
by Layne Mittens

Chapter four: First Fight

Meanwhile at Twilight's....
"What are those things?!" Twilight screamed she couldn't stop shaking.
"Twilight, calm down there has to be an explanation for this. There can't be that many." Fluttershy denied. What were those things? Where did they come from? 'Those were the ugliest creatures ever, okay not ever just a little.' Fluttershy thought. Leave it to her to represent kindness.
In the distance, was not so peaceful sounds. It sounded like frightening, evil moaning, fire burning, screaming, and stabbing. Fluttershy and Twilight looked out at the window.
"Get your hands off of me you, creepy what ever you are!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she kicked off the things trying to bite her. The thing squealed, like a monster.
"Seriously please, do you have any manners?! Do not touch me I just got my hooves shinned." Rarity yelled. Being cornered by the hideous creatures.
"Don't hurt the cupcakes! Or me!" Pinkie Pie cried put the cupcakes on in the air, running for her life.
"Get. Out. Of. Our. Town." Applejack kicking them away, and using her rope.
Fluttershy and Twilight looked back and forth at on another. Twilight ran so fast down the steps, Fluttershy couldn't keep up. Twilight opened the doors. "GIRLS IN HERE-" Twilights voice got cut off by Fluttershy muffling her mouth. "Fluttershy, what are you doing."
"What am I doing? What are you doing? Do you want both of us to get killed?!"
Twilight sighed, "Your right that was a dumb move. Wait I do have an idea." Twilight opened her door once again, to reveal a terrifying scene. Trees were burned down, houses were crushed, sirens blaring, people screaming and panicking, blood was everywhere. Ponyville wasn't Ponyville anymore, the beautiful town was now a horror film. Fluttershy tried not to cry, everything she once loved, everything that once used to be was gone. Ponyville was basically her hometown, everypony who had lived her was her basic family, the one she had. Thinking of her family once again made her want to cry even more.
"Rainbow Dash! Get over here."
Rainbow Dash glared. "Don't you think I would if I could!" Twilight gave her a 'please', sad face look. Dash sighed. "I would, but I got these zombie things hanging on me." Twilight rolled her eyes beamed a magic flare at the creatures, setting Dash free as a bird. She then flew to the library, Twilight lived in. "Thanks, but about everypony else?"
"I have an idea, us three can all fly they can't. Rainbow Dash scoop up Appleajack, Fluttershy you get Pinkie Pie, and Ill get Rarity." They all flew out to rescue the non-winged ponies. Unfortunately, Pinkie Pie was the farthest.
Deciding to meet her half way, she yelled. "Pinkie Pie quick run towards us!" About five seconds later, Pinkie Pie looked straight at Fluttershy as if she had just been told that five seconds after she had actually said that. Pinkie Pie smiled as a tear dropped along her cheek, though she was quickly distracted when the glowing red eyed beasts with a bloody, repulsive signature on each of their foreheads and moss dark green skin, with gaping red marks that seemed to be rotting.
As if she had loyalty to represent, she flew faster than she had ever flown before. The wind ran against her wings, as adrenaline rushed through her. "Gotta get to Pinkie! Gotta get to Pinkie!" Right at that moment that was all that seemed to matter. Something hard, hit against her wing as she flew. Her wing went in the opposite direction, right in front of her. She squealed. And fell. The blocker mimicked her voice, sounding like a velociraptor, and bit into her feathers. She squealed once more and kicked it off. Making it land into the nearest tree. "Sorry! Wait what am I thinking, they're evil! But they were attacking me." Shaking her head at the confusion. Fluttershy slowly tried to put her wing back in socket, grunting at the pain, holding back the tears. Then slowly tried to fly, the highest she could was about five feet off the ground before the pain hurt to much. She couldn't fly to her and the beasts wouldn't keep her alive to save her. No matter what she had to get Pinkie. "Pinkie run!" She nodded, with a serious look. She then ran forward to Fluttershy.
