healthy, and that he made Lyra a special gauntlet for a reason. After the whole story, Bon-bon hoped that Carrot saw that he wasn't a bad person. That never happened in what she heard.

"Why didn't you lock the fridge?" she yelled at him. James looked at her, then said, "And ruin my good mini-fridge... no thank you. I warned her that she and my other roommates are to not, and I repeat, NOT touch my fridge. I was thankful that the idem she drank only effects her until the day after tomarrow, or is it tomarrow. I forget which." he said, with a shrug. Carrot looked at James, then back at Bon-bon. "And you live with this guy, why?" "Because, he gave me a place to stay until we can find a house."

"Answer me this Carrot. Why do you not like me?" he said, pointing a finger at her. "Because, You're weird, you're a nusance to society, and you don't tell anyone anything." she said, very loudly. She then noticed that it was attracting the attention of many different ponies. She looked back at James, who had a deadpan look. He pulled out a notepad, writing down something, ripped it out of the notebook, folded it in half, then gave it to Carrot Top. He doffed a imaginary hat toward her, then headed toward his car and drove off.

"What was that for?" she said. Bon-bon shrugged, then continued munching on her sandwich. Carrot opened the note that she was given, looking it over.

Bon-Bon's Sweet Shoppe. 7:30 pm

This left Carrot Top and Bon-bon confused. "I actually thought that this went pretty well." Bon-bon said.

Carrot Top sat there at the table outside of Bon-bon's shop as Bon-bon closed it down for the night. Suddenly, Carrot heard a strangly unnatural sound (at least unnatural to ponies). Bon-bon and Carrot looked to see James car drive up to the shop, and park right in front of the place. "Need a lift?" James said with a smirk. Both mares noticed that there was smoke coming off of him, and he looked partially charted.

Both looked at each other, then back at the car. They soon got in and soon, drove off into the Everfree.

"I gotta tell ya, it's nice to actually have a somewhat friendly face appear here at my humble abode." he said, as he drove. Carrot was nervous, but asked anyways, "Do you usually experiment on ponies?" James did a spit take, taken by surprise. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed. Carrot didn't flinch, but was scared of him. "You really think I experiment on ponies?" he said, "I don't really experiment on them... I experiment on myself and well, my superdog, Charlie." he said.

Carrot Top looked at him in surprise. "You don't experiment on us, but you still experiment on animals?" "No! Just my pet. And by the way, he volunteered to have experiments done," he said continuing to drive, then added, "Besides, they're mostly harmless." he said.

They soon made it into James' Yard, seeing all the strange objects in his yard. The strangest thing that Carrot had saw was the house. It was completely upside-down. James soon opened the garage and entered it. He soon closed it behind him, turning off his car. Soon, a black scottish terrier came running up to the driver's door. "Charlie my man, how's it going?" Carrot got a good look at him, seeing that he was in no trouble or hurt. "Fine, except I think 'Experiment #12B' has a strange side effect."

Carrot was shocked as she looked at the little dog. James however was more focused at the task at hand. "What is it?" he said. Charlie soon spat out causing his saliva to suddenly combust. "Combustible spit. That's a new one." he said. He then looked at Charlie, then said to him, "Go drink some water, it should fix that problem." Charlie barked, then ran back inside. James just smiled as the little dog ran into his doggie door, back inside the house. "Ain't he just the cutest thing?" he said. He then looked back at Carrot Top, who was still in a state of shock. Of course, it wasn't normal shock.

He pulled her out of the car, then brushed her off. "He's still cute." he said. Carrot nodded slowly in agreement. He soon lead her into the house. What she soon saw, surprised her. She saw that the entire house was surprisingly almost normal. She then noticed that Vinyl and Lyra were doing something with the strange insturments. "I see you guys actually found my stash of video games." he said. Lyra was playing the guitar, and Vinyl was playing the drums.

(You don't actually have to stop for this video)

Lyra started playing the colors on time, as well as Vinyl. "This seems easy." Vinyl said, as she played. James smirked, knowing how well the drummer could play 'What was his name again? Geddy... no, that was the singer and base player. Alex... no, that's the guitar player.' James just shrugged, and headed for the lab, followed by Bon-bon and Carrot Top.

"NEIL, THAT WAS HIS NAME!" James exclaimed. Both mares playing the gameing system however, didn't hear James exclamation.

The lab door opened, and revealed a lot of strange things to Carrot Top, who didn't know anything about the experiments. James then walked towards a oven, and pulled out a pan with beakers in a beaker holder. He set the pan on the counters, then closed the oven, turning it off. He then pulled one out, looking it over. The liquid bubbled, and looked oddly rainbow colored.

James popped it opened, giving it a whiff, then he gave it a swig. "Yup, the fruit juice concosion works." he said, writing down the information. Carrot Top gave a sigh of relief, before something strange happened. There was a pop that came from James. At the same time the pop came, rainbow smoke shot out of his ears. He froze for a moment, then sped off throughout the room at high speeds. He then suddenly stopped. "Dang! I gotta tell Rainbow Dash on this, she won't believe this." he said, picking up the clipboard. He then started to write down something.

After that, James smiled at Carrot. "What, you think this was-," Carrot nodded, to which James just started to laugh, "Dudette, that's just silly. Also, I don't kill or slaughter, I would however fight a pony if they've hurt any of my friends." He then walked towards Carrot Top, and crouched down next to her. "And honestly, I would like you to be just that. A friend." Carrot looked at him, seeing not a nusance, not a freaky weirdo with world dominational plans, just a friendly face trying to fit in the best he knew how. She then smiled, "Sure, I guess you aren't really all that bad." James smiled, then remembered something, "Also, sorry with me acting weird. I was following these tunnels I found belonging to some gopher pest."

"Maybe you can see some of my garden, but right now," he then looked at Bon-bon, then at the door. "How about we play some Guitar Hero?"