A crash got to her to stop. Sugar cube corner collapsed right in front of her. Tears poured out Pinkie's eyes, in the traumatizing moments. Futtershy remembered how much, Pinkie, her, and the rest of the girls spent so much time their together. Mostly Pinkie Pie was their though, to babysit and eat dozens of cupcakes with Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Sometimes they would throw parties, like the time for Gilda's party, or Diamond Tiara's cutesinara, well that was the bad example since nobody liked either of the two. But still many memories were defeated, now in the former building. Not only Sugar cube corner, but the horizon around was flames, blood, and death. Being no happiness at all in this town, Pinkie Pie had to be hit the worst, it was her destiny to make people smile, she even sang a song about it.
The creature sneakily creeped up behind her, having her unaware she was going to be attacked. "Pinkie!" Fluttershy galloped forward and locked arms around her and flew. She raced as fast as she could to Twilight's. Twilight had a door open, waiting for them. Fluttershy bolted in the door lightly dropping Pinkie Pie and falling to the ground in exhaustion. No pain had she ever experienced like that before. Her wing felt like it was being ripped off her. Her heart pounded like it was going to explode out of her body. She leaned against a pillow. Pinkie Pie excitably hugged Her, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You saved my life!" As much as she liked the gratitude, Pinkie was crushing her not-good wing.
"Um..." Pinkie Pie looked up and smiled.
"Was I hurting your wing?"
"No it's fine. Just a uh-um..."
"Oh for crying out loud Fluttershy, you won't upset Pinkie Pie by telling her she was hugging you too hard." Rainbow Dash shook her head. Fluttershy awkwardly rubbed her leg and blushed.
Twilight examined her, "Oooh that looks bad. We need to wrap you up quickly. Spike!" Spike came in with a first aid kit. Twilight examined her once more, "This may hurt, but we need to look under your wing." Although she lifted the injured wing gently, Fluttershy tried not to scream, when the pain hurt more then you could imagine.
"Oh dear!" Rarity looked over. Pinkie backed up. Dash's dyes widdened. Applejack rubbed Fluttershy's head in concern. Spike looked terrified.
"Spike a mirror." He quickly ran out. With the hand held mirror the image seemed to horrifying to be real. It looked like the city. It was all bruised, demented, deep cuts and punctures, odd yellow goo, some bone sticking out, and blood where ripped out feathers used to be. She had to keep a hoof to her mouth. Twilight swirled her magic and took the goo and a not noticed tooth in the wound. She jerked in pain. "Sorry I wanna analyze these." She put them in a plastic sealed bag. "Spike wrap her wing up quickly and put some anti-oxide so she doesn't turn into a zombie-demon creature." Spike opened the kit, while Fluttershy widened her eyes. Spike quickly acted like a doctor, and poured the liquid on her soft, almost lifeless wing. She squealed once more as it went into the wounds and stung her like a thousand bees. The pain shocked her once more like it was spreading through her veins in her wings. 'More things to make me miserable....' She thought to herself.
"Sorry Fluttershy!" Spike stopped. He then placed a washcloth on her wing. After that he did some doctor stuff, she felt woozy. The surrounding went fuzzy and black.
Rainbow Dash woke her up gently. "Come on, Fluttershy you gotta get up!" Sounding worried and annoyed at the same time. She lifted her head and got up. She looked at the mirror and sighed, while her eyes glistened. Her left wing was bundled up in white. "Hey it's not like its that serious, you will will probably get to fly uh soon...!"
Fluttershy lifted her head and looked into the mirror. She exhaled deeply and glistened. Then walked over to the window, where evil creepy demon things were still attacking the town. "Girls, we need to do something!"
"Yes, but what exactly?" Rarity stood up.
"Well, you could use-" Spike got cut off.
"We have to fight!" Futtershy spoke like a leader.
"FIGHT?!" They all spoke as if she was crazy. Twilight stepped forward, "I think your tired, you have had a long day and been injured a lot with your head and wing.
"No, we need to save Ponyville!"
Everyone looked at her like she was crazy, except Applejack and Rainbow Dash, "Maybe she's right, we've got to keep things from getting worse." Applejack also stepped forward.
Dash nodded, "For the fate of Equestria!"
"Okay so what are we going to so then? We aren't exactly trained fighters." Twilight asked. She put her head down and then looked up and smiled. "I have an idea! Fluttershy you're right. Okay Jack we need you to herd the creatures into one main area so they can't terrorize the whole world, Rarity we need you to find all the injured and bring them back to the tree, where Spike will tend to them, Pinkie you need to set up and act like a nurse for the patients, make them feel happy, and Dash take the un-injured and put them into sections to fight, and I'll organize and help out with what needs to be helped."
They all nodded in agreement except Fluttershy, "What do I do?" Trying not to sound mad.
"Oh we are going to let you rest, I mean today wasn't you're greatest."
"But I-"
"You need your rest, plus it is going to be scary out there." It was no use auguring against Twilight. She went upstairs with her head down. She wanted to help. She wanted everypony to stay okay. She laid on Twilght's bed and stared out the window. Everyone began to work. She sighed and burrowed her head in the pillow. She tried to sleep, but she couldn't she was to worried. Her legs shook. She closed her eyes and ignored, well tried to ignore the terrifying screams. Finally she closed her eyes and didn't open them, until a scream woke her up. She stood up. She looked out the window. It was worse before. So many dead and injured ponies. So many evil things digging at the poor innocent ponies, "I don't care what Twilight says, I'm going to fight bad wing or no bad wing. She stood up with pride.
'I can do this!' She thought to herself each time she took a step downstairs. Lots of moaning filled the main part of the living room. How she wished she make them feel better, and she was going to help, but something told her she had to be out there in chaos, fighting for Ponyville seemed well right. Se aimed her eyes at the door and locked them there. "Fluttershy what are you doing?" Spike asked like she was mental.
"Going out there."
"Fluttershy! You need to get better, you just demented your wing and earlier you just got out of the hospital with a severe concussion!"
"They need my help, I may not be an experienced fighter, but I'm sure I can help!"
"Cool story bro, but be careful out there." Vinyl Scratch told with a smile, she had her shades off revealing her bright red eyes, with a body cast showing she dislocated her shoulder and deep cuts and stitches. "I had to use my music equipment to fight them, but I think chaos is stronger than Dubstep." She meant as a joke, but instead made her upset. "Good luck, Fluttershy!" Vinyl hugged her for support and then smiled.
She smiled in return and took in a deep breath. Then walked out the door. Her skin felt like a metaphoric glow, it just felt right. "Where to begin?"
"Mraah!" A creature mocked her. At first the creature headed towards here like she was the only thing in sight, but Derpy stopped its image on accident and it headed towards her. It lurked towards her, drooling. Derpy was unaware of the creature at the moment she was traumatized of what was going on. So it easily sank its rotting, sharp fangs into the flesh on her back. She screamed in agony. Fluttershy kicked the ground with her back leg. Anger flowed through her. She ran faster than ever before. She tackled on top of it. She sank her teeth in to the back of its neck, till she tastes blood. She put a hoof below the middle of the shoulder blades. She teeth wrapped her mouth against its spine, and pulled with all her force, until it lead a path along its neck where tell spine and blood spilled out. She spit out and threw it ten feet away.
She got off of it, and ran backwards into a tree. What had she done? She just killed this poor creature! -poor creature- that thing would have killed Derpy, if she hadn't killed it.
A tingling sense felt like it was going to electrify her body, it felt so amazing like fate wanted her to. Something got in her eyes like she was imagining something that she couldn't stop. Images bounced in her head like they were meant to be. A story danced her mind, a story where she was armored in shields with the sea-foam green princess and a young yellow colt on both of her sides ready to battle an evil lord. All you could see was thick black smoke and glowing red eyes in a evil glare. Instead of being scared, she felt ready ready to be a leader, to fight against him. She glanced at the two alicorns aside her they felt so close to her. Like they would always protect her. They were her fam-
The image stopped. Fluttershy tried to remember, but she didn't know what 'fam' meant. Could it be what she was looking for? She shook her head at the thought and focused on the present. "Ha, ha" Rainbow Dash kicked off some of the creatures and told Bon Bon and Moon Dancer to head by Applejack.
"Rainbow Dash, do you need any help?"
"Fluttershy, aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"
"I felt like I had to help, to do something."
Rainbow Dash smiled as she punched away a creature, "Sweet, I think my coolness is catching on to you." She teased. "You can stand with me to fight against them." Fluttershy nodded. A group of the creatures lurked towards her. Dash kicked him off and defeated them with her skills.
Futtershy aimed at one and lept on one and kicked it with her back legs to city halls walls. It grunted as it clawed her. With her anger, she snapped its neck and it fell to the ground. She sucked on the puncture. And headed back over to Rainbow Dash. Dash widened her eyes. "Nice job!" She surprisingly, sacredly said.
For the rest of the night, with pride she, Dash, Jack, and the other ponies who had enough strength to fight, fought against the demons. With sweat, came more pride and more almost memories. It almost seemed there were more ponies, then they're were in Equestria. So many brave ponies fell in the fight. Leaving only the three left to defend Ponyville and also themselves. Although there were only three left, there seemed to be no creatures left in Ponyville. Fluttershy and Dash smiled, as Applejack wiped a sweat off. "I'm going to do a last check above town, to make sure there are none left." Rainbow Dash flew away, like she was in a race.
"Maybe we can finally relax." Applejack stretched, closed her eyes and smiled. Fluttershy also closed her eyes and tried to relaxed.
It was so peaceful, too bad it was cut off by, "Mraah!" Four creatures walked towards them, glowing eyes and all.
"You have got too be kidding me." Applejack facepalmed herself. "We'll let's get this over with." Applejack and Fluttershy ran up towards them. Applejack seemed to feel like she was fighting balloons or something similar to that, while Fluttershy felt as though she was running out of breath. But that still didn't stop her. Applejack back kicked one to death. Then wrestled with another. Fluttershy pounced on one put it pushed her off. She caught her breath once more and karate kicked to wall to leave it lifeless.
If there we only four, two would be left and Applejack was handling one, one was still in-harmed. The only problem was where was it. Sharp knives like things punctured into her back in clawed its way down, Fluttershy couldn't move. The creature evily laughed. "This can't be my final moment". Suddenly Rainbow Dash pushed away the creature and punched it to death.
"Don't worry it's not, and we are clear that's the last one." Dash pointed to Applejack, who was clearly losing the fight. "Let's go!"
She and Rainbow Dash grabbed the creature. Futtershy grabbed its face and put a trance on it, 'The Stare'. It's eyes settled on hers, when it turned to a hypothesis pattern. Rainbow Dash kicked off his body, till all that was left in her hooves was its head. In disgust, she dropped the head.
"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. Lets go back to Twilight's." The three headed back to the library/hospital. Never in her life had Fluttershy, experienced something so enthusiastic. It may be a bad thing to say, but Flutterhsy wanted to do it all over again. Fight and defeat evil.
When they got back to Twilight's. The door revealed an upset Spike, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity.
"What happened?" Fluttershy asked concernly and curiously.
"Lyra, passed away!" Twilight was the only of the four to be able to speak, "Just moments ago in one of the hospital cots. She was attacked to badly." She put her head down letting the tears on the floor.
"See was the best person to party with, next to Derpy and me." Pinkie Pie bawled. Fluttershy lowered her head, also dropping tears of sadness.
Changing the subject, "Girls lets head upstairs to my room, it's very loud and crowded in here. Spike get the first aid kit and some icepacks." They all followed Twilight to her room. When Spike got to the room, he started on Fluttershy's back and Applejack's ice pack and open first aid kit to whom needs it.
"What do you girls, think those things are?" Twilight as the leader asked.
"They all had the same cutie mark." Rarity told.
"They all looked like zombies." Pinkie told.
"True, I wish Princess Celestia, finished the sample I sent her." Twilght's shook her leg.
"They seemed simply sort of just going for us, only attacking other ponies in their way." Fluttershy stood up.
"Really, what about the buildings though?"
"I don't know about that, they just seemed to wreck everything anywhere, maybe they were looking for us?"
"Could be, but why would they be looking for us? Who wants us?"
"No offense Twi, but um how many villains did we face. Mare and the Moon, Discord, Leader of the Changlings, and King Somber." Rainbow Dash debated. Twilight nodded.
"*Burp*" green fire spat out.
"Spike!" Twilight annoyingly yelled.
"No, it's a note." Here.
With her magic, she read it aloud. "Dear Twilight, it is urgent you come to the Canterlot Palace immedeatly. Something terrible has happened and we need you and your friends to help."